sAd &&confusEdd
Thursday, September 14 @ 7:57 PM
todAe wAs orytEs alittle!
suddEnLy iin class i wAs so confusEd &&wantEd to cry but i hoLd iit.
dEn reCess tyMe shiidAh Ask Me wAd happEn to Me Liike mE bAd Mood Like tAt uhh. dEn ii jus kEep quiet.
dEn suddenLy ii criiEd, everyoNe sAw.. shidah,lisa,aqilah,keysha,shikin&other..
Haiiz.. n one-by-one cAme upp To me.. But ii juz kEep quiiEtt.
iizAd sAw Me criiEd n he stAred at Me, n aSk y but i juz kEep dOwn..
Sorry kEyshA diidn't Meanto juzz waLk awAe frOm Eu..
juss hAv a liitle attitudE Laa..
undErstAnd Me?? Plss.. So sorry..
didn't wAn Eu tO sEe dA ugLy sight of Me.. haiiz..
dEn Ma mOod startiiNg to cOme outt butt still sAd & confusEd..
gtg Now.. notiink to updAte aniiMore..
byEz!! tAke cAre..
stAy cutEe veiwErs..
eLiizAd <33