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go Moviie2!

Saturday, November 11 @ 12:15 AM


b4 wAtchiing the Moviie..

My show tiickEttss..

We after wAtchiing thE Moviie..

10 novEmbEr..

ii wEnt outt wiif Lisa LisLott, Shidahh shiidott && Kt Eja.

wE go wAtch Moviie Step upp..

wE wAntedd to c At cozwAe but dEy hAven't Show yEt..
So wE wAtch At yiiShuN.. goLdEn viiLagE..

hMmm.. wE arrivEd dEre At 12+ but thE show stArtedd At 2.10pm..

So We go eAtt at KFC.. ii eat studEnt Meal Fish-oLe!! my fAvouriite!!

Erm, dEn go tAke nEo-priiNts.. stupidd mAchiiNe.. ii hAte iit..

dEn go Run to the theater scAred wE miisEd the Show coz iit iis aLreAdy 2.07pm..

dEn After tHe shOw iit wAs 4+ Lyke tAt..

dEn tAke neo-priint agAiin dEn go Home..

ii mEet upp My boiiprEn at the bus-stopp dEn go sEmbAwAngg Sun-pLaza..

dEn go cozwAe eAt at pAsta Maniia..

ohh yAa ii sAw Abg bAbystAr* he smiiLedd at Me.

dEn aroundd 10+ go Homee..

Now vErii tiirEdd.. didn't gEt to sLepp well for the pAst 3 dAes or mre ii guEss..

kk..im done wiith my dAe..

Tata.. tkcr!!

eLiizAd <33


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