All eyes on me in th center of the ring, Just like a circus
Wednesday, February 25 @ 12:32 AM
So Yesterday was Monday.
And lyke i always say, I hate Monday! Remember?
And after doing alittle thinking, since i hate Monday so muchh. Why not i waste my tyme at werq and earn so cashh, uh-huhh. And dhat's exactly what happen. Haha! But after dhat day, i am now not looking forward to werq. It kinda change the whole mindset of mine. Like seriously! Wanna know why? Nak tau? Don't ask me, cause even if eu did jgn harap i will answer. Hehehe. Jahat nyee!
And on dhat day too, i did know starting from yesterday. Closing will only required two staff, two(!!) Lyke Oh-My-God. Tak cukop manpower seh, not enough! Usually we need 3, cause one will do the cookie bin, another one will wash all the trays and whatevernots and one more will count the money and do the stock. But now, only two. Dua aje! So one do stock while another one rush here and there trying to wash the bin and wash the trays. See, can my day get any worst? But it's ok, i'm only a staff. Can't complain. Dhat's my job what -___-" (I know)
On the other hand, I saw FAA &bf while i was werqing. Haha! So cutee lah Faa &bf.
Today is Tuesday, marks my ferst offday of this week.
And I got three plans ahead.
I mean, today i'm supposed to meet 3groups of people.
- My sister @ amk 5pm to pass things.
- My mum @ causeway point 6pm to have Ban Mian for dinner.
- Girlfriends @ unlocated aftr they finish sch to just meet-ups.
And i tot i can make it all on tyme but i was wrong. They all finish at the same tyme and diff locations. So, after did alil walking around cway. I tot of them all meeting me at causeway point banquet, kan fair! Hahaha! And they also come right on tyme. I love them!
So after did alittle meet up and all. Girlfriend gotta rush home. So me, walk2 at kiddy palace &john little with me familyy. And sent sister &family off to the interchange. And left with Mum &me not forgetting Naiya. Mum bought Lerk Thai take-aways and i bought HotFudge Sundae at Mcds and we walked happily home.
Overall, i had fun todae.
Time check, 1.05am now.
Bbyboy is sound asleep, and i should go sleep too!
I got werq tmrw at 4pm and 4pm on Thursday too! And guess wad tyme i start werq on Saturday? 4pm also! Hahaha!
Gdnyte people, takecare! K go.