Did you regret, ever holding my hand?
Tuesday, April 28 @ 9:10 PM
Woah, macam lame gitu tak update. He-he-he!
And sorry no pics cause, i can't find my Usb cable.
I miss blogging, updating and typing cause my course dosen't required us to type any long paragraph at all. Ya, only sit in class and more thoery lessons. Except when we had to print our scripts lyke dhat.
Btw, i miss onliningg too. I miss chatting.
School was ok, alittle stressfull for me lagi2 i don't knw how to handle/manage my tyme with werq and school. So of course, i'm having a hard time.
Not only dhat, boyfie and i are so sooo very apart now. He is busy with jobs, & i am busy too with werq &school. Not meeting each other is one, but also alot of mis-communication and misunderstanding is going on. And i also realise i make a terrible terrible mistake. But, I just miss him. Miss hym so very much. Three weeks ago marks, our last dating. Haishh! Tyme, please give me a break. I want to meet hym! Oh well, tyme dosen't let us anyway. I rindu my babyboy sngt2!
Werq was ok. The new flavour(Chocolate White Choc Chip) was nice too! I love it just like the other cookies flavour. Really, but it's not moving fast. It is sell-able but still, they stick with their favourites.
Ok la, it's 9.30pm now. I want to sleep.
Every week is a busy week for me, sorry for the lack of updates.
i am so sorry

cookies, i want.
Sunday, April 19 @ 12:44 AM
I had werq today, and tmrw is my offday.
Jimmy came to visit me with hys gf. And later dhat afternoon, Fazlina and hyr friend came too. Thanks alot for turun-ing. Cause if no-one visited me i'll conferm b very bored. Eu won't see a smile on my face. HAHA! Talking about visiting. Sorry ok FAA, cause i wasn't werqing dhat day. I think dlm banyak2, FAA is my regular customer. HAHA! Eu guys sungguh manis. Wait, very sweet sounds better :)
So, what new?
I just been told just now dhat starting Monday, 20 April 09. My outlet (not sure about the rest of the outlet) is going to sell new Famous Amos cookie flavour. Called, White Choco chip. I don't know how it look lyke and i don't know how it taste so, dont ask me just yet. But i will update alright? Eu guys can buy and try if eu want to cause different people got different opinion. Buy ok, jangan tak buy :) More update soon.

Jimmy came to visit me with hys gf. And later dhat afternoon, Fazlina and hyr friend came too. Thanks alot for turun-ing. Cause if no-one visited me i'll conferm b very bored. Eu won't see a smile on my face. HAHA! Talking about visiting. Sorry ok FAA, cause i wasn't werqing dhat day. I think dlm banyak2, FAA is my regular customer. HAHA! Eu guys sungguh manis. Wait, very sweet sounds better :)
So, what new?
I just been told just now dhat starting Monday, 20 April 09. My outlet (not sure about the rest of the outlet) is going to sell new Famous Amos cookie flavour. Called, White Choco chip. I don't know how it look lyke and i don't know how it taste so, dont ask me just yet. But i will update alright? Eu guys can buy and try if eu want to cause different people got different opinion. Buy ok, jangan tak buy :) More update soon.
As for next week, let me tell eu my werq schedule.
Monday - 5 to closing
Thursday - 5 to closing
Saturday - 5 to closing also.
And the rest, offday cause school end late.
So, come down to Lot 1 and see me!
Bye, shidot just called for my rescue. Got to go!
Labels: Famous Amos, werq

Friday, April 17 @ 12:12 AM
I don't know what to update.
Today no lessons, cause its the third/last day of the orientation. Assemble at class at 10am, CA update us with new updates. And then, at 10.45am went to th auditorium, director talk. Love the director, soooo gerek one. And at 12pm, took bus to Macpherson bcoz got CCA roadshow there.
I saw Alba, yup conferm it's her. And i also get to meet Aza since it's at hys own school. He help me with the direction to the Mrt, sumpah mcm tourist there. HAHAHA!
Den rush to werq, was supposed to starts werq at 4pm but i reach Eunos mrt at 3.20pm. So yala, i reach late and i was sooo tired. Obviously.
Ok bye, will b on hiatus again i guess.
Today no lessons, cause its the third/last day of the orientation. Assemble at class at 10am, CA update us with new updates. And then, at 10.45am went to th auditorium, director talk. Love the director, soooo gerek one. And at 12pm, took bus to Macpherson bcoz got CCA roadshow there.
I saw Alba, yup conferm it's her. And i also get to meet Aza since it's at hys own school. He help me with the direction to the Mrt, sumpah mcm tourist there. HAHAHA!
Den rush to werq, was supposed to starts werq at 4pm but i reach Eunos mrt at 3.20pm. So yala, i reach late and i was sooo tired. Obviously.
Ok bye, will b on hiatus again i guess.
Labels: school

Shut up &let me go
Wednesday, April 15 @ 11:19 PM
Been busy this few weeks.
And this is just a quickk update.
9 April

Meet up Wan at WestMall Macd to chilled and just play around with hys laptop.
Pictures are taken with hys Acer Crystal Eye Camera in hys laptop or something. More pics have not upload.
11 April

Was walking with boyfie at town when suddenly hys friends call hym and told hym about the last minute plan. They pick us up at the Busstop outside Far East Plaza by lori and we went to Spize to have supper and chill beside the sea on th Jetty till 5am. There was, Boyfie, Zul, Yazid, another one of hys friend, Azim &hys fiance Fad Jalal &wife Ina &Baby Ryan and me. Later dhat morning Mon &hys friend came to joinn. Reach home at 6.45am sleep and wake up for werq th next day.
13 April marks School starts.

Ytd during the orientation, there's a small show put up just for April Intakes.
Back to basic, Hip hop competition.
Take a look at our Guest Performer.
I love the dance, make me want to dance too, at dhat tyme. HAHAHA!
Moreother groups on youtube. Go search.
Type, Ite Bishan? Or maybe Back to Basic? Or Performances at Ite Bishan?
Go explore.
(And apologize to the owner of this video for uploading in my blog without permission.)
And todae, 15 April

Meet up with Shidot at causeway for a short 2hours of catching up together. Catty was supposed to b there but she can't make it. And this was a last minute plan.
Should meet up soon with the whole babes.
And lastly, after sch had to rush for werq on Thu &friday which is tmrw.
9 April

Meet up Wan at WestMall Macd to chilled and just play around with hys laptop.
Pictures are taken with hys Acer Crystal Eye Camera in hys laptop or something. More pics have not upload.
11 April

Was walking with boyfie at town when suddenly hys friends call hym and told hym about the last minute plan. They pick us up at the Busstop outside Far East Plaza by lori and we went to Spize to have supper and chill beside the sea on th Jetty till 5am. There was, Boyfie, Zul, Yazid, another one of hys friend, Azim &hys fiance Fad Jalal &wife Ina &Baby Ryan and me. Later dhat morning Mon &hys friend came to joinn. Reach home at 6.45am sleep and wake up for werq th next day.
13 April marks School starts.

Ytd during the orientation, there's a small show put up just for April Intakes.
Back to basic, Hip hop competition.
Take a look at our Guest Performer.
I love the dance, make me want to dance too, at dhat tyme. HAHAHA!
Moreother groups on youtube. Go search.
Type, Ite Bishan? Or maybe Back to Basic? Or Performances at Ite Bishan?
Go explore.
(And apologize to the owner of this video for uploading in my blog without permission.)
And todae, 15 April

Meet up with Shidot at causeway for a short 2hours of catching up together. Catty was supposed to b there but she can't make it. And this was a last minute plan.
Should meet up soon with the whole babes.
And lastly, after sch had to rush for werq on Thu &friday which is tmrw.
So, i guess i'm going back on my hiatus-mood again and b back on weekends. My layout kinda sucks right now, but i'm still werqing on it.
Sorry! but all tags had been read, and relinkedd :)
Keep on tagging me aite?
Miss me!
Sorry! but all tags had been read, and relinkedd :)
Keep on tagging me aite?
Miss me!
Labels: Bf and friends, Boyfie and i, Causeway point, girlfriends, ite classmates, outings, overdue pictures, school, Spize, werq

coming soon
Thursday, April 9 @ 1:45 PM
Look out for it :)
Labels: elsc blogshop

shop till eu drop
@ 1:12 AM
Listen Up Girls!
ELSC is opening.
Labels: elsc blogshop

It's not enough to say that I miss eu
Wednesday, April 8 @ 12:42 AM
Just dropping by to say hi.
Labels: random

i still have my moments
Tuesday, April 7 @ 3:50 AM
I just changed my skins lyke i said with the help of Catty Jerry, thanks alot b. Overall, i think its ok. I don't know wad to write under About me. Should really express more about me. Well, don't worry.
More to come..
More to come..

Baby, dhat's just me
@ 1:34 AM
Well well, i'm bored.
Im stuck at home for the whole past 24 hours, or more. I need to change my skins, i want to change my playlists but, i just need tyme. Tyme? Bile je aku busy tau, cause i'm lyke doing nothing since forever.
Speaking of which, i'm sure i'm going to start werq pretty soon now only dhat i haven't got calls or sms-es from the shop or mayb i should call them instead. Hmpff! Well, having those holiday moods for some while, i think i'm getting pretty lazy day by day. This week was supposed to b my werq-week but suddenly i feel, i want more holidays.
And next week, school starts. Are eu ready? Not me! Well, eu know sometimes eu got the feeling dhat eur going to b the shinning new toy(not one but this group) in dhat place and eur not ready for it and th worst part, eur unsure of everything. The surrondings what it's like, the tyme and place and just everything. Honestly, i'm having this feeling right now. I don't want to have a bad start. Somemore, i don't know a single person there. How sad~
10 more minutes till boyfie outs for hys break tyme.
Got to go, busy finding a new layouts.
Im stuck at home for the whole past 24 hours, or more. I need to change my skins, i want to change my playlists but, i just need tyme. Tyme? Bile je aku busy tau, cause i'm lyke doing nothing since forever.
Speaking of which, i'm sure i'm going to start werq pretty soon now only dhat i haven't got calls or sms-es from the shop or mayb i should call them instead. Hmpff! Well, having those holiday moods for some while, i think i'm getting pretty lazy day by day. This week was supposed to b my werq-week but suddenly i feel, i want more holidays.
And next week, school starts. Are eu ready? Not me! Well, eu know sometimes eu got the feeling dhat eur going to b the shinning new toy(not one but this group) in dhat place and eur not ready for it and th worst part, eur unsure of everything. The surrondings what it's like, the tyme and place and just everything. Honestly, i'm having this feeling right now. I don't want to have a bad start. Somemore, i don't know a single person there. How sad~
10 more minutes till boyfie outs for hys break tyme.
Got to go, busy finding a new layouts.
Labels: random

The Unborn
Monday, April 6 @ 1:34 AM
Boyfie fetched me at 5pm, we trained to Yishun. While waiting for Ben(bf's friend) to arrived, me and bby walked around at the pasar malam and in the Northpoint shopping center itself. When he arrived, we trained together since we were going to the same road. We drop off at town and he went off to fetch hys gf at Bugis. Did shopping with Boyfie and also surveying some stuffs. He sent me off, and den hys friend fetch hym at my place and dey went off to West Coast for supper, but i didn't want to join.
Meet Boyfie again, ask hym to help me be one of Catty's supporters. Haha! Trained to Somerset, reached there at 1plus. Walked to Scape Youth Park for the Stardust thingy and den wait for Catty's turn to sing. To me, she did great la kan but i didn't realize she took off hyr heels mayb bcoz the big speakers was covering it. Haha! But honestly, i think she did a good job! Hopefully she get in the finals. Well, mayb she will cause one of the judges gave hyr the words of encouragement "but, that dosen't mean eu won't go to the finals". See, so hopefully she will.

After her performances, boyfie told me its was my turn to join hym and hys friend over at Cineleisure to catch a movie. He told me we were watching The Unborn, i totally got no idea what it is until he told me it was. . .

this. Horror i can say, with all those demons and upside-down dog head and all. Seriously, suspend punye bnyak. Until my Haagen Dazs Belgian Chocolate ice-cream falls on my chest area. Ok la, there2 siket. Hahaha! Me so stuupid, but he was so sweet. Haha! It starts at 2.35pm but we settle inside around 2.50pm lyke dhat. So we missed the front part alittle.
After movie Yazid &patner, boyfie and i. We had finger foods at ljs and i saw Sufi. We bought just light snacks ajee. After dhat walked around at Wisma and Taka and all. At 7 we had to go on separate ways with Yazid and patner. Cause my man here has werq and wants to send me home before he goes. Told ya he's sweet. Haha!
So alittle while later at night, Shidot text me and decided to meet. I didn't know she was waiting for Catty cause she's sleeping at hyr place. I only find out after midnight and so, i ask her if she wanted to sleep at my place lah since cat's still out kan, mane tau when she's back i sent her downstairs or what. So ya lah, shidot's did agree at coming 1am if im not wrongg. And at noon the next day, she woke me up and wanted to change and meet Catty since her clothes are with her.
Actually, i already mention i woke up at noon when shidot wanted to go and everything earlier. Blahhh3. And alittle bit later i went downstairs to help my sis as she's otw here in the cab, only she and her daughter. We had breakfast as a family, feeling reunion after a long tyme not sit in the dining table complete. Miss those feeling actually. Den at 4, went to Admiralty to visits my grandfather. Den sent Kak fatynn home, den my bro to camp and den my sis. And now home sweet home.
Meet Catty Jerry at midnight under her block, went to vista to buy snacks and had movie marathon at my place. Oh, and we had received a bad news just now. Don't b sad. And i think it's quite lame uhh this thingy cause, eu know i know. It's 3am now, boyfie already continue his werq and she just left my place. Me going to sleep now. Tata &takecare people!
And oh, seriously. I need to change my layouts and
Mmmmah mmmahh! po-po-poker face sonng.
Boyfie fetched me at 5pm, we trained to Yishun. While waiting for Ben(bf's friend) to arrived, me and bby walked around at the pasar malam and in the Northpoint shopping center itself. When he arrived, we trained together since we were going to the same road. We drop off at town and he went off to fetch hys gf at Bugis. Did shopping with Boyfie and also surveying some stuffs. He sent me off, and den hys friend fetch hym at my place and dey went off to West Coast for supper, but i didn't want to join.
Meet Boyfie again, ask hym to help me be one of Catty's supporters. Haha! Trained to Somerset, reached there at 1plus. Walked to Scape Youth Park for the Stardust thingy and den wait for Catty's turn to sing. To me, she did great la kan but i didn't realize she took off hyr heels mayb bcoz the big speakers was covering it. Haha! But honestly, i think she did a good job! Hopefully she get in the finals. Well, mayb she will cause one of the judges gave hyr the words of encouragement "but, that dosen't mean eu won't go to the finals". See, so hopefully she will.
After her performances, boyfie told me its was my turn to join hym and hys friend over at Cineleisure to catch a movie. He told me we were watching The Unborn, i totally got no idea what it is until he told me it was. . .

this. Horror i can say, with all those demons and upside-down dog head and all. Seriously, suspend punye bnyak. Until my Haagen Dazs Belgian Chocolate ice-cream falls on my chest area. Ok la, there2 siket. Hahaha! Me so stuupid, but he was so sweet. Haha! It starts at 2.35pm but we settle inside around 2.50pm lyke dhat. So we missed the front part alittle.
After movie Yazid &patner, boyfie and i. We had finger foods at ljs and i saw Sufi. We bought just light snacks ajee. After dhat walked around at Wisma and Taka and all. At 7 we had to go on separate ways with Yazid and patner. Cause my man here has werq and wants to send me home before he goes. Told ya he's sweet. Haha!
So alittle while later at night, Shidot text me and decided to meet. I didn't know she was waiting for Catty cause she's sleeping at hyr place. I only find out after midnight and so, i ask her if she wanted to sleep at my place lah since cat's still out kan, mane tau when she's back i sent her downstairs or what. So ya lah, shidot's did agree at coming 1am if im not wrongg. And at noon the next day, she woke me up and wanted to change and meet Catty since her clothes are with her.
Actually, i already mention i woke up at noon when shidot wanted to go and everything earlier. Blahhh3. And alittle bit later i went downstairs to help my sis as she's otw here in the cab, only she and her daughter. We had breakfast as a family, feeling reunion after a long tyme not sit in the dining table complete. Miss those feeling actually. Den at 4, went to Admiralty to visits my grandfather. Den sent Kak fatynn home, den my bro to camp and den my sis. And now home sweet home.
Meet Catty Jerry at midnight under her block, went to vista to buy snacks and had movie marathon at my place. Oh, and we had received a bad news just now. Don't b sad. And i think it's quite lame uhh this thingy cause, eu know i know. It's 3am now, boyfie already continue his werq and she just left my place. Me going to sleep now. Tata &takecare people!
And oh, seriously. I need to change my layouts and
Mmmmah mmmahh! po-po-poker face sonng.
Labels: Boyfie and i, Family, movie dates, Movie marathon, Sleepover, Town

bored bored go away, come again another day
Thursday, April 2 @ 2:42 PM
Ok number one, im bored! Two, i'm not going out today and dhat suck. Three, no number three eu should already get the point dhat i'm bored.
Just so eu know, i watch the movie i just watched yesterday again. Woah! And i'm not bored of it yet. Nah-uh! Not yet. Well, bf is sleeping now. I do not want to disturb this beauty sleep but, heh-heh-heh! We'll see. Muahahahah~ cause, he always disturb me during mine. :)
Don't think i will b updating my fridays to sundays. Well, if eu notice i never did. Nk tau? Nk tau? Cause, my bro will book out from camp by then and of course i'll give hym 60+hours of this computer time. So yalah! Even if i can use it at night when he is out. Me don't want to disturb. It's his tyme!
Tell me what my plan tmrw, please? Friday, meeting bbyboy cause it's hys offday. Saturday, going to Youth park to support Catty Jerry for hyr Stardust competition and as for Sunday, me not sure. If mua family wants to go out, we will. And if they don't mayb followin Wan to Bugis. Don't know laa, see lah. Can't wait can't wait can't wait! Yee-haa! Imma mad gurl. Tsktsk.
And werq will start again next week and i already have plan to werq the whole week, almost! Cause after being jobless for two weeks, duet tak masok! Hhaha! So people, come down if eu want to see me. And the following week, school starts! Excited much and scaredd too. Wooooo~
As for now, I want to go out. I need accompany! Me very bored! Pleasee?
Labels: random

Confessions of a shopaholic
@ 12:22 AM
lol. da habes k? Its 2nd April already. See how tyme flyy. Gosh! School gonna start soon. Fast right? Ok, later2 can talk abt sch. Now me wanna update about today with mua girlfriends. Haha!
Was supposed to meet gf-es at 1pm but i got out from home at 1.30pm and by the tyme i arrived at th busstop, Catty &shidot already at Causeway. So, me &liskie took the bus and meet dem at ljs. Didn't know they were eating and by the tyme we reach there, they already finish their meal. So, plan for awhile. Last minute plann, decided to go Amk to catch a moviee.

Love the part when they were dancing *pointing above* So funny! Oh, we watch Confessions of a Shopaholic! Very very good movie. Currently my favourite! Serious, i don't mind watching it again and again. It's just so cute and funny. Every part, every moment! So seronok. All those dresses and shoe and friends and talking mannequin and more! Me lyke it very muchh.
I tynk it's been a loong tyme since me and b's went to catch a movie together right? Ok wait, i think the last movie was, Marley &Me right? And dhat was 2months ago? Wahhh. Ok diam.
After the movie, train back to Wdls and lucky the train was not packedd yet at dhat tyme. Took pictures! Alot of pictures. Total picture, 104 if i'm not wrong. Or mayb more! The rest, in my multiply.
Reach wdls, disturb people! Nvm, bile lagi nak kacau orang? Mane nk jumpe org mcm gini hari2? Nari special day waad. Haha! Den liskie & i bought kfc as take-away and den settle down at my place. Ohh, we did video. Go see it, in Catty Jerry's blogg, if eu want to.
Cheer up babe, and goodluck this weekend :)
Btw, i love today and I love my gurls!
Btw, i love today and I love my gurls!
Labels: Amk, Causeway point, girlfriends, movie dates