baby it's you
Thursday, August 27 @ 6:55 PM
Go find someone else. I'm letting eu go, i'm loving myself.
Hmpff, nari elna tkde mood sey. And today is just not my day.
Firstly i cleaared the air this morning with mister someone, den get readyy for school. Was listening to songs all the way in the train, while holding back my tears. When i reach Bishan, it was pouring. And i didn't bring my bag to school. I didn't bring anything to school today. Hais, so i had run all the way from Bishan mrt to school. And when i reach class, i was soaking wet. So was 'Asyura, Ayu &Sarah. In class, was freaking cold cuz i was already soaking mahh. Hmpf, how bad can my day get?
After dhat, i saw mister someone. I try my best not to look, i really did. But still, our eyes met but instead of smile we exchange sad face. Hmm, den i received a miss call from him and i gave him one back. Tros da end. I don't know right now, but tonight we'll reveal. I confused please.
During CRN, my lecturer was having a bad day, just like me. Kesian please cuz everyone can see dhat he is like super duper down. Hope eu are ok Mr Tan :)

Now, im at home and currently chatting with dearest baby.
the only thing dhat keep me smiling is to b around my love ones.
Am making time for everyone right now, to keep myself busy with school, werq, family, girlfriends, classlove and myself. Gonna make myself busy so dhat i won't get to daydream for a second to remind me of someone. Hais.
Oh great, he is busy and now exams are around the corner. I'm gonna b busy too!
Got to go, slmat berbuke puasa semuaaa :)
Firstly i cleaared the air this morning with mister someone, den get readyy for school. Was listening to songs all the way in the train, while holding back my tears. When i reach Bishan, it was pouring. And i didn't bring my bag to school. I didn't bring anything to school today. Hais, so i had run all the way from Bishan mrt to school. And when i reach class, i was soaking wet. So was 'Asyura, Ayu &Sarah. In class, was freaking cold cuz i was already soaking mahh. Hmpf, how bad can my day get?
After dhat, i saw mister someone. I try my best not to look, i really did. But still, our eyes met but instead of smile we exchange sad face. Hmm, den i received a miss call from him and i gave him one back. Tros da end. I don't know right now, but tonight we'll reveal. I confused please.
During CRN, my lecturer was having a bad day, just like me. Kesian please cuz everyone can see dhat he is like super duper down. Hope eu are ok Mr Tan :)

Now, im at home and currently chatting with dearest baby.
the only thing dhat keep me smiling is to b around my love ones.
Am making time for everyone right now, to keep myself busy with school, werq, family, girlfriends, classlove and myself. Gonna make myself busy so dhat i won't get to daydream for a second to remind me of someone. Hais.
Oh great, he is busy and now exams are around the corner. I'm gonna b busy too!
Got to go, slmat berbuke puasa semuaaa :)
Labels: :(, Geylang, girlfriends, ite classmates, msn conversation, school