Thursday, November 2 @ 10:34 PM
well, tiiz morning ii update ryte??
ii saiid.. todae was full of bored-ness..
well, not untill ii meet my bf, error &&farhan.. Haha..
ii mEet iizAd at 6.30 lyke tAt under my blkk..
dEn tiis cOme the bEst pArt..
we briing alonng a biike &&we riide iit..
iit wAs Fun.. ferst me n iizad go wdls mart&civic ferst..
den suddenly, error called n ask to follow go cozwae to buy sumtynk..
so we say okae n meet up at hiis house..
we oso briing alongg farhan.. Haha..
den we race Lar..
ii realii hold my bf tight ii was so scared..
bcoz ferst tyme tompang org... n he really riide really fast..hEhe..
A niight wiif the biike, ii will keep iin my memoriie..
iit wAs Fun.. den abt 8.45pm ii wEnt homE.. Haha..
tAts All..
dAda.. tkcr!!
eLiizAd <33