Did you regret, ever holding my hand?
Tuesday, April 28 @ 9:10 PM
Woah, macam lame gitu tak update. He-he-he!
And sorry no pics cause, i can't find my Usb cable.
I miss blogging, updating and typing cause my course dosen't required us to type any long paragraph at all. Ya, only sit in class and more thoery lessons. Except when we had to print our scripts lyke dhat.
Btw, i miss onliningg too. I miss chatting.
School was ok, alittle stressfull for me lagi2 i don't knw how to handle/manage my tyme with werq and school. So of course, i'm having a hard time.
Not only dhat, boyfie and i are so sooo very apart now. He is busy with jobs, & i am busy too with werq &school. Not meeting each other is one, but also alot of mis-communication and misunderstanding is going on. And i also realise i make a terrible terrible mistake. But, I just miss him. Miss hym so very much. Three weeks ago marks, our last dating. Haishh! Tyme, please give me a break. I want to meet hym! Oh well, tyme dosen't let us anyway. I rindu my babyboy sngt2!
Werq was ok. The new flavour(Chocolate White Choc Chip) was nice too! I love it just like the other cookies flavour. Really, but it's not moving fast. It is sell-able but still, they stick with their favourites.
Ok la, it's 9.30pm now. I want to sleep.
Every week is a busy week for me, sorry for the lack of updates.
i am so sorry