Love lyke this
Friday, February 27 @ 2:20 AM
I just got home from werq, ok mayb not just but since 11pm earlier. And looking at the clock now, it's 3hours ago. Haha! And i decided to update while Sien decided to kill hymself tonyte(inside joke). Haha! Tmrw, i mean todae marks my second offday for this week. Yipee! Can go shopping, yea right!
Werq, hmpff! Nothing happen todae only dhat i was lucky i didn't kena disturb w/ Fila if not, maluu member. Haha! And today not-so-kecoh lyke the other days cause i got no laughing patner since Ani is not werqing. And sldo todae my attitude is alittle bit hard to control, i myself realise today imma bit keras-kepala. I don't know what happen, but i know todae was bored. I hope dhat attitude starts and end today ya. I'm sorry for my misbehave. And thanks to the divider nye corner gave me a scar on my toe. Thanks ekk!
And ohya! Had a suprise visit from FAA&bf agaen. Haha! And at dhat tyme i was dropping double choc, so i tot mayb after she walks around Lot1 she might come back and i can giv hyr one or two or mayb three freshly bake cookies but no sign of her. Next tyme, i giv eu ok FAA must amek taww :)
Ok, got to sleep now.
And just so yknow, bby &I just turn 1 todae.
Happy 1monthsary dear.
Werq, hmpff! Nothing happen todae only dhat i was lucky i didn't kena disturb w/ Fila if not, maluu member. Haha! And today not-so-kecoh lyke the other days cause i got no laughing patner since Ani is not werqing. And sldo todae my attitude is alittle bit hard to control, i myself realise today imma bit keras-kepala. I don't know what happen, but i know todae was bored. I hope dhat attitude starts and end today ya. I'm sorry for my misbehave. And thanks to the divider nye corner gave me a scar on my toe. Thanks ekk!
And ohya! Had a suprise visit from FAA&bf agaen. Haha! And at dhat tyme i was dropping double choc, so i tot mayb after she walks around Lot1 she might come back and i can giv hyr one or two or mayb three freshly bake cookies but no sign of her. Next tyme, i giv eu ok FAA must amek taww :)
Ok, got to sleep now.
Happy 1monthsary dear.

Let's just wait
Thursday, February 26 @ 1:00 AM
Happy 17th Birthday Sayang.

smoga panjang umur &murah rezeki.
bile nak khawin kak? (hahaha)
Meet up soon gf, ily.
Time check, it's 1.45am.
I got werq just now &so is tmrw.
Nothing really happen today at werq. Fairuz &Nana came down Lot1. So long nvr see them. Then also, Fairuz came down with an empty stomach and was searching for a company. And April suggest me to go break and eat with hym. After i clock in, April was lyke kinda tease me in a joke way, "How's your date?" And i was lyke "wth, it's not a date!" Hahaha! K pape.
Beside dhat, Ani keep on making me laughh &laughh &laughh. Haha! Ani is a new staff of FA. She is so outgoing! Naseb ade dier, kalau tk boring aku dkat keje. And speaking of laughing, i'm starting to miss Rashidah accompany. It feel so long i didn't meet hyr, didn't sit down and laugh and just keep on praising each other. I miss Rashidah. Rashidah, where are eu? And Rashidah, i have try the Grilled chicken wrap at ljs lyke eu ask me to :)
Just now, close shop with April. Yup, only two people. Change already what. Ok lahh, quiet tiringg, but managed to finish at 10.30+, tu pon aku terkial-kial sehh. Although it's not late, but it feels kinda weird to me bcoz we usually finish everything by 10.15 or latest 10.20pm mahh. But nvm, got to get use to it bebehh.
Curently just chatting on e-buddy. Cause my damn Msn is so mentel, won't let me log on. And i'm chatting with Fila, gennie &hussien. Ok, this is so paiseh to the max. The pass few weeks, we have been exchanging tags reply at our blogg. and the thing is, i don't even realise dhat i see hyr almost everyday at werq. I don't even realise dhat it is her ok? Alamak alabapak! Kene kacau lah akuu dkat keje. Haha!
I don't know what else to blog about.
Tkcare! Love korangg :)
Labels: Shidot's birthday, werq

All eyes on me in th center of the ring, Just like a circus
Wednesday, February 25 @ 12:32 AM
So Yesterday was Monday.
And lyke i always say, I hate Monday! Remember?
And after doing alittle thinking, since i hate Monday so muchh. Why not i waste my tyme at werq and earn so cashh, uh-huhh. And dhat's exactly what happen. Haha! But after dhat day, i am now not looking forward to werq. It kinda change the whole mindset of mine. Like seriously! Wanna know why? Nak tau? Don't ask me, cause even if eu did jgn harap i will answer. Hehehe. Jahat nyee!
And on dhat day too, i did know starting from yesterday. Closing will only required two staff, two(!!) Lyke Oh-My-God. Tak cukop manpower seh, not enough! Usually we need 3, cause one will do the cookie bin, another one will wash all the trays and whatevernots and one more will count the money and do the stock. But now, only two. Dua aje! So one do stock while another one rush here and there trying to wash the bin and wash the trays. See, can my day get any worst? But it's ok, i'm only a staff. Can't complain. Dhat's my job what -___-" (I know)
On the other hand, I saw FAA &bf while i was werqing. Haha! So cutee lah Faa &bf.
Today is Tuesday, marks my ferst offday of this week.
And I got three plans ahead.
I mean, today i'm supposed to meet 3groups of people.
- My sister @ amk 5pm to pass things.
- My mum @ causeway point 6pm to have Ban Mian for dinner.
- Girlfriends @ unlocated aftr they finish sch to just meet-ups.
And i tot i can make it all on tyme but i was wrong. They all finish at the same tyme and diff locations. So, after did alil walking around cway. I tot of them all meeting me at causeway point banquet, kan fair! Hahaha! And they also come right on tyme. I love them!
So after did alittle meet up and all. Girlfriend gotta rush home. So me, walk2 at kiddy palace &john little with me familyy. And sent sister &family off to the interchange. And left with Mum &me not forgetting Naiya. Mum bought Lerk Thai take-aways and i bought HotFudge Sundae at Mcds and we walked happily home.
Overall, i had fun todae.
Time check, 1.05am now.
Bbyboy is sound asleep, and i should go sleep too!
I got werq tmrw at 4pm and 4pm on Thursday too! And guess wad tyme i start werq on Saturday? 4pm also! Hahaha!
Gdnyte people, takecare! K go.

iPod Nano Chromatic, Me want eu!
Monday, February 23 @ 12:52 PM
Hello, i'm back. Good, never better.
So the 3days of weerq was ok, nothing happen only on 19Feb where i meet up with April at Woodlands Int at 11am and off to the salon to get hyr hair done. Just so eu know, April is my supervisor only dhat we are close, not just us. FA staff are all pretty close, i think.

So now eu know i spend my weekdays on werq, what i did on my weekends ek? I meet up with Boyfie 2days straight. Haha!
On Saturday,
Wanted to support Catty for hyr audition but, didn't know the full info so plan cancel. But I met up with Boyfie in the afternoon. Boyfie went to hys jobfair w/ Zul &hys mum. Why I didn't follow? Bcoz by the tyme I wake up, they already finish surveying with the jobs. Haha! After dhat, I met up with Boyfie & Zul at Orchard Int and den meet hys other friends. So Me, boyfie, Zul, Yazid &Siti walked ard Taka as Siti wanted to do alil shopping. And den Boyfie Zul and me settle down at Cineleisure at this Indon place to eat. Try on this drink called Happy Soda. Not bad! Haha! Then, we train to wdls and slack at Civic Macd Outdoor side. Talked about their past tymes and Zul told me all about Boyfie and also plans for next month event. Den at 8plus comingg 9, Boyfie &Zul send me home. It's fun hanging out with them.
On Sunday, meet Boyfie agaen. This tyme, only the two of us. Haha! When to Ps and den wanted to watch moviee but due to the time, we can't. And den went ard to survey mp3 as hys mp3 already ask for a replacement. Talking about Mp3, i missmy Yp-U3 Pink Mp3. But now, I fall in love with this gadget where i got my hands on ytd. It's. .

iPod Nano!
Omg, eu should have seen the pink one. It is so pink(!) It's super nice super bright super shiny super slim super small and it's just super pink. Me love pink! Omg!
Me want it! Me want it! Seriously.
So mayb I should put it in my list. And it's 1.11pm now, i got werq at 4 ltr.
Got to go! Lovee eu! Takcare!
So the 3days of weerq was ok, nothing happen only on 19Feb where i meet up with April at Woodlands Int at 11am and off to the salon to get hyr hair done. Just so eu know, April is my supervisor only dhat we are close, not just us. FA staff are all pretty close, i think.

So now eu know i spend my weekdays on werq, what i did on my weekends ek? I meet up with Boyfie 2days straight. Haha!
On Saturday,
Wanted to support Catty for hyr audition but, didn't know the full info so plan cancel. But I met up with Boyfie in the afternoon. Boyfie went to hys jobfair w/ Zul &hys mum. Why I didn't follow? Bcoz by the tyme I wake up, they already finish surveying with the jobs. Haha! After dhat, I met up with Boyfie & Zul at Orchard Int and den meet hys other friends. So Me, boyfie, Zul, Yazid &Siti walked ard Taka as Siti wanted to do alil shopping. And den Boyfie Zul and me settle down at Cineleisure at this Indon place to eat. Try on this drink called Happy Soda. Not bad! Haha! Then, we train to wdls and slack at Civic Macd Outdoor side. Talked about their past tymes and Zul told me all about Boyfie and also plans for next month event. Den at 8plus comingg 9, Boyfie &Zul send me home. It's fun hanging out with them.
On Sunday, meet Boyfie agaen. This tyme, only the two of us. Haha! When to Ps and den wanted to watch moviee but due to the time, we can't. And den went ard to survey mp3 as hys mp3 already ask for a replacement. Talking about Mp3, i miss

iPod Nano!
Omg, eu should have seen the pink one. It is so pink(!) It's super nice super bright super shiny super slim super small and it's just super pink. Me love pink! Omg!
Me want it! Me want it! Seriously.
So mayb I should put it in my list. And it's 1.11pm now, i got werq at 4 ltr.
Got to go! Lovee eu! Takcare!

mama say, "carik duet, cpat khawin"
Tuesday, February 17 @ 1:41 PM
2 more hours to go.
I'm off to get ready for werq.
Btw, ladies &gentlemen i will b werqing my ass off for the next three days. So sorry for the lack of updates. But pls, don't leave my tagboard dusty thank eu love ya :)
Give me one more day (which also equals to 6days total) to update my blog. And reply all your tags too. Sorry! Just one more day to go.
I'm off to get ready for werq.
Btw, ladies &gentlemen i will b werqing my ass off for the next three days. So sorry for the lack of updates. But pls, don't leave my tagboard dusty thank eu love ya :)
Give me one more day (which also equals to 6days total) to update my blog. And reply all your tags too. Sorry! Just one more day to go.

I was born to tell you I love eu
Monday, February 16 @ 4:27 PM
Monday, told ya i hate Monday.
I don't know what to update. But ferst, my horoscope. Haha!
In order to move past your mistakes you have to keep pushing yourself forward. The only person who is still beating you up over what you did is you -- and it's time to move on. You are not perfect, that's no mystery. But no one else is either. Set a goal today -- hold yourself to a high standard and force yourself to rise to your own expectations. Give yourself an emotional hug and start focusing on the future. You've learned from where you've been.
Moving on, the other day i went to visit the Library right?
I borrowed three books, but i had return two and left with one.
I am currently stuck with this one &only Malay book. The tittle is Rintihan Kasih. It's a good story, and every chapter is really interresting. I bring dhat book whereever i go, and when i felt bored i just take out and read it. But if someone's there (example, boyfie or Catty) They would take away my book and won't let me continue reading. Haha! And some parts of the story reflect my love lyfe with bbyboy and i will conferm pick up my phone and dial hys number. (So kiasu) Haha!
I'm on chapter 11, but yet to be at the center page. So now while i'm bored at home rotting doing nothing boyfie is busy with werq gfs is at sch, i'm off to continue reading now. Tata!
It's 4pm now, 8more hours till the end of todae. Hate monday!
I don't know what to update. But ferst, my horoscope. Haha!
In order to move past your mistakes you have to keep pushing yourself forward. The only person who is still beating you up over what you did is you -- and it's time to move on. You are not perfect, that's no mystery. But no one else is either. Set a goal today -- hold yourself to a high standard and force yourself to rise to your own expectations. Give yourself an emotional hug and start focusing on the future. You've learned from where you've been.
Moving on, the other day i went to visit the Library right?
I borrowed three books, but i had return two and left with one.
I am currently stuck with this one &only Malay book. The tittle is Rintihan Kasih. It's a good story, and every chapter is really interresting. I bring dhat book whereever i go, and when i felt bored i just take out and read it. But if someone's there (example, boyfie or Catty) They would take away my book and won't let me continue reading. Haha! And some parts of the story reflect my love lyfe with bbyboy and i will conferm pick up my phone and dial hys number. (So kiasu) Haha!
I'm on chapter 11, but yet to be at the center page. So now while i'm bored at home rotting doing nothing boyfie is busy with werq gfs is at sch, i'm off to continue reading now. Tata!
It's 4pm now, 8more hours till the end of todae. Hate monday!

i'm so happy babyy
Sunday, February 15 @ 10:26 PM
Well, i got alot to update.
And i don't know where or when to start. Oh well..
Btw, Sorry for not updating.
15 Feb 09
The date stated there was actually todae, i just reached home. Bbyboy just send me home.
And if eu don't know, boyfie and i can only spend time on Sunday due to hys werqing hours on weekdays. Ok da.
He pick me up at Wdls and we trained to City Hall, walked ard Marina Square and to Suntec. He bought me Subway Cookies, so sweet lah hym. So i had it while walking with hym. After looking for tynks, we went to eat at Pastamania. Actually, we wanted to eat at Banquet or Ljs but while walking he was lyke, "b, look! your favourite" and i was lyke, "
pastamaniaaa" Hahaha!After eat, we went to Marina Barrage. Haha! Just to survey and just slack. Then train back to wdls and he sent me off.
And i must mention, there was two incident happen. I'm happy now, but it happen too fast.
it's about my parents had met boyfie and so does dinosaur &friends. omg!
14 feb
Happy Valentines Day
and most importantly, it was my mum birthday.
Happy Birthday Mummy!
But I didn't get to celebrate both this year. Sad siool. Haha! cause, i was busy selling cookies at Lot1 aka werqingg. Ok actually, Vday wasn't a big deal. I mean, to me everyday is special with hym around and boyfie alrdy gave me an advance gift so it's ok i still love hym but mummy birthday, aku sad.
Where did I go?
Friday friday friday?
Ohh, i meet up with my babiesss.
I was awaken by Catty's phone call. She asked me to meet up with dem at Causeway. So i was late due to lmbt bngon. Haha!
We settle down at ljs(mcm biase jugak), den slack at civic and had ice-cream and den walked to my blk RC den i went off to meet boyfie at werq. Haha!
Finally, get to meet dem. Friendship still strong as ever.

And on 10 11 &12feb it's just a normal werqing day for me :)
Dhat's all.
And looking at the top page, alot to update. I don't tynk so.
But at least, i got to spend my beautiful days with wonderful people.
Tata, loove korang! Update agaen soon.
Btw, Sorry for not updating.
15 Feb 09
The date stated there was actually todae, i just reached home. Bbyboy just send me home.
And if eu don't know, boyfie and i can only spend time on Sunday due to hys werqing hours on weekdays. Ok da.
He pick me up at Wdls and we trained to City Hall, walked ard Marina Square and to Suntec. He bought me Subway Cookies, so sweet lah hym. So i had it while walking with hym. After looking for tynks, we went to eat at Pastamania. Actually, we wanted to eat at Banquet or Ljs but while walking he was lyke, "b, look! your favourite" and i was lyke, "

And i must mention, there was two incident happen. I'm happy now, but it happen too fast.
it's about my parents had met boyfie and so does dinosaur &friends. omg!
14 feb
Happy Valentines Day
and most importantly, it was my mum birthday.
Happy Birthday Mummy!
But I didn't get to celebrate both this year. Sad siool. Haha! cause, i was busy selling cookies at Lot1 aka werqingg. Ok actually, Vday wasn't a big deal. I mean, to me everyday is special with hym around and boyfie alrdy gave me an advance gift so it's ok i still love hym but mummy birthday, aku sad.
Where did I go?
Friday friday friday?
Ohh, i meet up with my babiesss.

We settle down at ljs(mcm biase jugak), den slack at civic and had ice-cream and den walked to my blk RC den i went off to meet boyfie at werq. Haha!
Finally, get to meet dem. Friendship still strong as ever.
And on 10 11 &12feb it's just a normal werqing day for me :)
Dhat's all.
And looking at the top page, alot to update. I don't tynk so.
But at least, i got to spend my beautiful days with wonderful people.
Tata, loove korang! Update agaen soon.
Labels: Boyfie and i, girlfriends, Mama's birthday, Marina Barrage, outings, pastamania, Valentine's Day

bukalah pintu hatimu, untuk cinta ini
Monday, February 9 @ 5:29 PM
It's my offday. And i am not enjoying it, it's Monday Blueee.
What I did today?
In th morning, mum woke me up to remind me to take my lil sis from school cause she want to meet my aunty at cwae. After dhat, met my mum at causeway since my lil sis was whining non-stop. Had a really heavy breakfast, i had Ban Mian. Until now, i'm still full. Now, i'm at home.
I had uploaded ytd pictures at multiply. And i actually organize my post entry. And i deleted some post. Some things, i kept as memories so i can have a good laugh when i read it agaen for the next 20years of lyfe. Haha!
It's 5.36pm now, and its soo super duper boring to the maz siaa.
Boring nyeeeeeeeeeee!
It's my offday. And i am not enjoying it, it's Monday Blueee.
What I did today?
In th morning, mum woke me up to remind me to take my lil sis from school cause she want to meet my aunty at cwae. After dhat, met my mum at causeway since my lil sis was whining non-stop. Had a really heavy breakfast, i had Ban Mian. Until now, i'm still full. Now, i'm at home.
I had uploaded ytd pictures at multiply. And i actually organize my post entry. And i deleted some post. Some things, i kept as memories so i can have a good laugh when i read it agaen for the next 20years of lyfe. Haha!
It's 5.36pm now, and its soo super duper boring to the maz siaa.
Boring nyeeeeeeeeeee!
Labels: random

I've been dying to tell eu anything eu want to hear cause that's just who I am this week
@ 2:47 AM
Sorry lahh for not updating, i have not been facing the comp for two days now. So here i am updating my weekends. But before anytynk let me just post my horoscope.
Is your career your top focus right now? It should be. Right now, you are in a phase of rich clarity -- you have the ability to fully understand the opportunities in front of you in a way you never could before. But first, you have to slow down and look around. Take a moment to make some loose plans for your future -- and make them big! Give yourself a general idea of where you want things to go, and you'll figure out how to get there later on.
I don't know why i do believe in horoscope, maybe bcoz sometimes it really happen or is happening. Well, idk ok. Boyfie told me not to cause i usually freak out if sometynk bad is happening. He told me to see it in a way dhat it happen by coincedence. I don't know lahh i don't know!
Moving on,
What happen on Saturday?
Ohhh, i was werqing from 3pm till closing but i came earlier since i got nothing to do and short of staffs, dhats 's all
And Sunday!
Ferst boyfie woke me up at 8.59am cause he wanted to have breakfast with me before he go for hys soccer tournament. And only Sunday he get to spend tyme with me since he is full-time werqer. So we meet up and we decided to had breakfast cum lunch at Lot1 since i am going there later to pass Aini thing. He decided on Long John Silver which i have no idea my aunty is werqin at dhat tyme. So da ternampak pon, what to do? Hehe! Den i went to jpe to giv Aini the blazer or something and since she like it, she can have it

After Lot1, it's 1.03pm and it's tyme for me and babyboy to go. I trained to wdls and meet Catty while he went to Lakeside to meet hys other member to Kranji Sec for tournament. Meet Catty, trained to Raffles den slack. Talk about lyfe and we continue to slack at Macd rooftop. And i bought Apple dipper with caramel dips and i tynk i made Catty hook on it.
And oh ya! I have received my advance valentine's gift. In the train jugak i open it upp. So kiasuuu sia me. Btw, i looove it..

Den after talking and much talking walk to idk-where-our feets-take-us and we actually were lost in the middle of the journey and we got to know we were actually walking in circles when we can actually just walk straight ot just walk back. cause it is still the same way and same distance. Blueek! Bussed to Marina Barrage and reach there.

I think todae our acting of becoming a tourist really werq. And i can't believe i was actually walking with this japannese friend who wore a really thick featuring jacket which i think looks cute on hyr on a really sunny day. I think she is mad. (No lahhhhh! Haha!)

Den after surveying the place, Catty got plans to meet Bao and since my mum was msging me, i told mum to pick me up. Den trained from Marina to City Hall and saw Zana in the train after dhat Catty &I go separate ways and I met my mummy at Lavender and we went to Changi Hospital to visit my uncle and den we went to Bedok Corner to have our dinner at 9.
Saw this trailer while i was slacking in Macd, and i tynk its a cool movie dhat it's a must catch movie. It is called, Bloody Valentine 3D. Omg! Don't tell me i didn't warn eu people!
Reach home at 10.35pm. Switch on comp (till now), on the phone with Boyfie And here i am ending this post now. More pic on multiply, yet to b uploaded.
Tata people! Looooooove ya!
Is your career your top focus right now? It should be. Right now, you are in a phase of rich clarity -- you have the ability to fully understand the opportunities in front of you in a way you never could before. But first, you have to slow down and look around. Take a moment to make some loose plans for your future -- and make them big! Give yourself a general idea of where you want things to go, and you'll figure out how to get there later on.
I don't know why i do believe in horoscope, maybe bcoz sometimes it really happen or is happening. Well, idk ok. Boyfie told me not to cause i usually freak out if sometynk bad is happening. He told me to see it in a way dhat it happen by coincedence. I don't know lahh i don't know!
Moving on,
What happen on Saturday?
Ohhh, i was werqing from 3pm till closing but i came earlier since i got nothing to do and short of staffs, dhats 's all

And Sunday!
Ferst boyfie woke me up at 8.59am cause he wanted to have breakfast with me before he go for hys soccer tournament. And only Sunday he get to spend tyme with me since he is full-time werqer. So we meet up and we decided to had breakfast cum lunch at Lot1 since i am going there later to pass Aini thing. He decided on Long John Silver which i have no idea my aunty is werqin at dhat tyme. So da ternampak pon, what to do? Hehe! Den i went to jpe to giv Aini the blazer or something and since she like it, she can have it

And oh ya! I have received my advance valentine's gift. In the train jugak i open it upp. So kiasuuu sia me. Btw, i looove it..

Den after talking and much talking walk to idk-where-our feets-take-us and we actually were lost in the middle of the journey and we got to know we were actually walking in circles when we can actually just walk straight ot just walk back. cause it is still the same way and same distance. Blueek! Bussed to Marina Barrage and reach there.
Den after surveying the place, Catty got plans to meet Bao and since my mum was msging me, i told mum to pick me up. Den trained from Marina to City Hall and saw Zana in the train after dhat Catty &I go separate ways and I met my mummy at Lavender and we went to Changi Hospital to visit my uncle and den we went to Bedok Corner to have our dinner at 9.
Saw this trailer while i was slacking in Macd, and i tynk its a cool movie dhat it's a must catch movie. It is called, Bloody Valentine 3D. Omg! Don't tell me i didn't warn eu people!
Reach home at 10.35pm. Switch on comp (till now), on the phone with Boyfie And here i am ending this post now. More pic on multiply, yet to b uploaded.
Tata people! Looooooove ya!

wait baby, wait.
Labels: Boyfie and i, girlfriends, Lot1, Marina Barrage, outings

Friday, February 6 @ 10:27 PM
I just reach home from meeting love and from the Library lyke i saed.
At last get to meet hym! Happy muchh.
Tmrw werq, i won't be able to join my family at ecp for Khayli's bdae party but it dosen't matter, or does. Can't wait for Sunday, another plans comingg up! See eu this Sunday Catty sygg :)
I'm tiredd, yesterday slept at 7am and woke up at 11am, less than 4hours. Need to catch some sleep.
So, goodnight people.
Ok go!
At last get to meet hym! Happy muchh.
Tmrw werq, i won't be able to join my family at ecp for Khayli's bdae party but it dosen't matter, or does. Can't wait for Sunday, another plans comingg up! See eu this Sunday Catty sygg :)
I'm tiredd, yesterday slept at 7am and woke up at 11am, less than 4hours. Need to catch some sleep.
So, goodnight people.
Ok go!
Labels: random

semenjak kau datang dihatiku sayang, semua resah ku hilangg
@ 12:31 AM
Lawa tak my new bloggskins? Hehe! But, i don't know lahh about the lynk some got colour some other colours. I also don't know why lah kann. Hehe!
I'm in a very happy mood, yes very happy. This days, i'm so happy lah kan. Elna always happy happy lah this days. Starting a new lyfe with a new person in a new year lah katekan. Dengan sape? Dengann Alongso. Hahaha! Kk, shut up.
Btw, i just came home about an hour ago and i'm still on the phone with boyfie. Haha, excited sangat. After i finish werq and he call me up straight and im so happy got to hear hys voice. Eu know why? Eu know why? Because he didn't bring hys phone to werq just for todae (the whole day yknow!) bcoz of, he know i know eu don't need to know k :)
So, tmrw plan is still undecidee.
But i know, tmrw i want to go Library. I want to slack there and read books and borrow some to. Then wait for boyfie to finish hys werq but he hymself don't knw if tmrw got OT or not. So, tmrw can talk. But i really hope to meet boyfie sngt2. Haha!
Nothing really happen today, except dhat i just miss msging hym while werqing, calling hym at my break tyme and just smilling to myself whenever i saw hys name on my hp screen. Super mentel.
I think i blogg about boyfie too much today. Maybe one day should put a picture of hym and blogg more about us ok? So korang tau sape Alongso yang elna asyik seboot aje. But, no promisess aye? Hehee!
Ok lahh it's 1.37am kesian boyfie aku nye suare ngantok lah dier, sexy betool suare. I also want to sleep lahh. Hehe!
Tata! Looove korang. And oh ya,
Please tag me can? It's quiet dusty. Haha!

Akan ku pertahankan cinta ini demi kesetiaan kupadamu
Thursday, February 5 @ 12:55 PM
So about yesterday.
It was kinda off a rushing day for me cause i have to check my result and den send things to my aunty and trainn to amk to meet my sis, and den had to rush back to Lot1 for werq. So dhat's about it loor. Haha!
Ok ok, let's start with my horoscope but it's ok if eu don't wish to read. I won't force
You'll get an interesting invitation to a social event today -- and it could lead to more social events down the line, so it's in your best interests to accept it. Just make sure that you have the time it requires before committing -- you wouldn't want to have to back out at the last minute. Despite your growing popularity, your mood is going to be more introspective and quiet today. It's a good time to finish up old projects or to catch up on errands.
Sooooooooooo, yesterday i check my result.
And i don't know lah kan, i should be happy or not. But boyfiee is definitely extremely overjooy dhat the course had accepted my offer. But whatever it is, i should be greatfull
And then, i get ready and send stuff dhat my mum had requested me to become hyr personal postwomen for the day (although it happens alot of tyme), yes. Send what stuff? Send the Avon stuff dhat had arrived.
And den from there i trainn to Amk and meet my sister and bro-in-law. Ok yes, but i didn't know dhat they are bringing Jaha-ha and Benny along so i was lykeeeeee
(this) when i turn my head towards them. Haha! Ok, i was jokingg!
We met near the CoffeeBean at Amkhub and den their plan was to playy pool but when we enter the place, the person at the counter didnt let Aliesa in since she was underage which hyr age is now 1month plus years old. So whaaaat ?!
Moving on, so we went to eaaaat and the tyme was lyke 5.23pm and my werq is lyke starting at 6pm so my plann was, ok before 5.45pm i went off no matter what. I had the intention ok! So, we settle down at this food court and i bet it's a chinese food court since all stalls are lyke being decorated with the cny stuff and i also saw this dish call "pork ribs soup" or something. So yalaa, conferm chop stamp it's a chinese food court.
I eat Carrot cake while the rest had erm, laksa, beef noodle and western. And den after finish eating i look at the tyme and it was freaking 6.03pm! So da lambaat, lambatkn skali. Bagooooos,amalkn slalu
So they send me till the station and i went off to werq. Den the train arrived, and i hop in. The thing is, i didn't notice dhat the train is freaking terminating at Yishun station so dhats why lahh so empty inside. Den i went out at Yishun and the next train was freaking full so i wait for another train which also terminate at Yishun. Fuckk! So geram already.
And Finally, another train came and die-die still had to hop in. And luckyy when at Admiralty mrt lots of people go out so it wasn't so full lahh.
And guess what tyme i reach werq?
Freakinnggg 7.01pm !! Haha! All thanks to the 3 freaking train. Not!
I just realise today, i use too much of "freaking" words. No good! Tsk tsk.
It was kinda off a rushing day for me cause i have to check my result and den send things to my aunty and trainn to amk to meet my sis, and den had to rush back to Lot1 for werq. So dhat's about it loor. Haha!
Ok ok, let's start with my horoscope but it's ok if eu don't wish to read. I won't force

You'll get an interesting invitation to a social event today -- and it could lead to more social events down the line, so it's in your best interests to accept it. Just make sure that you have the time it requires before committing -- you wouldn't want to have to back out at the last minute. Despite your growing popularity, your mood is going to be more introspective and quiet today. It's a good time to finish up old projects or to catch up on errands.
Sooooooooooo, yesterday i check my result.
And i don't know lah kan, i should be happy or not. But boyfiee is definitely extremely overjooy dhat the course had accepted my offer. But whatever it is, i should be greatfull

And then, i get ready and send stuff dhat my mum had requested me to become hyr personal postwomen for the day (although it happens alot of tyme), yes. Send what stuff? Send the Avon stuff dhat had arrived.
And den from there i trainn to Amk and meet my sister and bro-in-law. Ok yes, but i didn't know dhat they are bringing Jaha-ha and Benny along so i was lykeeeeee

We met near the CoffeeBean at Amkhub and den their plan was to playy pool but when we enter the place, the person at the counter didnt let Aliesa in since she was underage which hyr age is now 1month plus years old. So whaaaat ?!
Moving on, so we went to eaaaat and the tyme was lyke 5.23pm and my werq is lyke starting at 6pm so my plann was, ok before 5.45pm i went off no matter what. I had the intention ok! So, we settle down at this food court and i bet it's a chinese food court since all stalls are lyke being decorated with the cny stuff and i also saw this dish call "pork ribs soup" or something. So yalaa, conferm chop stamp it's a chinese food court.
I eat Carrot cake while the rest had erm, laksa, beef noodle and western. And den after finish eating i look at the tyme and it was freaking 6.03pm! So da lambaat, lambatkn skali. Bagooooos,amalkn slalu

So they send me till the station and i went off to werq. Den the train arrived, and i hop in. The thing is, i didn't notice dhat the train is freaking terminating at Yishun station so dhats why lahh so empty inside. Den i went out at Yishun and the next train was freaking full so i wait for another train which also terminate at Yishun. Fuckk! So geram already.

And Finally, another train came and die-die still had to hop in. And luckyy when at Admiralty mrt lots of people go out so it wasn't so full lahh.
And guess what tyme i reach werq?
Freakinnggg 7.01pm !! Haha! All thanks to the 3 freaking train. Not!
I just realise today, i use too much of "freaking" words. No good! Tsk tsk.

After werq, i went home and i walk from causeway point to my house. Ok, i know i always walked but this tyme i walk at the bbq pit near 519 and i saw takraw boys and others. I was otp with boyfie and suddenly dinosaur came to me cryingg. Ok, i did pity hym but what's with all the forcing and pulling in front of your friends?! Aku maluuu ok, all hys friends tgk sehh. So we sit down and talk things out. But, i don't want to elaborate it here. I'm just dissapointed at how dinosaur treated me in front of hys friends je. Sorry if i walked away from eu just lyke dhat dinosaur.
Ok lahh, I want to get ready for werq now. It's 1.26pm now. Want to follow mama go causeway point to meet hyr bestfriend and den i go straight to werq from there.
And i hope i get to meet boyfie tmrw. Yayy!
Thanks for wasting your tyme on me. NOT!
Tata! Looooooove korang2

Ok go!