go girl
Wednesday, August 5 @ 11:42 PM
If dhat boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you

Todayy school start at 8.30am.
We had Gift Wrapping Training all the way until 12pluss.
And den had break until 2pm.
Picture below wf Syura ngn bored dkat luar claass.
Muke tak perlu, please?

Oh yang nie, candid. Serious!
Bcuz i saw someone below den idk la what telahh happen..
During wrapping trainingg, tengok uh sume design.
Sume hand-made by tangan2 owner dieerr..
yang pink niee, owner dier ialah, Nurisa Elna.
Ey, tak perlu, please?

After school, went straight to werq.
Was damn tired la sey, kene bawak dhat bottle al the way.
Plus my uniform sume, haiyoohh.

Sorry, please?
Tak sengaje. Repeat, tidak sengaje. Sorryyyy!
Ok bye, nak sleep, please?
And and, girlfriends! Jumpe please nak hug before i goooooooooooo.
Labels: Astroboy, ite classmates, random, school, werq