2nd dAy at ite central(yishun)
Tuesday, September 12 @ 7:35 PM
todAe mA cLazz go to ITE yishun again for the last dAy. but den got our enemy cLazz follow. Kpo jer.
Erm, we did alittle activity get to try on the webcAm n play bussiuness challange kiinda of a board games laa. mcm monopoly gitu cuMe i tiink it is mAde upp by the bussiness student in biishAn. bcoz the teacher wAs from bishan ITE. lol.
oh yAa, got one guy the haiir Haha so funny like the member of alleycats Laa. u know rambut afro like tat.. lol
todAe, ii don'tt kNow wAd happEn to Me todAe Laa.
Liike to mOod &&sAd Liike tAt Arh.. but don'tt know wiit wAd.
hAiiyAah, Am ii supposed to b a cheerfull gurl??
where' my happiness. cum back..
ii don't liike. it hurts me more wen i recalled iit back..
iif iiN Msn ii nevA reply u bAck pls don'tt take iit too hard. i want to b aloNe mAybe?? jus msg me iif i cAn ii will reply =)
hope my cheerfullness come backs to me soon
Labels: ite yishun