iPod Nano Chromatic, Me want eu!
Monday, February 23 @ 12:52 PM
Hello, i'm back. Good, never better.
So the 3days of weerq was ok, nothing happen only on 19Feb where i meet up with April at Woodlands Int at 11am and off to the salon to get hyr hair done. Just so eu know, April is my supervisor only dhat we are close, not just us. FA staff are all pretty close, i think.

So now eu know i spend my weekdays on werq, what i did on my weekends ek? I meet up with Boyfie 2days straight. Haha!
On Saturday,
Wanted to support Catty for hyr audition but, didn't know the full info so plan cancel. But I met up with Boyfie in the afternoon. Boyfie went to hys jobfair w/ Zul &hys mum. Why I didn't follow? Bcoz by the tyme I wake up, they already finish surveying with the jobs. Haha! After dhat, I met up with Boyfie & Zul at Orchard Int and den meet hys other friends. So Me, boyfie, Zul, Yazid &Siti walked ard Taka as Siti wanted to do alil shopping. And den Boyfie Zul and me settle down at Cineleisure at this Indon place to eat. Try on this drink called Happy Soda. Not bad! Haha! Then, we train to wdls and slack at Civic Macd Outdoor side. Talked about their past tymes and Zul told me all about Boyfie and also plans for next month event. Den at 8plus comingg 9, Boyfie &Zul send me home. It's fun hanging out with them.
On Sunday, meet Boyfie agaen. This tyme, only the two of us. Haha! When to Ps and den wanted to watch moviee but due to the time, we can't. And den went ard to survey mp3 as hys mp3 already ask for a replacement. Talking about Mp3, i missmy Yp-U3 Pink Mp3. But now, I fall in love with this gadget where i got my hands on ytd. It's. .

iPod Nano!
Omg, eu should have seen the pink one. It is so pink(!) It's super nice super bright super shiny super slim super small and it's just super pink. Me love pink! Omg!
Me want it! Me want it! Seriously.
So mayb I should put it in my list. And it's 1.11pm now, i got werq at 4 ltr.
Got to go! Lovee eu! Takcare!
So the 3days of weerq was ok, nothing happen only on 19Feb where i meet up with April at Woodlands Int at 11am and off to the salon to get hyr hair done. Just so eu know, April is my supervisor only dhat we are close, not just us. FA staff are all pretty close, i think.

So now eu know i spend my weekdays on werq, what i did on my weekends ek? I meet up with Boyfie 2days straight. Haha!
On Saturday,
Wanted to support Catty for hyr audition but, didn't know the full info so plan cancel. But I met up with Boyfie in the afternoon. Boyfie went to hys jobfair w/ Zul &hys mum. Why I didn't follow? Bcoz by the tyme I wake up, they already finish surveying with the jobs. Haha! After dhat, I met up with Boyfie & Zul at Orchard Int and den meet hys other friends. So Me, boyfie, Zul, Yazid &Siti walked ard Taka as Siti wanted to do alil shopping. And den Boyfie Zul and me settle down at Cineleisure at this Indon place to eat. Try on this drink called Happy Soda. Not bad! Haha! Then, we train to wdls and slack at Civic Macd Outdoor side. Talked about their past tymes and Zul told me all about Boyfie and also plans for next month event. Den at 8plus comingg 9, Boyfie &Zul send me home. It's fun hanging out with them.
On Sunday, meet Boyfie agaen. This tyme, only the two of us. Haha! When to Ps and den wanted to watch moviee but due to the time, we can't. And den went ard to survey mp3 as hys mp3 already ask for a replacement. Talking about Mp3, i miss

iPod Nano!
Omg, eu should have seen the pink one. It is so pink(!) It's super nice super bright super shiny super slim super small and it's just super pink. Me love pink! Omg!
Me want it! Me want it! Seriously.
So mayb I should put it in my list. And it's 1.11pm now, i got werq at 4 ltr.
Got to go! Lovee eu! Takcare!