bOriing in dA morniing
Wednesday, September 6 @ 1:28 AM
iits cumiiNg 2.30 in dA morning yEt ii hAven't prEsent in bEd..
well, cAn't sLiip Leh..
jus knOw at arouNd 11+ ii Ask shiidA* to kol mE at muii hp..
tOk2 Laugh2 Fun2..
hAaha.. dEn shE kiindA bOred sO decidEd tO onLiiNe n jOiin Me in Msn..
sEnd tEstiiMo tO eAch othEr wAs Fun..
dEn shE toLd mE her storiiE ii tOld hyr miiNe..
pLans abt 2morow n sumMore..
dEn tyNk abt our Last tyMe hAng outs wE usEd to do &&stuff..
hMm.. ii cAn't turn bAck tyMe.. So ii guEss ii wiill hAve hAv to miiss iit..
Hmm.. iit's bEen a fEw dAes sEen ii bEen sliiping Late.
Countless nites..
Now iiM chAttiing wiit *Faizal &&shidA.. hEehe..
iit's Fun chAtting at nytE.. =))
A few bAck dAe..
ii tyNk ii wEnt to johor..
bcOz my mum sEnd bAju rAye at thEre..
dEn aLready siiAp so go thEre &&tAke.. hAaha..
one tiink ii don't like abt johor iis tAt the driiver for the tAxi don't know how to drive laa.. they drive Make my stomAch upsit down..
stupiid.. N mAny more abt thEre..
the Onli tiink ii Like thEre iz tAt all chEap2..
ii wAnNa rEst mA hEad..
muCh LurvE..
eLiizAd <33