hApii fEet.
Tuesday, November 28 @ 10:02 PM
27 Nov.
ii wEntt to cozwAe wiif muii boiiprenn.
dEn mEet upp hussiien, farhan, errie, sheevash&& his gf n the gf fren.
hMmp! dey all eAt aLreAdyy nvr wAiit fer uSs.
k Lahh. our fault jugAk Lar coz wE supposeed to meet at Boots &shoes at 3.45pm.
tapii kiite sampaii at 4.30 lyke tat.
nvm, we oso nvr planned to eat at long john.
kk dEn we go waLk2 aroundd cozwAe.
den ii tell muii boiifrenn to buyy tiicket ferst llor, den meet dey all later agaiin.
k off we go to the moviie counter.
Me &&muii boiipren watchiing Happy fEet thiis tyMe.
the show was cute, adorable &&funny.
the babyy peguuiins were shoo cuteee!!
kk bck to realiity,
den we choose siit. biiase lar.
the normal siit we owaes took. LOVER'Ssiit.
dEn we take the tyme at 7.30 but the tyme iis 5.30pm. lagiie lambat seyy startt.
kk after tat, meet the other at outsiide metro shopp den go tiime-zone.
the boiis wants to race2 maen kereta lar, motor lar. haiiz.
den ii siit dere lyke wad waiitiing tiil 7.00pm. BORIING!!
afta tat. already 6.45pm den dey want to go home, so me &muii boiiprenn siit outsiide the tiicket counter &&waiitedd tiill our moviie number iis flashedd outt.
waiitedd && waiitedd.
dA pLacedd maken pAckedd so we deciided to buyy the popcorn &&stuff ferst.
den wE liine upp punyer lar lambat.
by the tyme iit reAch us, the moviie number jus flashhed out. On tyme seyy.
kk den buy alreadyy russh iin.
siit at our siit &den waiit tiil the moviie startedd.
lyke ii sAe the moviie was funny, adorable &&cute.
bLahh bLahh bLahh.
after the show iit wAs aroundd 9.15 ii guess.
den siince we twu hungryy we deciided to eat at pAsta maniia agaiin.
den iin the miidle of ourr food den sumtiink come upp to muii miind.
omg! den ii forgotten, den iits alreadyy 10+ all shopp has close down except food shopp.
so we hurriedly eat our food den go home.
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