Saturday, August 29 @ 3:24 AM
So tired and sleepy about todayy. Will update soon!

baby it's you
Thursday, August 27 @ 6:55 PM
Go find someone else. I'm letting eu go, i'm loving myself.
Firstly i cleaared the air this morning with mister someone, den get readyy for school. Was listening to songs all the way in the train, while holding back my tears. When i reach Bishan, it was pouring. And i didn't bring my bag to school. I didn't bring anything to school today. Hais, so i had run all the way from Bishan mrt to school. And when i reach class, i was soaking wet. So was 'Asyura, Ayu &Sarah. In class, was freaking cold cuz i was already soaking mahh. Hmpf, how bad can my day get?
After dhat, i saw mister someone. I try my best not to look, i really did. But still, our eyes met but instead of smile we exchange sad face. Hmm, den i received a miss call from him and i gave him one back. Tros da end. I don't know right now, but tonight we'll reveal. I confused please.
During CRN, my lecturer was having a bad day, just like me. Kesian please cuz everyone can see dhat he is like super duper down. Hope eu are ok Mr Tan :)

Now, im at home and currently chatting with dearest baby.
the only thing dhat keep me smiling is to b around my love ones.
Am making time for everyone right now, to keep myself busy with school, werq, family, girlfriends, classlove and myself. Gonna make myself busy so dhat i won't get to daydream for a second to remind me of someone. Hais.
Oh great, he is busy and now exams are around the corner. I'm gonna b busy too!
Got to go, slmat berbuke puasa semuaaa :)
Labels: :(, Geylang, girlfriends, ite classmates, msn conversation, school

Tuesday, August 25 @ 5:40 PM
You must do your talking face to face. Words alone won't communicate what you want.
Labels: horoscope

Monday, August 24 @ 11:01 PM
He thinks he is in love with her, but i'm pretty sure it's not me.
As much as i wanted to update about my lyfe or what i did from last friday, it seems dhat this blogger is being such a b*tch sngt2. Hais, i can't upload any pictures at the moment. So this post will be edited one day.
Last friday, i meet up with the girls after school. We had our movie after for so longg. We watched, Orphan. Conferm chop stamp, i don't want to watch this kind of movie anymore lah. Sorry lah lisa, sampai jari kau aku gigit2. Love my babyys. Haha!

Saturday, was the ferst day of Puasa/Fasting.
After break-fast at my Uncle house, we went to Geylang. Told eu people billion times, i hate gg geylang. Serious, but i had to at dhat tyme. And i bought dengdengg and air-katira. Yum yum!

Sunday, urgh! Second day of fasting and i had to werq. It's not easy i tell eu. And at dhat point of tyme, there's this one customer tryin to blow my top but i play it cool. Since it's a holy month, i take this as if Allah menguji kesabaran ku. I manage to serve this customer w/o making any fuss. I'm glad i do it right.
Finish werq at 5, dad pick me up and we break-fast at Bugis. Of all the days, on Sunday was closed for some reasons. Hais, so we had to break-fast somewhere else, as in other food place. Hmpff!

Today is Monday!
Went to school at 8, did some work out in th gym and all the while i just played on the Treadmill and i burn 114.86 calories. Wanted to make until 200 but by the tyme i stop the track. My teacher warn me dhat i'm gonna feel like on top of the cloud, like giddy2 like dhat. And yes, i couldn't stand on my feet for awhile.

Oh and did i say dhat, i've grown an inches taller?
Suke suke sukee! I'm so taller than Catty now! HAHA!

And th rest, school as per normal. Had my SES C.A marks. I already tell eu dhat the paper is damn hen nan lor! I got a High D! Omg, elna eu can forget about continuing to study if this happen again. I had to work super fcukingly extremly hard for my upcoming exams.
After school, went to meet Mummy at causeway point. And den waited for Big sister to come. Big sister, Bro-in-law and hys brother and i watch G.i.joe, again. This was my second tyme. Wohoo~
Speaking of exams, goodnight people!
I got a test tmrw.
Labels: Bugis, BugisJuction, Causeway point, Family, Fasting, g.i.joe, Geylang, girlfriends, gym, movie dates, Orphan, overdue pictures, overdue post, Puasa, random, school, test, werq

sedih please
Thursday, August 20 @ 9:58 PM
Dah lupe Elna ke?
In other words, Is Elna forgotten? Yes, dhat was my nick in msn and i tell eu! Sugguh gerek ok. I received manyy many cute comments from my dear primary and secondary school, tagged, msn and fb friends and not only dhat, two of my girlfriends change their nick to the same as mine. Haha, very cutee!
Ok ok back to school.
Todayy i was late to school, serious! Mayb bcuz i was tired from werq and slept at 2am den i couldn't wake up in the morning.
Thanks to Eez, bcuz he called me to check if i'm already otw to school but no! It's 9.30am and i just woke up! *slap forehead
So rush here and there, and went school by Cab for the 3rd or 4th time this few month. Haiss! But lucky, i wasn't late for my Selling Skills C.A.
The test was very very hen nan. How, my chinese good or not? Haha! Thanks to my Chinese teacher, Ting Rui :)
During CRN lesson, the lecturer was telling one by one about our C.A marks la. But he didn't call my name up, so i go down to his table instead. I ask him about my result, And eu know what he say?? "Oh Elna, elna is a very good girl"
Dhats all he say, he didn't even told me my marks. Haha! See, im a vry good girl. Very cute or what dhat lecturer!
After school, i was craving for Durian pancakes. Not only me, the girls also did. So we went down to AmkHub to grab th pancakes. Yummehh!
Hmpff, when i reach home. My big brother was also packing hys stuff for hys werq, den only left me alone in th house. And i was so hungryy, so i call MacDelivery while watching Fast&Furious and JPBC. Hehe!
After eating McSpicy for dinner, i went online. And dhat is when i got all the sugary comments.
And shidot is very jahat! She lie to me, how could eu lie to me shidot?!
Hmpff, bye ah nak cry!!
Labels: durian pancakes, girlfriends, ite classmates, MacD, MacDelivery, Movie marathon, random, school, test, werq

Tuesday, August 18 @ 10:56 AM
Am at school right now in room B1-06 to b specific but blogger at home dosen't let me blogg yesterday.
Well, i think blogger dosen't let me share my feeling ytd to everyone gaknye. Tapi not to worry! I'm a happy kid now! The main point is, I'm happy + eu happy = we all happy happy. Yeahh! Ok goleekk~
Class is like super little today, many people came in late and some were absent. Class so not-noisy! And during Crn, i was like during revision and suddenly i become like a retard keep on repeating th same werd anonymously anonymously anonymously. Inside joke!
Hmpff, ok. After school will b going straight to werq for later and also tmrw! Ah fasting is gonna start in less than a hand counting days, and the weather is freaking hawttt to th max i tell eu. Why ey, this always happen when fasting is abt to start. Patient aoommm~
Haha, sungguh random. I'm bored, i don't know where to surf next in the net. Boring please, ebuddy pon mcm sume senyapkn diri. On a brighter note, gonna watch movies with girlfriends(hopefully jadi) this week. Can't wait! Will update soon.
Ok lah goleekk nak outz lps ni lunch nak lychee please~
Haha bye!

birthday girls
Saturday, August 15 @ 10:16 PM
Happy birthday to RADHY & AHYOOH.

Smoga panjang umur and murah rezeki ya?
Syg korang slaluu, Taking cares!
Labels: Ayu's birthday, Radhy's birthday

Friday, August 14 @ 10:00 PM
Elna is having a temperature of 39.6 currently.
With sore throat, flu and everythingg.
Thanks a million to my love ones, my girlfriends, girls in my class who was concerned about me all th tyme, thanks eu all. Love eu all, mwahh!
I better go rest some rest nw, tmrw got training.

not my week
Thursday, August 13 @ 11:22 PM

The Bottom Line
Distract yourself from worries today and you'll see them more analytically later.
In Detail
Fame and notoriety are two things you should embrace, not shy away from. So if you are thrust into the limelight against your wishes today, try to make the best of it. Start preparing to live a more public lifestyle by taking care of your personal issues. Give some thought to a minor makeover of sorts -- either a new hairstyle or new item of clothing, nothing more significant than that. Having something new to show the world will give you more of a reason to get out into it.
So, as i was telling the girls in my class about how badly i need a new hairstyle, suddenly my horoscope says it too. Ohh, so wonderfull~
Todayy, i had my presentation. And i tell eu, this week is not a week for me. From having cramped arms to dizzyhead to temperature to sore throat. Den tmrw what? Haiss..
Speaking of tmrw, tmrw is Friday. Urgh, and i got 3 outings in one night, how?
Bbq w/ girlfriends to dine-in w/ Jackass and to Riding w/ another group of friends.
Totally gonna b super dead.
Ok la, tyme for my bedtime. Nights love!
Labels: horoscope, ite classmates, outings, school

beautiful nightmare
Tuesday, August 11 @ 8:20 PM
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
But I know this crush ain't going awayyyyy
So, i'm back in action now.
And school today is not so good cuz. . .
#1 Hate it cuz both my arm muscle are teared
#2 Feeling so disable
#3 Can't tie my hair, can only do things with my legs
#4 Lagi benci when the th lecturer is being such a racist
And #5, everything just ruin my day.
See see! The picture below *point*
Tengok, my classmate bully me cuz i can't even arrange my hair when it's messy, they make it even messier. Bagos kan?
Urghh, i can now feel like there's a heartbeat on my arm. It's very leceh yknow. How to go werq tmrw? How to go cycling? How to carry school beg? How to do this do that? Haiyoooh!
Hopefully, tmrw will be better :)
And before i end my post. I would like to thanks all my dearest people who was vry concern abt me just now, Sarah who helped me carry my bag the whole day and Asyura for massaging both my arms in class. Thank eu vry nice kayy.
Ok bye,
i want to watch Anugerah. I want to see Catty Jerry gelek-gelek~
Labels: :(, Anugerah 09, girlfriends, ite classmates, school

cause eu took my love
Friday, August 7 @ 11:04 PM
Now this be the last time you did me wrong
No more layin up in your arms
No calling saying you want me back
I'm packin my bags, what you think about that?
Yes, i already am packing my bags.
And i shall leave this blog empty for now, sorry guys.
and please tag when eu are here.
lastly, Please don't forget to remember me!
Labels: random

national day
@ 10:31 PM
Supposed to start at 8.30 but C.A ask us to come at 8am cuz he conferm chop stamp we all will come in at 9. Hehe, mcm tauu je~
Read the 6page national day message, answer 10quiz, say the pledge. Slack at th canteen, kite-flying competition. After dhat, dad fetch me from school.
After dhat reach home, go bath and and meet girlfriends at Civic together wf my big sister &Oteq. At three rush home agaen change agaen and went down to amk to catch. . .

Yupyup, i watch UP movie. Best, very cuuteeee! Haha!
Bagos per elna, three days in a row movie all the way? Tsk tskk~
And Happy 44th Birthday Singapore :)
Labels: Family, girlfriends, ite classmates, movie dates, National Day, school, Tagged, UP

masih cinta
Thursday, August 6 @ 5:02 PM
What would my mama do,
If she knew bout me and you?
Oh, what would my daddy say,
If he saw me hurt this way? (uh-oh uh-oh)
Today is Thursday!
Tmw is Friday, and students are encourage to wear either White Or Red?
So IR3, how? Red or White? Sejiwe please?
Erm and sorry readers.
Today elnaastory got no storyy to share cuz nothing really happen in class or in school todayy. We only had 3 hours of lessons, had presentation and den continue with the Role play and den go home straight. Elna budak baek kann?
Hmpff, im bored now but i can't wait for tonight. Yay!
I ade movie date!!
I nak tengooook. . jeng jeng jenggggg. . .

Jealous tak? Tak kan. Diam ah! Haha.
Omg, ape ni nak buat for the next 4 hours more?
People please, talk to me.
Skrg, bored bored bored bored bored dot com
Later, gerek suke gerek suke gerek suke dot com
Labels: Astroboy, g.i.joe, ite classmates, movie dates, random, school

go girl
Wednesday, August 5 @ 11:42 PM
If dhat boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you

Todayy school start at 8.30am.
We had Gift Wrapping Training all the way until 12pluss.
And den had break until 2pm.
Picture below wf Syura ngn bored dkat luar claass.
Muke tak perlu, please?

Oh yang nie, candid. Serious!
Bcuz i saw someone below den idk la what telahh happen..
During wrapping trainingg, tengok uh sume design.
Sume hand-made by tangan2 owner dieerr..
yang pink niee, owner dier ialah, Nurisa Elna.
Ey, tak perlu, please?

After school, went straight to werq.
Was damn tired la sey, kene bawak dhat bottle al the way.
Plus my uniform sume, haiyoohh.

Sorry, please?
Tak sengaje. Repeat, tidak sengaje. Sorryyyy!
Ok bye, nak sleep, please?
And and, girlfriends! Jumpe please nak hug before i goooooooooooo.
Labels: Astroboy, ite classmates, random, school, werq