Latte At nytEe
Sunday, September 3 @ 1:09 AM
Long tyMe nvr updAte muii bLoggiie..
todAe mEet dA 4 fiNalest SI at compass point..
Erm,, stArt at 3pm yet nk dEpan2 kAn so around 9.10 kuAr ruMah..
tyMe pAss So fast i didN't evEn feEl borEd.. mAyb ii'M bcOz ii wAs On dA Fon.. hAaha.. well,, i gEt to HUG &&kiss PAUL TWOHILL!! yay!!
best nyer. ohh yaa jasmine wanNa hug mE tk kan nk tolak kAn jus hug Laa..
hEehe.. after getting thEir autograph.. wAit 4 dEm at da exit tO sEe dEm..
hAaha.. dEn wEn dA bus mOve all dA ppl we lyke craziie go n follow da buss..
haAha.. oh ya.. daniel ong sAe iif not last week paul was voted out but bcoz of last mnute votting paul wen alittle bit higher den joakim so paul was save tats y the result show daniel was like "paul,, joakim,, pual,, joakim" mayb bcoz thEy haven't confirm yet,, hAaha..
SMS wit izad after tat but den suddenly didn't reply at all..
but den keysha msg me ask me y his boi nvr reply hyr msg.. weird huh..
sAme time.. hAaha.. well,, dpat tAu dorang mAen boLa.. hAaha..
Buat suspEnd jek.. wOrriied siCk tAu kiite duA! AiyAah..
Now it is cuming 1.30am yEt iim not in bed coz i don't fell like sleeping..
erm,, just finish polishing my nails &put alittle colour on it..
n abit of design of course.. hAaha..
notiink to update animore..
2morow my family &&i will b going to the beach at eact coast &izad n his fren will b going there too, hope get to meet him awhile.. kinda miss him..
hugs &&kisses,,
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