Tuesday, September 26 @ 5:42 PM
todae was lyke everyday..
i go to sch wit lisa..
otw to sch i saw hussien n farhan.. n another one wad ghaffar n the rest was 3t1 boys..
todae all the same.. boredd in class.. Haha
den after skool, i was wiith izad n hiis frenn.. for a whiile as dey hav oral exam aft tat..
Erm, ferst boii was izad to come dwn ferst.. =))
den one-by-one come down..
den.. we all sit around at green corner there is me, izad, errie, farhan, hussien, sheevash, bahaudin, ghaffar, fifi, Q, farez, fitri, botak n more laaa..
botak keep starring at me n i was like wtf. hehe.. den fitri keep danciing n shakiing.. well sheevash draw2 at my paper block n so does the rest.. some only Haha..
well, kecohh sehh.. besst!!
in art lessons my class make ms nana pisst off tat she don't want to teach us.. n oso if we do wrong wad the hell she care.. she sae.. haiyyahh..
ok laa.. got nothing to update animore.. Tc!! bye!!
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