Thursday, September 28 @ 8:30 PM
todae iin clazz ii was hard werkiing.. alittle..
duriing maths ii try n studdy myselff..
hmph.. well, 2morow dAa english EOY exam.. scariie siAkk..
todAe, ii wantedd to stayy bck at library wif anione Laa..
but dEn ii knw everiione wn't want to.. So i lepak with izad,farhan, sheevash n errie while waiting for hussien to finish detention i do my self study.. i went to the staff room to call out ms lilys abeh dier pulak tkder.. haiish.. so ii just studyy alone maybe 2morow or monday laa i go meet her.. haiishh..
2morow kAk aiis burfdae.. ii stil haven't buy anithing for kak dynie,kak nynie n kak ais.. but i pwomise i wud but den sumtiink.. just waiit laa.. now no moneyy laa..=p
well, stop here.. bye!! tkcr!!
eLiizad <33

Tuesday, September 26 @ 5:42 PM
todae was lyke everyday..
i go to sch wit lisa..
otw to sch i saw hussien n farhan.. n another one wad ghaffar n the rest was 3t1 boys..
todae all the same.. boredd in class.. Haha
den after skool, i was wiith izad n hiis frenn.. for a whiile as dey hav oral exam aft tat..
Erm, ferst boii was izad to come dwn ferst.. =))
den one-by-one come down..
den.. we all sit around at green corner there is me, izad, errie, farhan, hussien, sheevash, bahaudin, ghaffar, fifi, Q, farez, fitri, botak n more laaa..
botak keep starring at me n i was like wtf. hehe.. den fitri keep danciing n shakiing.. well sheevash draw2 at my paper block n so does the rest.. some only Haha..
well, kecohh sehh.. besst!!
in art lessons my class make ms nana pisst off tat she don't want to teach us.. n oso if we do wrong wad the hell she care.. she sae.. haiyyahh..
ok laa.. got nothing to update animore.. Tc!! bye!!
eLiizAd <33

Happy Birthday To Elnaa
Saturday, September 23 @ 10:04 PM
well, 22.09.2006..
ferst let me sing myself a birthday songg..
hehe.. im 14th todAe!! yiipEe..
aniwAe,, on 22.09.2006 i onli got 2 present from khatijah &&hamka.. Hehe..
N oso ii kiiSh frOm Lisa, shidAh n khatijAh..
at ferst shidAh wAntedd to kiiSh Me but dEn i turn n her face or in front of me dEn i shout like the whole skoOl can hear sAk!!
but at the endd they kiiSh Me.. Haha..
ii don't know yy i criiEd
n the others sAe thEy giv Me on MondAe..i hope dey don'tt bueyy..
dEn the nExt dAe, 23.09.06
i wEnt outt wiif izAd, farhan, errie, hussien,nadzir &&andy..
we juss waLk arounf cozwAe poiiNt
before meeting dem me n izad walk around together ferst..
we bought a ring n there's carving on it.. for my ring there's "Elna Love Izad" n at his have "Izad love Elna"
it was swiit.. n den bough frenship bands n moree..
den after tAt we go separate wAes.. onli me, izad n nadzir left so we play at time zone n eat alittle biit laa..
after tAt i boughtt Lisa her burfdae present.. i bought for her a necklace.. i hope she like iit =))
after tAt,, me n izad went home to lisa house to give her present..
n she sAe she like it
After tAt wEnt straight home n onLiine..
wEn mum n dAd went homee.. they pass me a present from khayli..
she give me a small teddy bear.. Thanks khayli.. =))
iits realii cutee.. =p.. Luv dEm..
k dEn notiink to uppdAte nOw..
stop hEre..
eLiizAd <33
Labels: Elna's birthday

Thursday, September 21 @ 5:05 PM
todAe 21/09 i did Not go to skOol..
Sorry to some ppl bcozz i couldn't turn up todAe.. =(
Sorry yAa??
i boughtt a piink jAcket wit gold stripes for my self.. =)
bought it as a present for myself.. Hehe..
well, my dae is less than 24hrs..
confiirm my parents forgot abt iit.. haiiz..
its been three years they forgotten.. =(
My parents pilih kAsiih!!!!
yesterday, my dad say i already sombong n already changed if not i manje2 not anymore now..
bcoz wadeva i want i won't get it so y waste time n wanna wait until wen? until all my black hair grow white hair ke?? haiiz...
ii tyNk i won't b bothered abt my burfdae tomorrow coz y, ppl don't care so y should i??..
tomorrow is not only mu birthday but 5months with izad oso.. Haha.. =))
i hope we celebrated tomorrow.. if not.. i don't know laa..
stop here..
bye!! tc*
eLiizAd <33

chAngiing skool or not?
Sunday, September 17 @ 12:03 PM
iiN the morniiNg aLreAdy cry..
Erm, let see.. kenduri or birthday party importAnt??
both but kenduri more important rite??
here's the story goes..
i cAn't go to Lisa burfdAe pArty bcoz khatijAh told Me tAt it is At after 1+ after shidAh tournAment. so ii sAe sEe ferSt coz i need to go out at 8+ to go to my cousiins house to prepAre all tAt..
dEn the next day, tk jAdi kluAr siiAng bcoz all wAke upp Late..
but dEn still go kEnduri around 1 liiKe tAt kite kLuAr..
still cAn't go to Lisa burfdAe party.. =((
den this morning shidAh told Me tAt Lisa don't cAre abt miNe burfdAe Like tAt si tAt meAns she don't cAre rite?
Sad riite? i cAre abt her burfdAe yet she don't cAre abt miiNe.. haiizz..
So ii called her...
shE liike don't liike upon receiving my call..
haiiz so ii criied.. My mum sAw, she tOt i fiight wiif izAd but thEn i explaiiN suddenLy ii heArd lisA hang up the foN..
den my Mum told mE to chAnge skool its eAsier tAt wAy, i don't need to fight or cry anymore over a small matter..
thEn she told Me they give Me 3 dAys if we fight anymore, tats it no need to ask anymore. straight away change skool..
So we juzz hAv to waiit tiill the eNd of 3 dAe if no fiights no need to change skOol if yes change skool laa ape lagiie..
End noww.. ohh yAa after tAt 3 dAys if still fight they will tiiNk abt iit. Haha..
doEs our frieNdshiip Ends hEre??..
eLiizAd <33

tiirEd && restLess
@ 12:17 AM
jus now ii wEnt to mA cousiins house bcoz got kendurii..
ii have to go bcoz it is a must go one tiings tAts y..
dEn aqiLah,Me,my sis hAv to help out wiif the dishes & stuff.
but we eNd up getiiNg pAiid.. tAt's niice of u all. And some token(money) for the fastiing tiing.. n my gMom gAve us hoLy wAter & she ask we all to pray for something good & don't forget to pray for our parents too.
Erm,today he diidn't call OR sms me the whole day.
i guess he didn't miiss me or wAd?
HYM is on my miind the whole dAy.. keep lookiing at the fon bcoz got this piic riite.. so tat's y.
i keep askiing myself, did he tink abt me? did he miss me? do he need me? loads n time&time again.
After tAt, we went hoMe, damn tired so i get to sleep iin the vAn..
so shiiok!! the air-con cooliNg..
dEn wen arrivEd at the cArpark, ii sAw farhan, hamka,diroy&ahtup..
i guess they don't saw Me in bAju kurong..
Only farhan did, he wAve at Me.. Haha =))
so iiM tiired Now..
So ii wAnt to sLeep now..
byE!! take cAre.. nytez..
eLiizAd <33

sAd &&confusEdd
Thursday, September 14 @ 7:57 PM
todAe wAs orytEs alittle!
suddEnLy iin class i wAs so confusEd &&wantEd to cry but i hoLd iit.
dEn reCess tyMe shiidAh Ask Me wAd happEn to Me Liike mE bAd Mood Like tAt uhh. dEn ii jus kEep quiet.
dEn suddenLy ii criiEd, everyoNe sAw.. shidah,lisa,aqilah,keysha,shikin&other..
Haiiz.. n one-by-one cAme upp To me.. But ii juz kEep quiiEtt.
iizAd sAw Me criiEd n he stAred at Me, n aSk y but i juz kEep dOwn..
Sorry kEyshA diidn't Meanto juzz waLk awAe frOm Eu..
juss hAv a liitle attitudE Laa..
undErstAnd Me?? Plss.. So sorry..
didn't wAn Eu tO sEe dA ugLy sight of Me.. haiiz..
dEn Ma mOod startiiNg to cOme outt butt still sAd & confusEd..
gtg Now.. notiink to updAte aniiMore..
byEz!! tAke cAre..
stAy cutEe veiwErs..
eLiizAd <33

2nd dAy at ite central(yishun)
Tuesday, September 12 @ 7:35 PM
todAe mA cLazz go to ITE yishun again for the last dAy. but den got our enemy cLazz follow. Kpo jer.
Erm, we did alittle activity get to try on the webcAm n play bussiuness challange kiinda of a board games laa. mcm monopoly gitu cuMe i tiink it is mAde upp by the bussiness student in biishAn. bcoz the teacher wAs from bishan ITE. lol.
oh yAa, got one guy the haiir Haha so funny like the member of alleycats Laa. u know rambut afro like tat.. lol
todAe, ii don'tt kNow wAd happEn to Me todAe Laa.
Liike to mOod &&sAd Liike tAt Arh.. but don'tt know wiit wAd.
hAiiyAah, Am ii supposed to b a cheerfull gurl??
where' my happiness. cum back..
ii don't liike. it hurts me more wen i recalled iit back..
iif iiN Msn ii nevA reply u bAck pls don'tt take iit too hard. i want to b aloNe mAybe?? jus msg me iif i cAn ii will reply =)
hope my cheerfullness come backs to me soon
Labels: ite yishun

sAd & confusEd
Monday, September 11 @ 10:50 PM
Today my class go to ITE YISHUN erm, go to tAt skool jus to leArn wAd course available thEre & wAd We need to pass in order to get in the course. stArt at 9am n end at 4.30pm. butt fun laa. abiit2. the boys there are liike niice &frendly.. They smile at me so many tyMes i don't know y.
so i jus smile back Haha. den i ran away.
Den after 4.30 meet iizAd whEre we supposed to met.
den don'tt know wAd happen, we keep fighting. i jus keep quiet feel like crying siia. he tried very best to make me happy back but still i'm still heartbroken. den suddenly he breakdown into tears. Aww!! den ii cAn'tt help iit, i felt i'm in wroNg laa. Haiish. See laa 2morow wad he do.
wEn home, my mum tell me alittle story of wat happen.
i feel like cryiing but argh!! i don't care.. bcoz it owaes me in fault..
y must i be the one in fault where else ther so many ppl in this stupid house they can blame, y me? stupiid Ah.. den todAe no mood to online so jus tag ppl n b sad. i want to sleep early la.
siiAn siia!!!
i don'tt know wAd hAd happen to Me. coz ii start to hAte everyone around me bcoz of sum ppl. hAiyAah.
Hmm. sorry to ppl who triied n smiile to me but ii didn't respondd.
feel free to aprounch me & tok to me. ii'm so siick of my life.. FuCk!!
Wad did ii jus sAid??
eLiizAd <33
Labels: cry, ite yishun

10 Sept
Sunday, September 10 @ 5:04 PM
boredd Now, got ntg to do.
missiiNg hym on dA othEr siidE.
wOndEr iif he iiS tiiNkiiNg abt Me? coz ii Am.
on My contAct Liist thEre iS onLii kEyshA Fer Me to chAt wiif.
ii hope suMone wud caLL mE &tok to Me.
tiiz Morniing i chAt wiif My 'bro'.
hAaha.. Funnii Lah hyM.. hAhaksS..
dEn arouNd 3.30 he hAv to go..
So sAd.. dEn no More ppl to tOk too.
dEn one-by-oNe stArtiing to onLine.. Best!! but still borEdd.
HoppiiNg tAt he wud caLL mE.
Hope tAt whiiLe he iiS werkiiNg he iS fiiNe.
Hope hE iiS tiiNkiiNg bout mE coz alreAdy 1wEek plus we diidN't Meet.
Hav ntg More to updAte.
So. stOp here.
eLiizAd <33

bOriing in dA morniing
Wednesday, September 6 @ 1:28 AM
iits cumiiNg 2.30 in dA morning yEt ii hAven't prEsent in bEd..
well, cAn't sLiip Leh..
jus knOw at arouNd 11+ ii Ask shiidA* to kol mE at muii hp..
tOk2 Laugh2 Fun2..
hAaha.. dEn shE kiindA bOred sO decidEd tO onLiiNe n jOiin Me in Msn..
sEnd tEstiiMo tO eAch othEr wAs Fun..
dEn shE toLd mE her storiiE ii tOld hyr miiNe..
pLans abt 2morow n sumMore..
dEn tyNk abt our Last tyMe hAng outs wE usEd to do &&stuff..
hMm.. ii cAn't turn bAck tyMe.. So ii guEss ii wiill hAve hAv to miiss iit..
Hmm.. iit's bEen a fEw dAes sEen ii bEen sliiping Late.
Countless nites..
Now iiM chAttiing wiit *Faizal &&shidA.. hEehe..
iit's Fun chAtting at nytE.. =))
A few bAck dAe..
ii tyNk ii wEnt to johor..
bcOz my mum sEnd bAju rAye at thEre..
dEn aLready siiAp so go thEre &&tAke.. hAaha..
one tiink ii don't like abt johor iis tAt the driiver for the tAxi don't know how to drive laa.. they drive Make my stomAch upsit down..
stupiid.. N mAny more abt thEre..
the Onli tiink ii Like thEre iz tAt all chEap2..
ii wAnNa rEst mA hEad..
muCh LurvE..
eLiizAd <33

Latte At nytEe
Sunday, September 3 @ 1:09 AM
Long tyMe nvr updAte muii bLoggiie..
todAe mEet dA 4 fiNalest SI at compass point..
Erm,, stArt at 3pm yet nk dEpan2 kAn so around 9.10 kuAr ruMah..
tyMe pAss So fast i didN't evEn feEl borEd.. mAyb ii'M bcOz ii wAs On dA Fon.. hAaha.. well,, i gEt to HUG &&kiss PAUL TWOHILL!! yay!!
best nyer. ohh yaa jasmine wanNa hug mE tk kan nk tolak kAn jus hug Laa..
hEehe.. after getting thEir autograph.. wAit 4 dEm at da exit tO sEe dEm..
hAaha.. dEn wEn dA bus mOve all dA ppl we lyke craziie go n follow da buss..
haAha.. oh ya.. daniel ong sAe iif not last week paul was voted out but bcoz of last mnute votting paul wen alittle bit higher den joakim so paul was save tats y the result show daniel was like "paul,, joakim,, pual,, joakim" mayb bcoz thEy haven't confirm yet,, hAaha..
SMS wit izad after tat but den suddenly didn't reply at all..
but den keysha msg me ask me y his boi nvr reply hyr msg.. weird huh..
sAme time.. hAaha.. well,, dpat tAu dorang mAen boLa.. hAaha..
Buat suspEnd jek.. wOrriied siCk tAu kiite duA! AiyAah..
Now it is cuming 1.30am yEt iim not in bed coz i don't fell like sleeping..
erm,, just finish polishing my nails &put alittle colour on it..
n abit of design of course.. hAaha..
notiink to update animore..
2morow my family &&i will b going to the beach at eact coast &izad n his fren will b going there too, hope get to meet him awhile.. kinda miss him..
hugs &&kisses,,
El[n]izAd <33

outt wiif dA bOizz..
@ 12:50 AM
tAt FridAe,, iin dA morniing iizAd ajAk Me To Lepaks wiif hiis
Fren At Fifi's house.. iit wAs Fun..
wE all wAnted to wAtch ghOst story bt we hAd a little accidEnt..
Some sort oF sumone stuck another cd in dA player..
erm,, luckilly dEre someone who knows how to get it out.. hAaha..
well,, dEn tk jAdi tgk so we all play around..
dA boiz wEre like small kidd pLaying wit pistol, pillows &&more..
well,, most of the time i wAs alone.. Felt alone tOo but dEn luckilly dEre is
KeyshA to tEman Me.. wEn dA bois ate Me &&hyr go tO tis room to
talk2.. hAaha..
dEn aftEr Fifi reAdy tO go outt, we all wEnt out together Onli thAt fifi go to different direction from uss..
B4 fifi keluar umAh shE hAd to do alittle housework bcOz we all mess it upp..
iit wAs Fun && oso Funny.. Realli hAd a Fun tiMe..
After tAt we all go erm i hEard it wAs called "karipap" i don't know..
Erm,, dEn i sit dEre for awhile abt 6 like tat go home izAd sent me home n
we walk wit farhAn too..
hEehe.. don't know wAd to write sumore so end hEre..