Malaysiia triip
Sunday, November 5 @ 11:08 PM

We!! PwEetii pwetii..

Me &&aqiiLah!!

Duriing PrActiice!! Me, khAyLi &&iirA..
Well, iim bck frm malaysiia..
now iim at home wriitting abt my dae dere..
ii was hoppiing tat my hotel wud b so high class..
well my wiishes cum true..
iit was more den wad ii expectedd.
iit iis so damn nyce.. of course siince its 1st class in all hotel..
b4 ii go to my room.. ii go to the hall ferst to chEck how the wedding hall looks lyke..
so ii went iin with all other ppl..
me n my fav cuzzins, aqilah where lyke.. OMG!! OMG!! the place was soo incredible n the pelamiin was so dame prettyOMG!! OMG!!
we were IINSANEDD back dere..
after beiing aliittle craziie.. we get bck to our own room..
miine room door was 101. n beside my door was khayli's.. Haha..
so we keep knockiing on each other door..
After un-packiing all my stuff..
ii go n order my food usiing the phone n so did the others..
den 20mins later or so..
our food arrivedd.. so we eat together..Yum-yum.. the food was delicious.
2 thumbs up!!
den after eatiing me, naiya, zack, khayli, maiirah ran all the way to the swimming pool..
the swimming pool was OMG!! huge!! haha.. no lar..
iit was niice.. i love iit.. oh godd ii want tat kiind of swimming pool at my home.. Haha..iif onlii i couldd
den the whole pool was filled wiith our own big happy family..
iits lyke our OWN pool.. iisn't tat greAt..
kk.. den 4.30 we get out frm the pool n rest n washedd up..
gO For a short rehearseL aNd done!!
after that everyone get ready for the wedding dinner..
ii was nervous as we all need to b walkiing wiith the bride n grooms..
At 7.15 we all gathered at the lobby n waited for each other..
wen me n aqilah walked iin everyone was liike looking at both of us..
bcoz we are the pretiiest n cute.. Haha..
den after we sat down the pegantin mum call us to get ready as the pegantiin is waiting for us up stairs..
so we all go up n meet the pegantiin..
they were gorgeous.. den here come the nervous part..
everyone get a patner each n hold hands..
the dey announced like "let's welcome the bride n groom" so the light went off n the spotlight were like pointing at us n we were supposed to be walking with the pegantin till the stage means we also go up the stage.. My goddness..
so 500 pairs of eyes were lyke looking at us..
ii was so nervous..
iits my ferst time..
den after tat all of us at the stage were lyke when are we going out from the stage..
now can?? can?? Haha..
den take2 picture.. mcm famous gitu.. Mcm paham..
den after tat we all turon stage..
den eat.. ii was treatedd lyke the priincess seh..
den got of of the waiiter.. he was Lykke Everything To me ferst although ii change pLace..
khAyLi sAe he Liike Me..
nN ii wAs "iiMmoposiibLe"..
hAha.. Malaysiian guyy.. No wAe..
ii hAv My guyy at s'pOre.. ii Miis hyM aLot aLot!!
Erm.. den after thE weddinng.. We all tOok photo w/ the pegAntiin.
den all the waiiter n waiiters kEmas2.. den We all saw 2 suTun..
one of dEm nk tErjAtoh.. so he wAs Lyke.. oh mak kau terbalek... n we all laughedd..
n one More.. hE wAs Lookiing at the Mirror n holdiing his chEek n sAe..
aLamak Make-up ii.. we all laughed out our lougs outt.. Haha..
den the nExt dAe.. iin thE morniing we go for breAkfAst..
ii Eat CereaL.. n Egg w/ breAd.. My mum ask me too try alittle biit of Nasii Lemak siince all the Food in the Restoraunt wAs Free.. Hehe!!
den go For a Swiim fer the Last tyMe.. dEn chEckoutt At 12.00..
hMm.. dE go My Aunt New House.. Huge!! 3 storEy!! Wow!! i wiiSh ii LiVe thEre..
dEn go shOppiing.. n dEn go bCk To S'porE.. ((:
n now here i aM at hOme..
we gonna miss M suiites..
iit gOod To b hOme agAiin..
eLiizAd <33
Labels: malaysia