The Unborn
Monday, April 6 @ 1:34 AM
Boyfie fetched me at 5pm, we trained to Yishun. While waiting for Ben(bf's friend) to arrived, me and bby walked around at the pasar malam and in the Northpoint shopping center itself. When he arrived, we trained together since we were going to the same road. We drop off at town and he went off to fetch hys gf at Bugis. Did shopping with Boyfie and also surveying some stuffs. He sent me off, and den hys friend fetch hym at my place and dey went off to West Coast for supper, but i didn't want to join.
Meet Boyfie again, ask hym to help me be one of Catty's supporters. Haha! Trained to Somerset, reached there at 1plus. Walked to Scape Youth Park for the Stardust thingy and den wait for Catty's turn to sing. To me, she did great la kan but i didn't realize she took off hyr heels mayb bcoz the big speakers was covering it. Haha! But honestly, i think she did a good job! Hopefully she get in the finals. Well, mayb she will cause one of the judges gave hyr the words of encouragement "but, that dosen't mean eu won't go to the finals". See, so hopefully she will.

After her performances, boyfie told me its was my turn to join hym and hys friend over at Cineleisure to catch a movie. He told me we were watching The Unborn, i totally got no idea what it is until he told me it was. . .

this. Horror i can say, with all those demons and upside-down dog head and all. Seriously, suspend punye bnyak. Until my Haagen Dazs Belgian Chocolate ice-cream falls on my chest area. Ok la, there2 siket. Hahaha! Me so stuupid, but he was so sweet. Haha! It starts at 2.35pm but we settle inside around 2.50pm lyke dhat. So we missed the front part alittle.
After movie Yazid &patner, boyfie and i. We had finger foods at ljs and i saw Sufi. We bought just light snacks ajee. After dhat walked around at Wisma and Taka and all. At 7 we had to go on separate ways with Yazid and patner. Cause my man here has werq and wants to send me home before he goes. Told ya he's sweet. Haha!
So alittle while later at night, Shidot text me and decided to meet. I didn't know she was waiting for Catty cause she's sleeping at hyr place. I only find out after midnight and so, i ask her if she wanted to sleep at my place lah since cat's still out kan, mane tau when she's back i sent her downstairs or what. So ya lah, shidot's did agree at coming 1am if im not wrongg. And at noon the next day, she woke me up and wanted to change and meet Catty since her clothes are with her.
Actually, i already mention i woke up at noon when shidot wanted to go and everything earlier. Blahhh3. And alittle bit later i went downstairs to help my sis as she's otw here in the cab, only she and her daughter. We had breakfast as a family, feeling reunion after a long tyme not sit in the dining table complete. Miss those feeling actually. Den at 4, went to Admiralty to visits my grandfather. Den sent Kak fatynn home, den my bro to camp and den my sis. And now home sweet home.
Meet Catty Jerry at midnight under her block, went to vista to buy snacks and had movie marathon at my place. Oh, and we had received a bad news just now. Don't b sad. And i think it's quite lame uhh this thingy cause, eu know i know. It's 3am now, boyfie already continue his werq and she just left my place. Me going to sleep now. Tata &takecare people!
And oh, seriously. I need to change my layouts and
Mmmmah mmmahh! po-po-poker face sonng.
Boyfie fetched me at 5pm, we trained to Yishun. While waiting for Ben(bf's friend) to arrived, me and bby walked around at the pasar malam and in the Northpoint shopping center itself. When he arrived, we trained together since we were going to the same road. We drop off at town and he went off to fetch hys gf at Bugis. Did shopping with Boyfie and also surveying some stuffs. He sent me off, and den hys friend fetch hym at my place and dey went off to West Coast for supper, but i didn't want to join.
Meet Boyfie again, ask hym to help me be one of Catty's supporters. Haha! Trained to Somerset, reached there at 1plus. Walked to Scape Youth Park for the Stardust thingy and den wait for Catty's turn to sing. To me, she did great la kan but i didn't realize she took off hyr heels mayb bcoz the big speakers was covering it. Haha! But honestly, i think she did a good job! Hopefully she get in the finals. Well, mayb she will cause one of the judges gave hyr the words of encouragement "but, that dosen't mean eu won't go to the finals". See, so hopefully she will.
After her performances, boyfie told me its was my turn to join hym and hys friend over at Cineleisure to catch a movie. He told me we were watching The Unborn, i totally got no idea what it is until he told me it was. . .

this. Horror i can say, with all those demons and upside-down dog head and all. Seriously, suspend punye bnyak. Until my Haagen Dazs Belgian Chocolate ice-cream falls on my chest area. Ok la, there2 siket. Hahaha! Me so stuupid, but he was so sweet. Haha! It starts at 2.35pm but we settle inside around 2.50pm lyke dhat. So we missed the front part alittle.
After movie Yazid &patner, boyfie and i. We had finger foods at ljs and i saw Sufi. We bought just light snacks ajee. After dhat walked around at Wisma and Taka and all. At 7 we had to go on separate ways with Yazid and patner. Cause my man here has werq and wants to send me home before he goes. Told ya he's sweet. Haha!
So alittle while later at night, Shidot text me and decided to meet. I didn't know she was waiting for Catty cause she's sleeping at hyr place. I only find out after midnight and so, i ask her if she wanted to sleep at my place lah since cat's still out kan, mane tau when she's back i sent her downstairs or what. So ya lah, shidot's did agree at coming 1am if im not wrongg. And at noon the next day, she woke me up and wanted to change and meet Catty since her clothes are with her.
Actually, i already mention i woke up at noon when shidot wanted to go and everything earlier. Blahhh3. And alittle bit later i went downstairs to help my sis as she's otw here in the cab, only she and her daughter. We had breakfast as a family, feeling reunion after a long tyme not sit in the dining table complete. Miss those feeling actually. Den at 4, went to Admiralty to visits my grandfather. Den sent Kak fatynn home, den my bro to camp and den my sis. And now home sweet home.
Meet Catty Jerry at midnight under her block, went to vista to buy snacks and had movie marathon at my place. Oh, and we had received a bad news just now. Don't b sad. And i think it's quite lame uhh this thingy cause, eu know i know. It's 3am now, boyfie already continue his werq and she just left my place. Me going to sleep now. Tata &takecare people!
And oh, seriously. I need to change my layouts and
Mmmmah mmmahh! po-po-poker face sonng.
Labels: Boyfie and i, Family, movie dates, Movie marathon, Sleepover, Town