Sunday, November 26 @ 12:47 PM

25 Nov ii went to the zoo.
iit was Fun but smelly onlii for some places of aniimals.
we went to see polar bears, monkeys, pony, elephants shows, white tiger, cows, rabbits n many more.
about the elephants shows.
we wEnt to the neArest show &&luckiiLy iit iis about twu stArt.
so we fiind ouselves a siit.
Erm, ferst they show us wad monkeys can do.
dEn OMG! the host walk around to fiind a bag whiich belongs to hyr luckiily she put in front so iits far from us.
suddenly, tada!! a snake iinsiide hyr beg.
luckii fer the front coz iit iss tiiny wiiney.
dEn da host go all the wae near my siit whiich is 2 siit from my left.
den neAr me wAs a BIG box, ii tot notynk.
TADA!! she opens a box n out come a ginormous big fat SNAKES.
n ii was the most nearest, ii go OMG OMG OMG!!!
haha. the memoriies ii cuddn't fergett.
After the snakes, iit was the sealiion turn, but den the sealiion was shy so he/she diidn't perform.
kk, so we went to another show tat was about to startedd.
iit was the elephants shows.
dere is 5 elephants dere.
theiir name was, gambir, intan, irwan, jati &&another one ii forgotten.
they sLpashed water at us tapii jauh jadii tk kene.
erm. show us how to got up to the elephants, hoe dey sleep, bath n many more.
kk enuff wiif tAt.
after a long dae of walkiing siince 9+ to 4+.
we wen to the children playiing pools.
childrenland or sumtynk lyke tat.
den hav fun dere, ii didn't wen in the pools coz ii neva briing extra shiirts.
so ii liied down n take a rest.
den iim started to feel bored, my sis ask me if ii wanna put our legs in the water.
so ii followed hyr n relax our tiired feet iin da swiimiing water.
erm. siince the water was about high as out ankle, my sis and me deciided to walk in the miidle oof the pool n try not to get wett.
Haha. ok lar. we both didn't get Shoo wet, onlii aliitle. but iits okae.
den we all stop as iit was about to raiin.
shoo we quiickly ran to the exiit.
&&whiile waiitiing fer the raiin to stop.
we all started to get hungry.
siince KFC was near to us.
we ordered 1 chesse friies &a coke.
the kiids was fast n wen ii was about to eat the friies.
dey sae fiiniish alreadyy. haiiz.
so me &&khayli ask fer money agiin and thiis tyme,
we ordered 2 cheese friies &&1iced milo &&another coke.
luckiily one of the friies khayli took ferst &&she asked me to shared wiif hyr.
so iit was lyke the whole coke &&cheese friies onlii for me &&khayli. great!
ahaha. kk, the raiin started to stop so we get in the car &&off we go to banquett at cozwae.
we eatt &&den went home &&all head at piillows.
everiione to bedd allthough iits 8+pm bcoz we all tiired, TOOtiired.
kk till todae iim still tiired.
ii wnt to sleep early todae.
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