Go Moviie!
Friday, November 10 @ 11:21 PM

(Piictures Of Me &&hym Takiing Neo-Priint && My moviie TiickEt.)
oN thursdAe 9-Nov
ii wAs suppoSedd To b kuAr rAye wiiF My oLd fwEn/priiMary sKooL fwEn..
but dEn iit wAs cAnceLedd..
So sAdd.. So ii wEnt Outt wiiTh My boiprEn..
hMm.. ii Follow hyM go tEkoNg goT Soccer mAtch wiiF thE AdmirAlty kiids..
hMmm.. dEy confiidEnt sAe confErm tEkong kaLah tEkong kALah..
but dEn thEy Are wrOng TEKONG WIINS!!
ii Forget scorEdd how Muchh..
but ii rEmembEr My boiiprEn scOred 2 goALs!! ((:
hAiiz.. tAt wAs thE gOod News.. the bAd nEws iis..
hE gt hiiT mAnyy tyMe.. EverioNe wAnts tacLe Hym..
haiiz.. got the Ball to hiss fAce Lar.. the eLbow to thE Eyes n the Leg kEne kiiCk.. All tAt uhh.. butt iim proud of hyM tAt hE don't diisApoiint thE whoLe teAm ((:
but hiis fAce Blue-bLack.. piity-nEss..
After tAt.. wE wEnt cozwAe at 6+ LykE tAt..
dEn whiiLe chEckiing outt thE LastEst Moviie..
wE sAw kAk yAtiie, kAk nyniiE, wiirA, Eve n Erm.. the rEst ii dn't knw..
hmm.. wiRa waLk pAst uSs n sAe wAtch The grudge 2..
well, we didn't pLanned wAd to c So wE jus wAtch the scAryy Moviie Laa..
hMm.. Me n my boiprEn siit At the Last Row the the coNner..
iit wAs for the Lover's siit coz both siit are togeTher n there is notynk in the middLe.
wAhh!! So romAntiic.. hAaha..
tHe Show wAs reALLy dAmn scAryy nn got So manyy suspEndd..
ii Keep huggiiNg hym n cLossing my Eyes..
Takott tAu.. hEehe..
dEn After thE show iit wAs Aroundd 9.30 Most oF thE shoP at cozwAe cLosedd aLreAdyy..
but not priint Clubb..
n guEss wAdd?? Me n my boiiprEn tOok nEo-priiNts.. iit wAs his fErst tyMe tAke nEo-priiNt whiiLe iits My fErst tyMe tAkiing piiC wiitH a bOii or shud ii sAe a boiifrEn.. xD
paiisEyy tAuu.. but it turNs outt quiitE well..
dEn go hoMe arouNd 11+..
hEehe.. kk.. &&im doNe..
eLiizAd <33