chAngiing skool or not?
Sunday, September 17 @ 12:03 PM
iiN the morniiNg aLreAdy cry..
Erm, let see.. kenduri or birthday party importAnt??
both but kenduri more important rite??
here's the story goes..
i cAn't go to Lisa burfdAe pArty bcoz khatijAh told Me tAt it is At after 1+ after shidAh tournAment. so ii sAe sEe ferSt coz i need to go out at 8+ to go to my cousiins house to prepAre all tAt..
dEn the next day, tk jAdi kluAr siiAng bcoz all wAke upp Late..
but dEn still go kEnduri around 1 liiKe tAt kite kLuAr..
still cAn't go to Lisa burfdAe party.. =((
den this morning shidAh told Me tAt Lisa don't cAre abt miNe burfdAe Like tAt si tAt meAns she don't cAre rite?
Sad riite? i cAre abt her burfdAe yet she don't cAre abt miiNe.. haiizz..
So ii called her...
shE liike don't liike upon receiving my call..
haiiz so ii criied.. My mum sAw, she tOt i fiight wiif izAd but thEn i explaiiN suddenLy ii heArd lisA hang up the foN..
den my Mum told mE to chAnge skool its eAsier tAt wAy, i don't need to fight or cry anymore over a small matter..
thEn she told Me they give Me 3 dAys if we fight anymore, tats it no need to ask anymore. straight away change skool..
So we juzz hAv to waiit tiill the eNd of 3 dAe if no fiights no need to change skOol if yes change skool laa ape lagiie..
End noww.. ohh yAa after tAt 3 dAys if still fight they will tiiNk abt iit. Haha..
doEs our frieNdshiip Ends hEre??..
eLiizAd <33