15/16 November.
Friday, November 17 @ 11:18 AM
ii wanNa updAte aboutt 15 &&16 NovembEr..
kiindA of a combiinAtiioN..
bLah bLah bLahh..
[[15 November]]
iit wAs supposedd to b my boiiprEn ferSt dAe oF wErkk.
But dEn hiis brothEr Askk hym to Close dwn the Shopp EarLy as iit wAs RaiiNiing or sumtyNkk..
So hE wEn hoMe eaRLy..
We mEet upp.. iim so hapii to Meet Hym..
We go jLn2 &&dEn My Shoes torN outt bcoZ ii go &&go sumtynk stupiid.
dEn eu knw wAdd my boiiprEn do??
He carriiEd Me by hiis bAckk..
tAt iss shOo swiit.. ii Ask hym so manyy tyMe to Let me dwN but hE sAe tkk berat Laa.. jus hoLd Me tiTe..
Swiit kAn..
hAiiz.. dEn wEn hE sEnt Me bCk tiLL my bLk Liift..
He hugg Me titE.. so doEs iie.. dEn suddEnLy ii breAk down iinto teArs..
dEn hE fEeL hiis ShouLder wEre wEt so hE slowly wiipe my teArs tAt were rOLLiing down my chEeks..
dEn he kiisS My foreheAdd dEn he sAe.. "ii wiill nvm leave eu pwiincess."
&& ii juz SmiiLe at hyM..
tAts wAs My LAst dAe tAt ii sAw Hym..
sAd sAd sAd..
[[16 Nov]]
ii wEnt outt wiif khAtiijAhh tAt dAe.
fErst wE go buyy Moviie tiickEtts..
wE wAtchiing MateriiaLs gurLs..
the moviie iis Shoo dAmn quiiCkk.. Lyke so fAst 1.20 to 3+ lyke tat..
the moviie was shoo giirL ruLes..
ii Mean iit was all totally abt gurLs.. ii Love iit..
iin the ceriite ii love hiLaryy bf but ii love hiLaryy sistEr nyer perAgaii.
bcoz she was treatedd lyke a pwiincess.. Lyke Me!!
n ouhh we got one tynk iin command..
She hates cat!! Lyke Mee!!! ahAha
dEn we go eAt tAke neo-prrint &&mEet upp the rEst of the gurLs..
thEre iis a Little iinciideNt whiiLe otw mEetiing dEmm..
butt iit ovEr..
ouhh yA whiiLe ii wAs Leaviing cozwae..
"someone" ran upp to Me && sae..
"elnaa, ii saw yr boiipren last week wiith another giirl holdiing handds at the tyme zone."
&& ii was lyke wad the hell iis goiing on..
ii jus walk awae from hym &&tears droppiing whiile no one knws except for kt.. she saw..
iits totally not true!! coz ii trust my boiipren &&he will nvm play tiiMer with Me!!
but who shoulld ii trusst??
iiM shoo dAmn hurt &&confusedd..
eLiizAd <33
//Am ii your one &&onlii? ii want to kknw the truth &&den ii deciide//