10 Sept
Sunday, September 10 @ 5:04 PM
boredd Now, got ntg to do.
missiiNg hym on dA othEr siidE.
wOndEr iif he iiS tiiNkiiNg abt Me? coz ii Am.
on My contAct Liist thEre iS onLii kEyshA Fer Me to chAt wiif.
ii hope suMone wud caLL mE &tok to Me.
tiiz Morniing i chAt wiif My 'bro'.
hAaha.. Funnii Lah hyM.. hAhaksS..
dEn arouNd 3.30 he hAv to go..
So sAd.. dEn no More ppl to tOk too.
dEn one-by-oNe stArtiing to onLine.. Best!! but still borEdd.
HoppiiNg tAt he wud caLL mE.
Hope tAt whiiLe he iiS werkiiNg he iS fiiNe.
Hope hE iiS tiiNkiiNg bout mE coz alreAdy 1wEek plus we diidN't Meet.
Hav ntg More to updAte.
So. stOp here.
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