sAd & confusEd
Monday, September 11 @ 10:50 PM
Today my class go to ITE YISHUN erm, go to tAt skool jus to leArn wAd course available thEre & wAd We need to pass in order to get in the course. stArt at 9am n end at 4.30pm. butt fun laa. abiit2. the boys there are liike niice &frendly.. They smile at me so many tyMes i don't know y.
so i jus smile back Haha. den i ran away.
Den after 4.30 meet iizAd whEre we supposed to met.
den don'tt know wAd happen, we keep fighting. i jus keep quiet feel like crying siia. he tried very best to make me happy back but still i'm still heartbroken. den suddenly he breakdown into tears. Aww!! den ii cAn'tt help iit, i felt i'm in wroNg laa. Haiish. See laa 2morow wad he do.
wEn home, my mum tell me alittle story of wat happen.
i feel like cryiing but argh!! i don't care.. bcoz it owaes me in fault..
y must i be the one in fault where else ther so many ppl in this stupid house they can blame, y me? stupiid Ah.. den todAe no mood to online so jus tag ppl n b sad. i want to sleep early la.
siiAn siia!!!
i don'tt know wAd hAd happen to Me. coz ii start to hAte everyone around me bcoz of sum ppl. hAiyAah.
Hmm. sorry to ppl who triied n smiile to me but ii didn't respondd.
feel free to aprounch me & tok to me. ii'm so siick of my life.. FuCk!!
Wad did ii jus sAid??
eLiizAd <33
Labels: cry, ite yishun