Love lyke this
Friday, February 27 @ 2:20 AM
I just got home from werq, ok mayb not just but since 11pm earlier. And looking at the clock now, it's 3hours ago. Haha! And i decided to update while Sien decided to kill hymself tonyte(inside joke). Haha! Tmrw, i mean todae marks my second offday for this week. Yipee! Can go shopping, yea right!
Werq, hmpff! Nothing happen todae only dhat i was lucky i didn't kena disturb w/ Fila if not, maluu member. Haha! And today not-so-kecoh lyke the other days cause i got no laughing patner since Ani is not werqing. And sldo todae my attitude is alittle bit hard to control, i myself realise today imma bit keras-kepala. I don't know what happen, but i know todae was bored. I hope dhat attitude starts and end today ya. I'm sorry for my misbehave. And thanks to the divider nye corner gave me a scar on my toe. Thanks ekk!
And ohya! Had a suprise visit from FAA&bf agaen. Haha! And at dhat tyme i was dropping double choc, so i tot mayb after she walks around Lot1 she might come back and i can giv hyr one or two or mayb three freshly bake cookies but no sign of her. Next tyme, i giv eu ok FAA must amek taww :)
Ok, got to sleep now.
And just so yknow, bby &I just turn 1 todae.
Happy 1monthsary dear.
Werq, hmpff! Nothing happen todae only dhat i was lucky i didn't kena disturb w/ Fila if not, maluu member. Haha! And today not-so-kecoh lyke the other days cause i got no laughing patner since Ani is not werqing. And sldo todae my attitude is alittle bit hard to control, i myself realise today imma bit keras-kepala. I don't know what happen, but i know todae was bored. I hope dhat attitude starts and end today ya. I'm sorry for my misbehave. And thanks to the divider nye corner gave me a scar on my toe. Thanks ekk!
And ohya! Had a suprise visit from FAA&bf agaen. Haha! And at dhat tyme i was dropping double choc, so i tot mayb after she walks around Lot1 she might come back and i can giv hyr one or two or mayb three freshly bake cookies but no sign of her. Next tyme, i giv eu ok FAA must amek taww :)
Ok, got to sleep now.
Happy 1monthsary dear.