vivo ciity.
Monday, November 20 @ 1:40 PM
19 Nov
Me &&my boiipren were fiine.
wad was ii sayiing..
we were owaes fiine..kk, ii mean abt the stupiid romours abt hym..
Arhh!! ii dn't believe..ii trust hym..
ii dn't tynk he wouldd do tat to me too larhxx..
kk dot.
ii wEnt outt wiif My cousiinz &&aunt..
we planned of goiing Vivo ciity.
&&ii keep askiing watchiing moviie izzitt??
Me wiif My ques.
of course, ii heard iit was no. 1 largest screen in s'pore.
curiious sehh mestii uhh nk checkk iit outt..
Later iigo wiif hym, we go checkk iit out together.. =p
kk. we meet at habourfrontt banquett at 12.30pm.
siince everiione haven't hadd breakfast so we eat there.
one food stall cauught my attentiion..
ii don't knw how..
Cockles char keow teow..
iit was deliiciious.. my goodness..
the best char keow teowi ever tastedd allthough iit was mt ferst tyme tryiing tat food.
but OMG!! ii tynk iim startiing to LOVE tat food laa..
den we wen around vivo ciity..
den tiired nk dudok2, found outt tat at the roof top got small pool..
hAaha so we went there to play wiif water..
ii went iin jus to put my leg in the water..
coz ii nvr briing extra clothess &&jeans..
nvm.. funn wadd.. lyke small kiids..
dEn wEn home &&get change.. rest n den sleepp..
too tiiredd...
den todae tot of meetiing hym bcoz he say he change the werk time..
he start late.. se we tynkiing of meetiing upp..
but den his bro call to come down now.. later he put more extra gajii..
so hee go.. nvm ii understandd..
kk. me now still tiiredd..
ii want to sliip..
Nytez, ii mean afternoon..
eLiizAd <33>
//ii love eu//