bored bored go away, come again another day
Thursday, April 2 @ 2:42 PM
Ok number one, im bored! Two, i'm not going out today and dhat suck. Three, no number three eu should already get the point dhat i'm bored.
Just so eu know, i watch the movie i just watched yesterday again. Woah! And i'm not bored of it yet. Nah-uh! Not yet. Well, bf is sleeping now. I do not want to disturb this beauty sleep but, heh-heh-heh! We'll see. Muahahahah~ cause, he always disturb me during mine. :)
Don't think i will b updating my fridays to sundays. Well, if eu notice i never did. Nk tau? Nk tau? Cause, my bro will book out from camp by then and of course i'll give hym 60+hours of this computer time. So yalah! Even if i can use it at night when he is out. Me don't want to disturb. It's his tyme!
Tell me what my plan tmrw, please? Friday, meeting bbyboy cause it's hys offday. Saturday, going to Youth park to support Catty Jerry for hyr Stardust competition and as for Sunday, me not sure. If mua family wants to go out, we will. And if they don't mayb followin Wan to Bugis. Don't know laa, see lah. Can't wait can't wait can't wait! Yee-haa! Imma mad gurl. Tsktsk.
And werq will start again next week and i already have plan to werq the whole week, almost! Cause after being jobless for two weeks, duet tak masok! Hhaha! So people, come down if eu want to see me. And the following week, school starts! Excited much and scaredd too. Wooooo~
As for now, I want to go out. I need accompany! Me very bored! Pleasee?
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