he iis leaviing me !
Thursday, November 30 @ 9:02 PM
iit wAs really rEally thE Last dAe ii sAw muii boiiprenn.
dEn aftEr todAe.
ii wudd b shoo sadd &&lonely.
shoo sAdd.
he's Leaviing.
hE iish goiing to KL fer ii dunno 10 dAes or sumtynkk.
iiM waiittynk fEr hiis cum bAckk.
ii wiill miishh hiis Laughter, smiiLe dA wAe he mAkes Me Cry, Majok &&etc.
ii realii2 miish hym shoo much!
kk. ii sounded shoo lyke he issh leAviing me fErevA.
no Larhx.
tAt iish not goiing to hAppen.=p
Erm, stop here.
i will b waiitynk fer hym to cum bAck.
&&i'll update soon.
Tata. Tkcr!
eLiizAd <33
*~iiM shoo sAdd &&lonelyy

go east coast agaiin!
Tuesday, November 28 @ 10:30 PM
todae 28Nov.
ii wEnt to eAts coAst wiif sheEra, shikin, Ct, shiidot, fAii &&hiis fwenz.
ferst ii meet upp wiif shiidot.
den meet upp sheera , faii &&his 2 other fwens &&sheera little bro.
den meet upp ct & shikin at Boots &&shoes.
we oso went wiif 2E4studentt. siince dey are goiing the same wae.
tapii wen reAch dEre, we go SEPERATE waes.
thank godd!
dEn we nAek 966 together.
me, shikin, shidot &ct sat together iin front.
whiiLe the rEstt sAt bhiind.
Erm. den msg-iing wiif my boiipren found outt tat he was goiing dere too.
so jus meet upp at dere lor.
dEn fiind pLaces. aLreadyy fiind.
go changee &&den shikin &&ct hiit the seA.
ii go up the rock &&siit at dere.
ii jus wantedd to relaxx muii miind.
den muii boiipren msg me.
"dok2 pat batu sorang, ade ape jer tau niie"
&&ii was lyke how he found outt.
rupernyer he already arriivedd &&he jus see.
den ii go putt muii beg neAr hiis, kk wiif hiis!
dEn WE all hiit the seA.
the gurl maen boLa, some hiit the beach. the boys skiim &&some other jus lepak2 laughiing awae.
aroundd 20miins or shoo.
the gurls go mAcdonaLd to eAt.
dEn shikin meet upp aidiL &anuar.
we were supriised. Erm, den sumtynk NOt planeed happened.
buut iits over. relax kae sheera. =)
dEn we eAt but sheera wasn't dere.
mE &&shidot was lyke worryiing fer her whiiLe eAtiing.
so we deciided to call hyr upp to c how iis iit.
LuckiiLy iits good.
den we contiinue eAt.
get bck to the seA &&contiinued.
aroundd 5.00 or shoo.
everiione left the beAch except fer Me, muii boiipren &&ahmad.
we contiinued haviing fun untill 8+ lyke tat.
den washhed upp.
nAek bus 966, go cozwae buy driinks.
den at cozwae, ii saw shikin dunno wiif who lar.
&&den go home.
muii boiipren sent me home. thank eu daddy!!
ouhh yaa, hiis foot bleed bcoz off me.. soryy!!
den we wentt home at aroundd 9+ lyke tat.
Hehe! tata.gudnytes!
eLiizAd <33

hApii fEet.
@ 10:02 PM
27 Nov.
ii wEntt to cozwAe wiif muii boiiprenn.
dEn mEet upp hussiien, farhan, errie, sheevash&& his gf n the gf fren.
hMmp! dey all eAt aLreAdyy nvr wAiit fer uSs.
k Lahh. our fault jugAk Lar coz wE supposeed to meet at Boots &shoes at 3.45pm.
tapii kiite sampaii at 4.30 lyke tat.
nvm, we oso nvr planned to eat at long john.
kk dEn we go waLk2 aroundd cozwAe.
den ii tell muii boiifrenn to buyy tiicket ferst llor, den meet dey all later agaiin.
k off we go to the moviie counter.
Me &&muii boiipren watchiing Happy fEet thiis tyMe.
the show was cute, adorable &&funny.
the babyy peguuiins were shoo cuteee!!
kk bck to realiity,
den we choose siit. biiase lar.
the normal siit we owaes took. LOVER'Ssiit.
dEn we take the tyme at 7.30 but the tyme iis 5.30pm. lagiie lambat seyy startt.
kk after tat, meet the other at outsiide metro shopp den go tiime-zone.
the boiis wants to race2 maen kereta lar, motor lar. haiiz.
den ii siit dere lyke wad waiitiing tiil 7.00pm. BORIING!!
afta tat. already 6.45pm den dey want to go home, so me &muii boiiprenn siit outsiide the tiicket counter &&waiitedd tiill our moviie number iis flashedd outt.
waiitedd && waiitedd.
dA pLacedd maken pAckedd so we deciided to buyy the popcorn &&stuff ferst.
den wE liine upp punyer lar lambat.
by the tyme iit reAch us, the moviie number jus flashhed out. On tyme seyy.
kk den buy alreadyy russh iin.
siit at our siit &den waiit tiil the moviie startedd.
lyke ii sAe the moviie was funny, adorable &&cute.
bLahh bLahh bLahh.
after the show iit wAs aroundd 9.15 ii guess.
den siince we twu hungryy we deciided to eat at pAsta maniia agaiin.
den iin the miidle of ourr food den sumtiink come upp to muii miind.
omg! den ii forgotten, den iits alreadyy 10+ all shopp has close down except food shopp.
so we hurriedly eat our food den go home.
eLiizAd <33

Sunday, November 26 @ 12:47 PM

25 Nov ii went to the zoo.
iit was Fun but smelly onlii for some places of aniimals.
we went to see polar bears, monkeys, pony, elephants shows, white tiger, cows, rabbits n many more.
about the elephants shows.
we wEnt to the neArest show &&luckiiLy iit iis about twu stArt.
so we fiind ouselves a siit.
Erm, ferst they show us wad monkeys can do.
dEn OMG! the host walk around to fiind a bag whiich belongs to hyr luckiily she put in front so iits far from us.
suddenly, tada!! a snake iinsiide hyr beg.
luckii fer the front coz iit iss tiiny wiiney.
dEn da host go all the wae near my siit whiich is 2 siit from my left.
den neAr me wAs a BIG box, ii tot notynk.
TADA!! she opens a box n out come a ginormous big fat SNAKES.
n ii was the most nearest, ii go OMG OMG OMG!!!
haha. the memoriies ii cuddn't fergett.
After the snakes, iit was the sealiion turn, but den the sealiion was shy so he/she diidn't perform.
kk, so we went to another show tat was about to startedd.
iit was the elephants shows.
dere is 5 elephants dere.
theiir name was, gambir, intan, irwan, jati &&another one ii forgotten.
they sLpashed water at us tapii jauh jadii tk kene.
erm. show us how to got up to the elephants, hoe dey sleep, bath n many more.
kk enuff wiif tAt.
after a long dae of walkiing siince 9+ to 4+.
we wen to the children playiing pools.
childrenland or sumtynk lyke tat.
den hav fun dere, ii didn't wen in the pools coz ii neva briing extra shiirts.
so ii liied down n take a rest.
den iim started to feel bored, my sis ask me if ii wanna put our legs in the water.
so ii followed hyr n relax our tiired feet iin da swiimiing water.
erm. siince the water was about high as out ankle, my sis and me deciided to walk in the miidle oof the pool n try not to get wett.
Haha. ok lar. we both didn't get Shoo wet, onlii aliitle. but iits okae.
den we all stop as iit was about to raiin.
shoo we quiickly ran to the exiit.
&&whiile waiitiing fer the raiin to stop.
we all started to get hungry.
siince KFC was near to us.
we ordered 1 chesse friies &a coke.
the kiids was fast n wen ii was about to eat the friies.
dey sae fiiniish alreadyy. haiiz.
so me &&khayli ask fer money agiin and thiis tyme,
we ordered 2 cheese friies &&1iced milo &&another coke.
luckiily one of the friies khayli took ferst &&she asked me to shared wiif hyr.
so iit was lyke the whole coke &&cheese friies onlii for me &&khayli. great!
ahaha. kk, the raiin started to stop so we get in the car &&off we go to banquett at cozwae.
we eatt &&den went home &&all head at piillows.
everiione to bedd allthough iits 8+pm bcoz we all tiired, TOOtiired.
kk till todae iim still tiired.
ii wnt to sleep early todae.
eLiizAd <33
Labels: zoo

dAes oFf Muii LyfEe
Friday, November 24 @ 9:07 PM
22 NovEmber~
iit was eLiizAd 7th month aniivErsAryy.
ii wEnt outt iin the Morniing to wdls mArt at 10 iin the morniing wiif mummy.
den procedd twu SengkAngg &&den yEw tEe 2 meet uup khayli mum &&others.
&&dEn aftEr tAt wEnt bck hoMe &&the tyMe alreAdii 7+.
dEn mEet upp boiiprenn siince hE wAs at tEkonngg pArkk.
dEn go hoMee at aroundd 9+ Larhx.
notynkk muchh happen tAt dAe.
bLahh bLahh blAhh.
23 NovEmbEr~
ii vomiit bLood the thiird tyme ii throw upp.
ii wAs siick.
ii wAs sLepiing &&at 5am suddenlyy wAke upp &&need to thrown upp.
dEn sLeep bAck &&at 9 wAke upp bAck &&need to throw agaiin.
dEn suddenlyy deciided to stAy upp coz ii wAs feeLiing so siick.
ii calledd upp my boiiprenn to iinform hym ii was unwell.
den he was woriiedd.
so he deciided to meet upp&& tkcr of me &¬ go to werkk.
wEn ii meet hym upp.
ii was feeliing ok-ok but stiil liiviing iin the roller coaster.
dEn he wAn go CozwAe coz ii hAven't eAt siince yEsterdAe.
but dEn ii hav no the mood to eAt.
so everyy Food ii sEe wAs diisgustiing, aliitle..
dEn he Ate &&i jus drAnk wAter.
he Forcedd me to eAt the burgEr but ii cAn't.
dEN he dAred Me to eAt 1/4 of the burgEr iif ii Love hym. so ii eAt iit.
but stiill tk sAmpaii 1/4.. Haha!
dEn we go walk round2 at the cozwAe.
wE buy sAme shiirts at l.p zoNe.
bLack colour.
dEn baLek siiAngg siinCe muii temp. becumiing hotter.
ii was too tiiredd yEt siick to stAy awAkee shoo ii sLeep eArLy tAt dAe.
at nytEe iit worsEn't but ii jus Try &&sleep.
24 NovEmber~
Muii muMmy &&me go to muii skooll to buyy muii skool books.
ii tot the uniiform was sales everiidae lyke the book stockks.
but dEn fer sEc3 & 4 wAs soLd on 16-19 dEcembEr. goShh!!
ii was duedd.
LuckiiLy ade repeat sAles but dEn on 26-29 dEc.
wAHh Liiao! so longg.
ii cAn wAiit. dEn go notynkk iin the Afternoon exceppt siit at hoMe &&stAred at the Comp.
kk. ii Still abiit siiCk..
ii wAn rEst. nytEs.
eLiizAd <33

vivo ciity.
Monday, November 20 @ 1:40 PM
19 Nov
kk, ii mean abt the stupiid romours abt hym..
Arhh!! ii dn't believe..ii trust hym..
ii dn't tynk he wouldd do tat to me too larhxx..
kk dot.
ii wEnt outt wiif My cousiinz &&aunt..
we planned of goiing Vivo ciity.
&&ii keep askiing watchiing moviie izzitt??
Me wiif My ques.
of course, ii heard iit was no. 1 largest screen in s'pore.
curiious sehh mestii uhh nk checkk iit outt..
Later iigo wiif hym, we go checkk iit out together.. =p
kk. we meet at habourfrontt banquett at 12.30pm.
siince everiione haven't hadd breakfast so we eat there.
one food stall cauught my attentiion..
ii don't knw how..
Cockles char keow teow..
iit was deliiciious.. my goodness..
the best char keow teowi ever tastedd allthough iit was mt ferst tyme tryiing tat food.
but OMG!! ii tynk iim startiing to LOVE tat food laa..
den we wen around vivo ciity..
den tiired nk dudok2, found outt tat at the roof top got small pool..
hAaha so we went there to play wiif water..
ii went iin jus to put my leg in the water..
coz ii nvr briing extra clothess &&jeans..
nvm.. funn wadd.. lyke small kiids..
dEn wEn home &&get change.. rest n den sleepp..
too tiiredd...
den todae tot of meetiing hym bcoz he say he change the werk time..
he start late.. se we tynkiing of meetiing upp..
but den his bro call to come down now.. later he put more extra gajii..
so hee go.. nvm ii understandd..
kk. me now still tiiredd..
ii want to sliip..
Nytez, ii mean afternoon..
eLiizAd <33>
//ii love eu//

15/16 November.
Friday, November 17 @ 11:18 AM
ii wanNa updAte aboutt 15 &&16 NovembEr..
kiindA of a combiinAtiioN..
bLah bLah bLahh..
[[15 November]]
iit wAs supposedd to b my boiiprEn ferSt dAe oF wErkk.
But dEn hiis brothEr Askk hym to Close dwn the Shopp EarLy as iit wAs RaiiNiing or sumtyNkk..
So hE wEn hoMe eaRLy..
We mEet upp.. iim so hapii to Meet Hym..
We go jLn2 &&dEn My Shoes torN outt bcoZ ii go &&go sumtynk stupiid.
dEn eu knw wAdd my boiiprEn do??
He carriiEd Me by hiis bAckk..
tAt iss shOo swiit.. ii Ask hym so manyy tyMe to Let me dwN but hE sAe tkk berat Laa.. jus hoLd Me tiTe..
Swiit kAn..
hAiiz.. dEn wEn hE sEnt Me bCk tiLL my bLk Liift..
He hugg Me titE.. so doEs iie.. dEn suddEnLy ii breAk down iinto teArs..
dEn hE fEeL hiis ShouLder wEre wEt so hE slowly wiipe my teArs tAt were rOLLiing down my chEeks..
dEn he kiisS My foreheAdd dEn he sAe.. "ii wiill nvm leave eu pwiincess."
&& ii juz SmiiLe at hyM..
tAts wAs My LAst dAe tAt ii sAw Hym..
sAd sAd sAd..
[[16 Nov]]
ii wEnt outt wiif khAtiijAhh tAt dAe.
fErst wE go buyy Moviie tiickEtts..
wE wAtchiing MateriiaLs gurLs..
the moviie iis Shoo dAmn quiiCkk.. Lyke so fAst 1.20 to 3+ lyke tat..
the moviie was shoo giirL ruLes..
ii Mean iit was all totally abt gurLs.. ii Love iit..
iin the ceriite ii love hiLaryy bf but ii love hiLaryy sistEr nyer perAgaii.
bcoz she was treatedd lyke a pwiincess.. Lyke Me!!
n ouhh we got one tynk iin command..
She hates cat!! Lyke Mee!!! ahAha
dEn we go eAt tAke neo-prrint &&mEet upp the rEst of the gurLs..
thEre iis a Little iinciideNt whiiLe otw mEetiing dEmm..
butt iit ovEr..
ouhh yA whiiLe ii wAs Leaviing cozwae..
"someone" ran upp to Me && sae..
"elnaa, ii saw yr boiipren last week wiith another giirl holdiing handds at the tyme zone."
&& ii was lyke wad the hell iis goiing on..
ii jus walk awae from hym &&tears droppiing whiile no one knws except for kt.. she saw..
iits totally not true!! coz ii trust my boiipren &&he will nvm play tiiMer with Me!!
but who shoulld ii trusst??
iiM shoo dAmn hurt &&confusedd..
eLiizAd <33
//Am ii your one &&onlii? ii want to kknw the truth &&den ii deciide//

Tuesday, November 14 @ 11:48 PM

Todae ii go outt wiif My boiiprEnn to sEmbAwang to buy miiE muii hAiir sprAyy..
ii hAve 2.. iit wAs Lyke the Most important tynk For muii hAiir..
SeriiousLy.. if tkdE tu.. my haiir tk nAmpk curL..
hEehe.. so wE go buy tAt tyNk n dEn eAt at triipLe8 KFC..
hAha.. mE &&hym mEssedd upp our Food sEyy..
hE arE.. stArt fErst.. put the chEese frM chEese friieS at My nosE..
dEn ii go n put at hiis hAnd dEn pLay2 Arh..
hAiiyOoh Lyke sMall kiid seeyy!! ChiiLd-diiSsh but FUNN!!
13 Nov
ii stiLL seArchiing for the haiir lotiion..
FINALLY!! got iit.. Hah!! at Last.. Found iit.. thAnks to hyM tAt he spottedd iit..
hMmm.. dEn at 6+ go n mEet upp FarhAn, huSsiiEn &&shEevAshh..
dunno Lahh dEy wnt wAdd..
dEn arouNdd 7.10 Lyke tAt go hoMe..
coz EveriionE HAVE to go home.. so does me &&my boiiprenn..
haiiz.. 2mrw he startedd work alreAdyy dEn contiinue untiiL 1 dEcembEr..
oN 1st dEcembEr his FamiiLy wAn to go KL untiL 10 dEcembEr..
so todae was my Last dAe mEetiing hyM n ii havE to suffEred untiL 10 dEcembEr.. My goddneSs..
ii'm goiing to Miiss hiis everytyNkk..
Laughh, SmiiLe, jokEss &&the wae he owaes bully me..
dEn both our prepAiid Low how to contAct??
nvm.. 2morow ii go top up n dEn i go transferred hym soMe of miiNe..
tAt wAe iits eAsyy..
kk.. iits Late.. ii got to sLeep.. so dAmn tiirEdd..
Nytez to aLL..
eLiizAd <33

go Moviie2!
Saturday, November 11 @ 12:15 AM

b4 wAtchiing the Moviie..
My show tiickEttss..
We after wAtchiing thE Moviie..
10 novEmbEr..
ii wEnt outt wiif Lisa LisLott, Shidahh shiidott && Kt Eja.
wE go wAtch Moviie Step upp..
wE wAntedd to c At cozwAe but dEy hAven't Show yEt..
So wE wAtch At yiiShuN.. goLdEn viiLagE..
hMmm.. wE arrivEd dEre At 12+ but thE show stArtedd At 2.10pm..
So We go eAtt at KFC.. ii eat studEnt Meal Fish-oLe!! my fAvouriite!!
Erm, dEn go tAke nEo-priiNts.. stupidd mAchiiNe.. ii hAte iit..
dEn go Run to the theater scAred wE miisEd the Show coz iit iis aLreAdy 2.07pm..
dEn After tHe shOw iit wAs 4+ Lyke tAt..
dEn tAke neo-priint agAiin dEn go Home..
ii mEet upp My boiiprEn at the bus-stopp dEn go sEmbAwAngg Sun-pLaza..
dEn go cozwAe eAt at pAsta Maniia..
ohh yAa ii sAw Abg bAbystAr* he smiiLedd at Me.
dEn aroundd 10+ go Homee..
Now vErii tiirEdd.. didn't gEt to sLepp well for the pAst 3 dAes or mre ii guEss..
kk..im done wiith my dAe..
Tata.. tkcr!!
eLiizAd <33

Go Moviie!
Friday, November 10 @ 11:21 PM

(Piictures Of Me &&hym Takiing Neo-Priint && My moviie TiickEt.)
oN thursdAe 9-Nov
ii wAs suppoSedd To b kuAr rAye wiiF My oLd fwEn/priiMary sKooL fwEn..
but dEn iit wAs cAnceLedd..
So sAdd.. So ii wEnt Outt wiiTh My boiprEn..
hMm.. ii Follow hyM go tEkoNg goT Soccer mAtch wiiF thE AdmirAlty kiids..
hMmm.. dEy confiidEnt sAe confErm tEkong kaLah tEkong kALah..
but dEn thEy Are wrOng TEKONG WIINS!!
ii Forget scorEdd how Muchh..
but ii rEmembEr My boiiprEn scOred 2 goALs!! ((:
hAiiz.. tAt wAs thE gOod News.. the bAd nEws iis..
hE gt hiiT mAnyy tyMe.. EverioNe wAnts tacLe Hym..
haiiz.. got the Ball to hiss fAce Lar.. the eLbow to thE Eyes n the Leg kEne kiiCk.. All tAt uhh.. butt iim proud of hyM tAt hE don't diisApoiint thE whoLe teAm ((:
but hiis fAce Blue-bLack.. piity-nEss..
After tAt.. wE wEnt cozwAe at 6+ LykE tAt..
dEn whiiLe chEckiing outt thE LastEst Moviie..
wE sAw kAk yAtiie, kAk nyniiE, wiirA, Eve n Erm.. the rEst ii dn't knw..
hmm.. wiRa waLk pAst uSs n sAe wAtch The grudge 2..
well, we didn't pLanned wAd to c So wE jus wAtch the scAryy Moviie Laa..
hMm.. Me n my boiprEn siit At the Last Row the the coNner..
iit wAs for the Lover's siit coz both siit are togeTher n there is notynk in the middLe.
wAhh!! So romAntiic.. hAaha..
tHe Show wAs reALLy dAmn scAryy nn got So manyy suspEndd..
ii Keep huggiiNg hym n cLossing my Eyes..
Takott tAu.. hEehe..
dEn After thE show iit wAs Aroundd 9.30 Most oF thE shoP at cozwAe cLosedd aLreAdyy..
but not priint Clubb..
n guEss wAdd?? Me n my boiiprEn tOok nEo-priiNts.. iit wAs his fErst tyMe tAke nEo-priiNt whiiLe iits My fErst tyMe tAkiing piiC wiitH a bOii or shud ii sAe a boiifrEn.. xD
paiisEyy tAuu.. but it turNs outt quiitE well..
dEn go hoMe arouNd 11+..
hEehe.. kk.. &&im doNe..
eLiizAd <33

Hari rAye!
Wednesday, November 8 @ 10:28 AM

ii hAv been goiing for raye for the past 3 daes..
iit was Fun.. Haha..
We onlii go 4 of uSs..
eLnaA eLmo // LiisA LisLot // Shidah shidot // Kt Eja.
we go many house but most of dem giv alasAn..
Liike mum not at home, nk kluar, pat Luar n etc..
Erm.. todae we 4 are goiing raye agaiin.. Haha..
Oh yaa, yestErdAe we tOok sOme nEo-priiNtat Lot 1..
One of the mAchiine wAs spoiiLed so the curtAiin bEhiind wEre Lyke Makking Noiise &&spoiiLed our fAces in the piic..
Haha.. but we do have Fun..
eLiizAd <33
Labels: raya

Malaysiia triip
Sunday, November 5 @ 11:08 PM

We!! PwEetii pwetii..

Me &&aqiiLah!!

Duriing PrActiice!! Me, khAyLi &&iirA..
Well, iim bck frm malaysiia..
now iim at home wriitting abt my dae dere..
ii was hoppiing tat my hotel wud b so high class..
well my wiishes cum true..
iit was more den wad ii expectedd.
iit iis so damn nyce.. of course siince its 1st class in all hotel..
b4 ii go to my room.. ii go to the hall ferst to chEck how the wedding hall looks lyke..
so ii went iin with all other ppl..
me n my fav cuzzins, aqilah where lyke.. OMG!! OMG!! the place was soo incredible n the pelamiin was so dame prettyOMG!! OMG!!
we were IINSANEDD back dere..
after beiing aliittle craziie.. we get bck to our own room..
miine room door was 101. n beside my door was khayli's.. Haha..
so we keep knockiing on each other door..
After un-packiing all my stuff..
ii go n order my food usiing the phone n so did the others..
den 20mins later or so..
our food arrivedd.. so we eat together..Yum-yum.. the food was delicious.
2 thumbs up!!
den after eatiing me, naiya, zack, khayli, maiirah ran all the way to the swimming pool..
the swimming pool was OMG!! huge!! haha.. no lar..
iit was niice.. i love iit.. oh godd ii want tat kiind of swimming pool at my home.. Haha..iif onlii i couldd
den the whole pool was filled wiith our own big happy family..
iits lyke our OWN pool.. iisn't tat greAt..
kk.. den 4.30 we get out frm the pool n rest n washedd up..
gO For a short rehearseL aNd done!!
after that everyone get ready for the wedding dinner..
ii was nervous as we all need to b walkiing wiith the bride n grooms..
At 7.15 we all gathered at the lobby n waited for each other..
wen me n aqilah walked iin everyone was liike looking at both of us..
bcoz we are the pretiiest n cute.. Haha..
den after we sat down the pegantin mum call us to get ready as the pegantiin is waiting for us up stairs..
so we all go up n meet the pegantiin..
they were gorgeous.. den here come the nervous part..
everyone get a patner each n hold hands..
the dey announced like "let's welcome the bride n groom" so the light went off n the spotlight were like pointing at us n we were supposed to be walking with the pegantin till the stage means we also go up the stage.. My goddness..
so 500 pairs of eyes were lyke looking at us..
ii was so nervous..
iits my ferst time..
den after tat all of us at the stage were lyke when are we going out from the stage..
now can?? can?? Haha..
den take2 picture.. mcm famous gitu.. Mcm paham..
den after tat we all turon stage..
den eat.. ii was treatedd lyke the priincess seh..
den got of of the waiiter.. he was Lykke Everything To me ferst although ii change pLace..
khAyLi sAe he Liike Me..
nN ii wAs "iiMmoposiibLe"..
hAha.. Malaysiian guyy.. No wAe..
ii hAv My guyy at s'pOre.. ii Miis hyM aLot aLot!!
Erm.. den after thE weddinng.. We all tOok photo w/ the pegAntiin.
den all the waiiter n waiiters kEmas2.. den We all saw 2 suTun..
one of dEm nk tErjAtoh.. so he wAs Lyke.. oh mak kau terbalek... n we all laughedd..
n one More.. hE wAs Lookiing at the Mirror n holdiing his chEek n sAe..
aLamak Make-up ii.. we all laughed out our lougs outt.. Haha..
den the nExt dAe.. iin thE morniing we go for breAkfAst..
ii Eat CereaL.. n Egg w/ breAd.. My mum ask me too try alittle biit of Nasii Lemak siince all the Food in the Restoraunt wAs Free.. Hehe!!
den go For a Swiim fer the Last tyMe.. dEn chEckoutt At 12.00..
hMm.. dE go My Aunt New House.. Huge!! 3 storEy!! Wow!! i wiiSh ii LiVe thEre..
dEn go shOppiing.. n dEn go bCk To S'porE.. ((:
n now here i aM at hOme..
we gonna miss M suiites..
iit gOod To b hOme agAiin..
eLiizAd <33
Labels: malaysia

East coAst
Friday, November 3 @ 8:36 PM

We At East coAst wiithouT Me coz iiM tAkiing iiT.

Hym wiif hiis SkiimboArd..

Me &&Hym At East coAst <33 !

Another piic Of uSs (=
3 Nov3mb3r..
we al planned to go east coast..
dEre is me, my bf, farhan. error, botak iis dere..
but hussien, kak nynie & kak ais wasn't dere..
we meet at 8.00 under my blk..
den wen reach dere.. we all go Mcd for breakfast n den go to the beAch..
of course!! my bf skiim n the rest wnt to try too..
Haha.. Fun Lar.. goiing dEre.. but dey keep failiing..
den my bf pull me to the seA.. Erm.. eventually.. ii didn't bring any extra shiirts or wad.. hm.. i have to get dry b2 alightiing the bus of course..
Haha.. it was Fun..
dEn i n my bf drew our nAme at the sand
we wrote "eLiizAd" den got crown n volcom..
Haha.. take piic all tat.. change n den go home..
den skalii..baru sampaii wdls.. kak geniie called..
she saiid she iis at east coast now..
n saw my drawiing all tat laa.. Haha.. so funiie..
hMm.. dEn go riide round wdls.. wiif my boii..
den saw shiidot at the busstop wiif her sister n mum..
Haha.. saw so manyy ppl.. tat knw the both of us.. Hah!!
kk.. tAts all.. Erm.. ii wnt to packed upp my tiings..
2mr goiing malaysiia.. 2 daes 1 niite.. ii will miss hym alot one..
dAda.. tkcr.. Mwah!!
eLiizAd <33

Thursday, November 2 @ 10:34 PM
well, tiiz morning ii update ryte??
ii saiid.. todae was full of bored-ness..
well, not untill ii meet my bf, error &&farhan.. Haha..
ii mEet iizAd at 6.30 lyke tAt under my blkk..
dEn tiis cOme the bEst pArt..
we briing alonng a biike &&we riide iit..
iit wAs Fun.. ferst me n iizad go wdls mart&civic ferst..
den suddenly, error called n ask to follow go cozwae to buy sumtynk..
so we say okae n meet up at hiis house..
we oso briing alongg farhan.. Haha..
den we race Lar..
ii realii hold my bf tight ii was so scared..
bcoz ferst tyme tompang org... n he really riide really fast..hEhe..
A niight wiif the biike, ii will keep iin my memoriie..
iit wAs Fun.. den abt 8.45pm ii wEnt homE.. Haha..
tAts All..
dAda.. tkcr!!
eLiizAd <33

boredd larx..
@ 3:50 PM
Now ii am siitiing updatiing my blog wiith lots lots of bored-ness..
Erm.. tiiz morning ii wet to NUH wiif my mum..
To get naiiya iinjectedd.. Haha!!
we left house at 8+ iin the morning.. ii was quiite sleppy..
den after the iinjectiion we went eatiing at kopiitiam..
ii eat at stall "ole-ole nasi padang"
ii eat erm.. rice with chicken.. yum yum.. tat iis wad ii owaes eat outsiide..
den after tat.. wen home naek bus 963.. iin the bus ii sleep sehh..
den.. got back home n update my blogiie..
kk.. i want to call up anyone to go lepakk uhh.. so boredd lerx..
dada.. tkcr!
eLiizAd <33

@ 3:38 PM
Yesterdae(1 Nov), ii went outt berAye wiif frEnz..
ferst ii &&bf meet An n den we all meet up
the rest outsiide Boots &&shoes..
dEn there iis me, iizad, farhan, kak yatii, kak aiis, kak nynie, errie, hussien,
baha, aiizad, ghaffar, iiye &&sheevash..
iit wAs funn Lar..
ii hAd Funn..but wEn cumiing to iizAd grammA house..
ii ask kak yatii to siit besiide me.. jus to make sure..
ii wAs quiite nervous.. but den ii was supriised dey knw iim
iizad gurl.. heh!! maluu.. =p
den after tAt around 9.30 or so.. we went baCk homE..
ohh yAa.. my shoe brokeen.. Haha..
tAts all ii have to updateed..
eLiizAd <33