Tuesday, November 14 @ 11:48 PM

Todae ii go outt wiif My boiiprEnn to sEmbAwang to buy miiE muii hAiir sprAyy..
ii hAve 2.. iit wAs Lyke the Most important tynk For muii hAiir..
SeriiousLy.. if tkdE tu.. my haiir tk nAmpk curL..
hEehe.. so wE go buy tAt tyNk n dEn eAt at triipLe8 KFC..
hAha.. mE &&hym mEssedd upp our Food sEyy..
hE arE.. stArt fErst.. put the chEese frM chEese friieS at My nosE..
dEn ii go n put at hiis hAnd dEn pLay2 Arh..
hAiiyOoh Lyke sMall kiid seeyy!! ChiiLd-diiSsh but FUNN!!
13 Nov
ii stiLL seArchiing for the haiir lotiion..
FINALLY!! got iit.. Hah!! at Last.. Found iit.. thAnks to hyM tAt he spottedd iit..
hMmm.. dEn at 6+ go n mEet upp FarhAn, huSsiiEn &&shEevAshh..
dunno Lahh dEy wnt wAdd..
dEn arouNdd 7.10 Lyke tAt go hoMe..
coz EveriionE HAVE to go home.. so does me &&my boiiprenn..
haiiz.. 2mrw he startedd work alreAdyy dEn contiinue untiiL 1 dEcembEr..
oN 1st dEcembEr his FamiiLy wAn to go KL untiL 10 dEcembEr..
so todae was my Last dAe mEetiing hyM n ii havE to suffEred untiL 10 dEcembEr.. My goddneSs..
ii'm goiing to Miiss hiis everytyNkk..
Laughh, SmiiLe, jokEss &&the wae he owaes bully me..
dEn both our prepAiid Low how to contAct??
nvm.. 2morow ii go top up n dEn i go transferred hym soMe of miiNe..
tAt wAe iits eAsyy..
kk.. iits Late.. ii got to sLeep.. so dAmn tiirEdd..
Nytez to aLL..
eLiizAd <33