sedih please
Thursday, August 20 @ 9:58 PM
Dah lupe Elna ke?
In other words, Is Elna forgotten? Yes, dhat was my nick in msn and i tell eu! Sugguh gerek ok. I received manyy many cute comments from my dear primary and secondary school, tagged, msn and fb friends and not only dhat, two of my girlfriends change their nick to the same as mine. Haha, very cutee!
Ok ok back to school.
Todayy i was late to school, serious! Mayb bcuz i was tired from werq and slept at 2am den i couldn't wake up in the morning.
Thanks to Eez, bcuz he called me to check if i'm already otw to school but no! It's 9.30am and i just woke up! *slap forehead
So rush here and there, and went school by Cab for the 3rd or 4th time this few month. Haiss! But lucky, i wasn't late for my Selling Skills C.A.
The test was very very hen nan. How, my chinese good or not? Haha! Thanks to my Chinese teacher, Ting Rui :)
During CRN lesson, the lecturer was telling one by one about our C.A marks la. But he didn't call my name up, so i go down to his table instead. I ask him about my result, And eu know what he say?? "Oh Elna, elna is a very good girl"
Dhats all he say, he didn't even told me my marks. Haha! See, im a vry good girl. Very cute or what dhat lecturer!
After school, i was craving for Durian pancakes. Not only me, the girls also did. So we went down to AmkHub to grab th pancakes. Yummehh!
Hmpff, when i reach home. My big brother was also packing hys stuff for hys werq, den only left me alone in th house. And i was so hungryy, so i call MacDelivery while watching Fast&Furious and JPBC. Hehe!
After eating McSpicy for dinner, i went online. And dhat is when i got all the sugary comments.
And shidot is very jahat! She lie to me, how could eu lie to me shidot?!
Hmpff, bye ah nak cry!!
Labels: durian pancakes, girlfriends, ite classmates, MacD, MacDelivery, Movie marathon, random, school, test, werq