Confessions of a shopaholic
Thursday, April 2 @ 12:22 AM
lol. da habes k? Its 2nd April already. See how tyme flyy. Gosh! School gonna start soon. Fast right? Ok, later2 can talk abt sch. Now me wanna update about today with mua girlfriends. Haha!
Was supposed to meet gf-es at 1pm but i got out from home at 1.30pm and by the tyme i arrived at th busstop, Catty &shidot already at Causeway. So, me &liskie took the bus and meet dem at ljs. Didn't know they were eating and by the tyme we reach there, they already finish their meal. So, plan for awhile. Last minute plann, decided to go Amk to catch a moviee.

Love the part when they were dancing *pointing above* So funny! Oh, we watch Confessions of a Shopaholic! Very very good movie. Currently my favourite! Serious, i don't mind watching it again and again. It's just so cute and funny. Every part, every moment! So seronok. All those dresses and shoe and friends and talking mannequin and more! Me lyke it very muchh.
I tynk it's been a loong tyme since me and b's went to catch a movie together right? Ok wait, i think the last movie was, Marley &Me right? And dhat was 2months ago? Wahhh. Ok diam.
After the movie, train back to Wdls and lucky the train was not packedd yet at dhat tyme. Took pictures! Alot of pictures. Total picture, 104 if i'm not wrong. Or mayb more! The rest, in my multiply.
Reach wdls, disturb people! Nvm, bile lagi nak kacau orang? Mane nk jumpe org mcm gini hari2? Nari special day waad. Haha! Den liskie & i bought kfc as take-away and den settle down at my place. Ohh, we did video. Go see it, in Catty Jerry's blogg, if eu want to.
Cheer up babe, and goodluck this weekend :)
Btw, i love today and I love my gurls!
Btw, i love today and I love my gurls!
Labels: Amk, Causeway point, girlfriends, movie dates