semenjak kau datang dihatiku sayang, semua resah ku hilangg
Friday, February 6 @ 12:31 AM
Lawa tak my new bloggskins? Hehe! But, i don't know lahh about the lynk some got colour some other colours. I also don't know why lah kann. Hehe!
I'm in a very happy mood, yes very happy. This days, i'm so happy lah kan. Elna always happy happy lah this days. Starting a new lyfe with a new person in a new year lah katekan. Dengan sape? Dengann Alongso. Hahaha! Kk, shut up.
Btw, i just came home about an hour ago and i'm still on the phone with boyfie. Haha, excited sangat. After i finish werq and he call me up straight and im so happy got to hear hys voice. Eu know why? Eu know why? Because he didn't bring hys phone to werq just for todae (the whole day yknow!) bcoz of, he know i know eu don't need to know k :)
So, tmrw plan is still undecidee.
But i know, tmrw i want to go Library. I want to slack there and read books and borrow some to. Then wait for boyfie to finish hys werq but he hymself don't knw if tmrw got OT or not. So, tmrw can talk. But i really hope to meet boyfie sngt2. Haha!
Nothing really happen today, except dhat i just miss msging hym while werqing, calling hym at my break tyme and just smilling to myself whenever i saw hys name on my hp screen. Super mentel.
I think i blogg about boyfie too much today. Maybe one day should put a picture of hym and blogg more about us ok? So korang tau sape Alongso yang elna asyik seboot aje. But, no promisess aye? Hehee!
Ok lahh it's 1.37am kesian boyfie aku nye suare ngantok lah dier, sexy betool suare. I also want to sleep lahh. Hehe!
Tata! Looove korang. And oh ya,
Please tag me can? It's quiet dusty. Haha!