dAes oFf Muii LyfEe
Friday, November 24 @ 9:07 PM
22 NovEmber~
iit was eLiizAd 7th month aniivErsAryy.
ii wEnt outt iin the Morniing to wdls mArt at 10 iin the morniing wiif mummy.
den procedd twu SengkAngg &&den yEw tEe 2 meet uup khayli mum &&others.
&&dEn aftEr tAt wEnt bck hoMe &&the tyMe alreAdii 7+.
dEn mEet upp boiiprenn siince hE wAs at tEkonngg pArkk.
dEn go hoMee at aroundd 9+ Larhx.
notynkk muchh happen tAt dAe.
bLahh bLahh blAhh.
23 NovEmbEr~
ii vomiit bLood the thiird tyme ii throw upp.
ii wAs siick.
ii wAs sLepiing &&at 5am suddenlyy wAke upp &&need to thrown upp.
dEn sLeep bAck &&at 9 wAke upp bAck &&need to throw agaiin.
dEn suddenlyy deciided to stAy upp coz ii wAs feeLiing so siick.
ii calledd upp my boiiprenn to iinform hym ii was unwell.
den he was woriiedd.
so he deciided to meet upp&& tkcr of me &¬ go to werkk.
wEn ii meet hym upp.
ii was feeliing ok-ok but stiil liiviing iin the roller coaster.
dEn he wAn go CozwAe coz ii hAven't eAt siince yEsterdAe.
but dEn ii hav no the mood to eAt.
so everyy Food ii sEe wAs diisgustiing, aliitle..
dEn he Ate &&i jus drAnk wAter.
he Forcedd me to eAt the burgEr but ii cAn't.
dEN he dAred Me to eAt 1/4 of the burgEr iif ii Love hym. so ii eAt iit.
but stiill tk sAmpaii 1/4.. Haha!
dEn we go walk round2 at the cozwAe.
wE buy sAme shiirts at l.p zoNe.
bLack colour.
dEn baLek siiAngg siinCe muii temp. becumiing hotter.
ii was too tiiredd yEt siick to stAy awAkee shoo ii sLeep eArLy tAt dAe.
at nytEe iit worsEn't but ii jus Try &&sleep.
24 NovEmber~
Muii muMmy &&me go to muii skooll to buyy muii skool books.
ii tot the uniiform was sales everiidae lyke the book stockks.
but dEn fer sEc3 & 4 wAs soLd on 16-19 dEcembEr. goShh!!
ii was duedd.
LuckiiLy ade repeat sAles but dEn on 26-29 dEc.
wAHh Liiao! so longg.
ii cAn wAiit. dEn go notynkk iin the Afternoon exceppt siit at hoMe &&stAred at the Comp.
kk. ii Still abiit siiCk..
ii wAn rEst. nytEs.
eLiizAd <33