Shopping fer skool thangs
Sunday, December 31 @ 12:42 AM
Todae, 30Dec.
ii went outt to Bugiis wiif shiidot, Lisa &&kt.
budden ferst we meet shidott at Orchardd. Haha.
denden we 4 all to Bugiis togetherr.
we all buyiing baggs.
wen we reachh dere.
all the bagss are shoo.. erm. so-so arhh.
denden ii saw diiz whiite bagg.
ii was Damn niice uhh.
ii was lyke dy-iing fer iit.
but no woriie gerlfwenz ii'll buy iit nxt tyme.
&&oh yaa ii saw diiz whiit sliing bag got crownn.
ii askk muii boiiprenn buy fer mee.
hehe. iif he lett.
denden we walk2 uhh ngan cariik bag ape yg lawar.
At lastt. desiisiion made.
we got iit fer $30 eachh.
all same siize &&colourr.
iit was black accuallyy budden iit looks more lyke dark blue.
ok lar siince the seller sae black den black laar.
no comment.
we took piictures iinsiide the MRT.
ahaha. yg paliing bestt tuu.
ternAekk salah traiin.
ii mean we suppossed to alliight at ciity hall budden we laugh2 den forget to aliightt.
ahaha. shoo fuuny the looks on our *paniic face*.
haha. haiiz.
after buy the bag we saw diiz watchh.
niiceyy!! verii the niice.
ii bought whiite, lisa boughtt orange, shidott blackk &&kt redd.
niice arhh.
yy ii diidn't take piink.
coz gott volcom star on iit.
nn iits muii boiiprenn new fav logo.
mane tauu he want to borrow kee.
iimagiine he wear den muii other gerlfrenz wear den ppl tot eu was iin tat groupp.
eu noe wad ii meant??
haha. nvm.
kk den fiiniish alreadyy.
me &&kt go shiidott housee die hyr haiir black back.
whiile liisa went home straiightt.
hmph. now iim at home.
jus fiiniish helpiing shiidot wiif hyr bloggie.
haha. putt piic &&stuff.
kk stopp here.
muii siis want to usee.
&&ii better get readii fer 2morow overnyte at east coastt.
ii will update photo wen iim free.
eLiizAd <33
ii want eu wen eu donte need miie

Merry chriistmas.
@ 12:23 AM
well, althoughh chriistmas hass pastt.
Longg agoooo.
ii wantedd to update abtt iit noww.
on the Eve off chriistMass.
ii SliipovEr at khAyLi's houSee.
we all sleptt at 1+ iin the morniing.
bcz we all were lyke shoo exciitedd tat we couldn't sliip.
b4 ii sleep.
ii was watchiing erm, love accually.
uhh! everyy chriistmas tat show will b shownn.
erm. ii sleepp iin khaylii rOomm.
haha. onliie mee &&hyr. bcoz got onliine 2 bedss.
kk. denden we sleppt.
ngan shiiok2 tiido.
at aroundd 8.30am.
Zack(khayli's small bro) wake us upp.
He was TOO exciitedd tat he couldn't sleepp ryte.
kesiian diierr.
ii tot iit was lyke 12pm or sumtynk budden iits 8.30 tau!!!
ii was damn sleppy. budden kesiiankn diierkn nk bukak present sangat.
shoo we all waiitedd fer each other at the hall.
we all fiind our presen ferst den Open iit togetherr.
wahh!! ii gott a butterfly book.
&&a piillow wiif a crown on iit.
thnx khayli, she bought it for me =))
ohh yaa. den we go checkk wad we got on our chriistmas sockk.
all sweets &&candiies. haha.
denden we go mandii &&eat our breakfast den waiitedd fer others to come.
den dey got theiir presentt.
&&eat our diinerr.
yum yumm !!
ohh yaa. we gott loads loadss off chocolatess!!!
kk. ii will update the photo once ii havv iit.
eLiizAd <33>
ii missh haviing euu.

REopen-iing soon!!
Thursday, December 28 @ 10:28 PM

Ferst piic // II CUT MUII FRIINGE !!!diid ii speel iit outt ryttee?? how do iie look??
second piic// how do ii look iin diiz UPPERR secc unii??
Accually muii dearr blog readerss.
ii wantedd to update about chriistmas ferst budden.
muii cousiins haven't post miie muii piic larr.
shoo iim not postiing iit ferstt.
ii'll tokk abtt Skool ferst den.
skool open-iing soon.
look at tat piic!!
iim nott readyy to becumm upper secc inn tat unii !!
iim not readyy!!!.
plss donte laughh at miie wen eu see miie iin tat.
plssssssss... pweetii plsss.
ii've cutt muii friinge on 28DEC.
iits jus a friinge.
no other tiingyy elsee.
ii wantedd to cut muii haiir shortt.
budden scaredd tat tk nmpk the curll larr.
shoo ii waiit till the curl donte hav den ii go cutt.
kk larr.
ii shall stopp here.
To alyssha..
iim sorry iif ii hurtt eu e otherr daee.
ii diidn't sae eu were a liiar.
ii juss sae whiie eu liie to miie.
bcozz SHOO longg ago.
ii diid askk eu diid eu add shiidott.
but eu sae no eu donte.
ii swearr eu diid sae tat.
ii even had the hiistoryy off our converstiion sheeyy.
whiie wudd ii liie to eu && 2 muiiselff.
iits okehh.
iits overr.
eu noe how iis shiidott ryte.
donte tokk abt iit to aniione.
onlii the two of uss noee.
take care gurl.
not matter wad ii will still b dere fer euu.
coz we promiise sumtynkk.
~call muii name one more tymee !!

hys g' house
Friday, December 22 @ 11:58 AM
22 Decc]]
Hapii 8 monthss anniiversaryy to eLiizAd todAe =))
yesterdae ii was supposedd to buy skool shoes wiif HERO budden hiis mum diidn't giib da moneyy.
shooo nxt tyme lar buyy budden donte noe wenn. huhu!!
hmph!! yesterdae we wantedd to walk2 budden ii was tiiredd.
iit was aroundd 3+ lyke tat.
shoo we siit near hiis gramma house dere, at the round table.
skalii saw his gramma iinsiide cab, got many tiingyy shoo helpp lar.
denden hiis graamma ask miie to go iinsiide skalii.
maluu nyerr.
dendenn we watchh vcd. we watchh erm, the ciite baseball tiingyy.
Little man.. &&hiigh skool musiicall.
denden aroundd 6+.
hiis auntt reachh the housee.
denden ii go salam demm lar. at leastt she noe miie ferst.
ii lyke hyr son, fitri annaki. donte noe how to spell the name.
he shoo cutee !! hehe.
&&den we buy chocolate eat dere together.
denden alreadyy 7+ HERO gramfather cum bckk home.
ii was VERII nervouss budden deyy were frendlyy.
denden aroundd 9.00pm.
muii ciite ciine start A MILLION TREASURE.
shoo we watchhed.
the gramma askked miie to eat budden ii maluu shoo ii sae ii donte want.
denden ii asked iizad to eat.
he go eat &&feed miie alliitle. diiam arhh krg. hehe
denden wen iits aroundd 9.30pm.
hiis gramma askked miie agaiin.
nk mknn tkk ?nk nenek amekkan?? ke nk mknn ngan nenekk skalii??
denn ii still refusedd.
bluekks. HERO piinch miie fer beeiing malu.
denden 9.45pm ii went home.
denden aroundd 10.12 ii reachh home.
iit was a fun dae &&a nervouss one.
hehe. kk.
donte havv anytynk to sae aniimore.
tc! tata.
eLiizAd <33
~iim sorry.

outss wiif hymm
Thursday, December 21 @ 11:31 AM

ii love-iing diiz piic coz iim whiiter den hym but iits blur !!
diiz piic after we play iin the raiin ii tynk.
21 dEcember]]
TODAE goiing outts wiif muii boiiprennHERO.
huhu !! maybb we goiing, ferst jurongpoiint denden jurong, sembawang &&bugiis.
hehe. mus conferm wadd skool tiingyy ii wan to buyy lorr.
ii donte now wad clothes ii wan to wear todae. all alreadyy wear..
OUT OF CLOTHES!! later go abiit shopiing buy clothes =))
notiice sumtynk new??
ii put passwerdd. yea, NO iidiiotiics ppl tag rubbiish diis tyme.
now, iim shoo hungryy.
the momentt ii woke upp.
iim alreadyy alonee, no one at home.
aniione wanna come muii house, teman miie?? hees.
jus now ii chatt wiif shasha, she becum monster taws !! but a pweetii one.
haha. sorry yerrr.
denden ii add umirah* upp. chat wiif hyr.
she wass kiind, niice &&sweet.
haha. but stop chatt-iing alreadyy.
bcoz now iim updatiing, umirahh updatiing &&shasha doiing sumtynk wiif hyr longgggg profiile.
ohh ya. &&sheera alsoo doiing some thiingyy iin hyr bloggie. hehe.
iim damn shoo hungryy but sleepyy.
stopp here.
wanna go cariik clothes &&stuff fer later onn.
tc ! bb.
eLiizAd <33
~ less den 24 hourss. 9 months!! *eLiizAd till last breath*.

Wednesday, December 20 @ 8:36 PM
lett miie tell eu guyys wad ii amm tynk-iing ryte noww.
well, dere iish diiz guy once ii lyke.
well, he lyke mee too budden he was lyke shoo caledd "fiierce" cozz he gott the tatoos &&stuff.
denden he was attachedd wiif diiz gurl. dere were lykee 2 yrs alreadyy.
denden brokee upp.
iin the middle off thiier realtiionshiip.
ii foundd sumone else, whiich iish muii boiiprenn rytee now =))
den now he iish already broke upp.
he wants miie to b hiis gurl.
well, he kneww ii habb a guyy.
budden he askk miie bcozz of some reasonss laa.
denden muii personn iish the one who donte lyke too make ppl feel sad or hurtt laa.
shoo, ii donte want aniione too feel hurtt.
well, Fairuz pls giiv miie tyme too tynk iit thru.
iif ii cnnt acceptt eu we'll still b frenzz kaes??
diis iish the testyy he gave miie at frenster.
hey hello!!!! Me seram ah nk ckp me tkmo u gadoh wif ur guy?? ok i jas wanna u 2 no dat i wanna sound u stead?? tapi i tk pakse u ah i no dat ur guy love u so much... mmm when i no u i feel like im falling in lup wif u but i no dat u dah de guy so take ur time 2 think... i tk kisa kalau u tk accept me as ur guy me phm so janji kite kwn cam dulu dah ok ah..... ok lah me tk tahu ape lagi nk tulis so take ur time ok........ok im outFairuzsetan
iits been 3 daes siince ii wentt outt wiif muii boiiprenn searchiing fer loadss off skull stuff.
erm, todae he cutt hiis haiir.
shoo shorrt !! hehe.
yea abt todae.
ii wentt to meet muii cuzziins tat cum all e wae from australia for a holidae bck here.
we meet upp at ciiviic ferstt denden waiitedd fer hyr priimaryy skool frens.
kamaliiah or sumtynkk.
from CHIJ skool. niice noe-iing eu.
she shoo niice &&pwetti. gosh ii love hyr looks.
shoo siimple yett pweetii.
denden muii cousiin askked miie to follow hyr go wgs whiich iish oshoo hyr ex skools.
wadd forr? ntahh larr she want to tok2 &&giiv small tokkens to the teachers she still love.
denden erm, ii go seperate waes meet muii boiiprenn go walkk2 near wan.
lyke marsliing, sembawangg &&cozwae AGAIIN. hehs.
denden jus now ii caledd upp adiqaa askk hym tat ii don't wan to break BEST-fren shiip wiif hym.
den he saiid. yar okehh.
budden ii miish hiis last tyme attitudee.
ohh yar he oshoo told miie tat he alreadyy apply to change skool nxt yr.
haiiyooh. shoo iim goiing to b alone iin nxt yr class coz shiidah will stiick wiif lisa, CONFERM!
denden iim all alonee. CONFERM!! hehe.
kk. nashiirahh been waiitynk2 readd upp muii postt fer lyke 20 miins or shoo.
hehe. sorry sheera.
hehe. kk. end liiox.
tc. bb.
eLiizAd <33
~ iim confuseed but still tynk-iing.
*iim sorry iif ii habb to hurtt one of euu*
~ii wan the oldd eu bckk adii !!

later onn.
Sunday, December 17 @ 3:29 PM
later onn. goiing muii don't know whose housee, the bangloo housee.
Erm, the purpose iish twu meet muii erm, who uhh.
ii don't know. but ii noe ii caledd hyr nenek(grandmother).
she from penang. shoo longg nvr see hyr.
ii heard she iish siick lar. tats yy we goiing to pay hyr a viisiit.
cepat baekk yerr nekk. =))
now muii siis &&iie waiitynk fer our parentss to piick uss upp.
haiiz. lamer seyy.
muii parents go" jempotan" at marsliing.
muii mummy sae go dere eat balekk seyy. tapii mcm daa nk dekatt 2hours seyy.
denden at home onlii got the 3 sibliings w/o the small kiid.. Muii biig bro, muii siis &&miie.
to tell the truthh iim now sho shoo boredd siia ryte now.
lyke notynk to do seyy =((
&&everiidae onliine, lyke notynk to do siia.
iinternet bcumiing SHOO boriing. tats wadd miee &&shasha feltt.
erm. iif ii nvr onliine kee lmbt onliine kee onliine kejapp jer. means ii don't feel lyke onliine taws.
Unless ii hav promiise ppl or sumone twu onliine &&chat wiif miie.
ohh yaa.
muii siiz jus started thiis bloggiie thiingyy.
haha. but still she got help lorr from hussien =p
but ii haven't liink hyr upp yett.
ii will real soon. huhu !!
ii tynk ii wantt to change muii blogskiins soon uhh.
Erm. yaa. me fiind-iing werk. yy?? bcoz ii feel lyke doiing shoo =p
ppl saed tat iit iish tiiriing lar. wadeva larr. budden ii wantedd to tryy lorr.
muii anggah saes, no need to malu2 iif eu wan to werk.
iits good iif eu wan werk.
at leastt eu or perhaps me have experience of werkiing. did ii spell correctlly ??
hehe!! ii don't knw. ii hav a bad engliish aniiwae. bluekks !!
&&alshoo ii wiill hav extra moneyy. shoo ii can shopp whenever ii want. =))
hehe. tats the good news.
okehh2 iim tynk iim desperate to werk.
to den at muii age ii can onlii werk KFC or Mcld.
ohh nonono. mayb ii waiit till ii fiiniish Secondary lyfe or mayb werk now??
well, ii don't know.
ii tynk abt iit.
okehh lets tok abt muii bestyy adiqaa.
okehh ii made muii miind. ii donte wnt to break frenshiip wiif eu lar.
good news knn =))
tapii, plss stopp iignoriing miie laa adii.
ii noe ii made stupiid choiice earliier. iim sorry.
well b lyke last tyme okehh ??
plss?? okehh ??
we'll b bestyy forever lyke how we use to bb last tyme =))
pls pls pls. pls contact miie bckk.
ii'll do anytynk to get eu bck to b muii bestyy bck.
last tyme ii iignore eu &&eu scared ii miight lost eu.
now, eu iignore miie &&iim scaredd damn scaredd iif eu don't wnt to contiinued our frenshipp lorr.
pls kae??
forgiive miie =))
k lor. ii stopp here.
tata !! tkcr !!
eLiizAd <33
pls donte do tat.

16 december.
Saturday, December 16 @ 10:41 PM

Friday, December 15 @ 5:36 PM

shasha haiir (ferst dae)

Hyr haiir siide viiew (secondd dae)
meloo ! jus updatte-iing abt muii siiz alyssha.
she jus pErm hyr haiir a few daes bckk.
Erm. ya. tat hyr piic.
criiously siia. ii tynk iit was niice.
budden she saiid tat iit isn't =(
tapii lawar taws. can c the curly-ness iin hyr haiir. not lyke miine.
miine alreadyy hilang2 curl seyy. tapii still can c abiit2 onii.
okae lar. ii understadn ferst dae, second dae baru pErm haiir ii oshoo don't lyke.
criiously sehh. after ii pErm muii haiir.
ii russh to da toiilet seyy.
denden lyke not niice. ii felt lyke not goiing outt from the toilett seyy wiif muii hair lyke tat.
ii lyke wantedd to take hat &&cover muii stupiid pErm haiir.
ii regrett pErm-iing. criiouslyy.
budden daes pastt.
muii haiir becum niicer &&niicer.
&&the curl becum smaller.
daa laa rambot aku pendekk, curl dier makenn keciik. tk nmpk sngt sehh.
ii hope daes pastt.
&&muii darlx (alyssha) will fiind hyr haiir bcumiing nicer n niicer each n everyy dae.
if eu liike to comment on hyr haiir. pls do shoo. pls don't comment nonsense//rubbiish.
eLiizAd <33
ii triied but ii faiiledd.

Thursday, December 14 @ 10:29 AM
den we took pictures2 (ii update ii update 2morow.) haha!! den ii go bully hym. he bully me terok2. haha!! fun uhh.

2nd post.
Tuesday, December 12 @ 2:55 PM
da second post.
ii try thiis jus now. &&FUCK iits true !!
&&ii hope muii wiish cum true too.
lets try.
NO CHEAT-iing.
e person hu send thiis saiid hyr wiish cum true after forward this email.
iit CREPPY, reall creppy but FUN !!
get a paper &&a penn.
wen choose name make sure its real.
go fer ur ferst instincts !! very good results.
scroll down.
one line at a tyme, dont read ahead or eu ruin the fun.
1. on a blank sheet of paper, wriite NUMBER 1 - 11 in a column on da left.
2. Number 1 & 2 write down ANY two you want.
Favourite number??
3. Number 3 && 7 wriite down two members of the opposite sex.
4. Write any names (family or frens) at 4, 5 &6.
5. Write four songs titles in 8, 9, 10 && 11.
6. FINALLY, Make a wiish *****
(miine answer)
1. 22
2. 10
3. Izad
4. Alyssha
5. Nynie
6. Hayati
7. Adiqa Jepon
8. I'm not missing eu
9. Hurt
10. Reflectiions
11. Too little too late
Are eu readii ?? Heres is the key to the game.
The NUMBER of poeple that like eu is found in SPACE 2. [me:: 10 ? Shoo manyy??]
The person in SPACE 3 is the one eu love. [me:: ouh yea. iits true.]
The person you like but your relationship CANNOT work in SPACE 7 [me:: of course. he's muii bestiie &&ii hav izad btw.]
Eu care MOST about the person you put in SPACE 4. [me:: Alyssha? of course ii do care MOST.]
The person you name in SPACE 5 is the one knw eu very well. [me:: Kak nynie?realii? let mie ask hyr abt thiss.=p]
The person eu name in SPACE 6 is your luckiie star. [me:: kak hayati? realii ? tats great ]
The songs in SPACE 8 is the the songs tat matches wif SPACE 3. [me:: izad?? ii miss hym too much]
The title in SPACE 9 is the songs fer the person in SPACE 7. [me:: yesh! true! bcoz he ish leaviing mie]
The songs in SPACE 10 that tells eu most abt ur miind. [me:: yeshh! owaes.]
And SPACE 11 is the songs telliing eu how eu feel about Lyke. [me:: yesh!! its already too late to turn bck tyme.]
in SPACE 1 ish your Lucky number. [me:: oh yes! 22 is owaes muii luckyy number =))]
ii hope muii wiish cum true after ii repost iit.
~Chiinese Horoscope (Freakishly correct) HELL CORRECT !!
Try thiis. iits Fun yett crepyy. don't ever CHEAT!!

@ 1:22 PM
budden at the same tymes. iim shoo shoo verii sadd tat he iish fergettynk miie.
hmph !! he use to b muii favouriite bestyy ever.
the was he make me smile everiidae iin class. he makes jokes &&all kiind of stuuff.
yy muss iit endd. iim shoo verii sadd.
ii noe at ferst ii wantedd to break iit ferst budden as ii tot agaiin maybb he's diiferent from the others.
but now hes iignoriing miie. iits lyke iim no longers hiis(as a bestyy).
shoo issh reall frenshiip jus cum &&go??
iif iit iis, ii wouldn't wan true real frenshiip bcoz everiione will go separate waes at the end of out journeyy.
where iish our promiise not to leavee?? wheres our promiise to care??
iit all jus endd ryte?? ferst ii iignore eu. now eu iignore miie. haiiz.
&&at least ii iignore eeu once fer a whiile. but eu iignore miie lyke ferever.
budden the whole of muii secondaryy lyfe iim goiink to stuckk wiif eu iin the same skool, worst same class.
tat iish goiink to hurtt miie alott.
iim siick of tiired of cry-iing abt the whole frenshiip tynkk everii siingle nyte.
ii wantedd more then thiis. not iinto relatiionshipp budden more too frenshiip.
he's muii ferst ever True frenshiip tat shows wad frenshiip means.
butden now iits endd-iing.
iim shoo diisapoiintedd iin euu.
&&now iim lettynk eu go wiifoutt sae-iing gudbye.
ii will b shoo alone in class agiin wiifout eu siitynk nxt to miie.
iim thankking eu fer all the tynks eu gave miie. top up muii hp fer miie.
make miie smiile. make mee laugh. ice-skate wif me. &&make me glow deep2 inside.
u're muii true fren, Jepon.
ii hope wad true frenshiip dosen't endd.
&&now ii noe iim notynk to eu aniimore, ii guesss.
coz ii wud losst all muii frens tat ii have now.
Lyke alyssha(she more den juz muii fren.) kak nynie, kak yati, kak iisyah, i3n etc.
budden not to the ppl who betrayedd nn hurt mee once.
coz ii've seen ur true colours.
iit cannot endd.
eLiizAd <33
~* don't ever endd thiis frenshiip of our(s)

Monday, December 11 @ 2:02 AM

~Some piic whiich was ediited.~
iit was taken wen ii was otw to the beach, boredd shoo take piic hor.
comment iif eu lyke. =)
if eu can't see the pic click on it kae??
ii wasn't sleepy.
shoo ii decided twu edit those pic
&&twu updatee bout 10Dec.
ii wEn twu dA beAchh.
w/ muii Fam &&khayli's Fam.
At aroundd 2 eu get outt of the house.
arrivedd at East coast. DAMNcrowded.
shoo manyy ppl seyy.
shoo fiind ourself a spott.
yeah!! got one.
den siit fer awhiile. den me, khayli, zack, naiya &&muii dad hit the sea.
well, we wantedd to get ourself wett.
buddden sumtynk else cum across our miind.
shoo miee, khayli &&zack build sandcastle.
den tk jadiie2. haha. the sand all was wet.
denden we jus dig n dig n dig haha!!
we found alott of tynks! ROCK etc.
ii heard siirenn of an ambulance budden don't know whiie.
denn saw kiids central peeps.
on shootynk.
dey were lyke. blah blah blah. cheer !! yeah !! repeatt. tats all.
Erm. one were holding the keyboards, a gurl wif a guitar &&one more guy wif a drumm.
ii don't know wad show larr. maybb haven't show at the channel yett.
denden we contiinued our discovery. haha !!
soon after we habb to leave.
hmph!! shitt! the queue was longg seyy!
haha. den den we go bedok banquet to eatt.
we had dinner &&den lepaks at khayli's home.
we watchedd snow dogss. den aroundd 9+ lyke tat go homee.
a little accidennt &¬ goiink to talk abtt iit. hate iit siia
den go home. call hym. miiss hym. hung up. chat. updatynk.
ouhh yaa. remember the siirenn tynk ii saed earlier.
abt an old man diied ii tynk, he wantedd to save his son but den he diie.
hmm. iit happen near our spot. no wonderr ii saw manyy ppl crowded dere.
kk. iits nearly 3 shoo ii better b iin bed iif not muii boiiprenn goiin to kiill miie !!
tata!! tkcr !!
or perhaps gudmorniing. hehs.
eLiizAd <33
~* Jealous-yy

all bout todae &&tat dae !!
Sunday, December 10 @ 12:10 PM
todae mayb iim goiin outts.
ii heard we goiin to the beach !! yeahh !!
alamakk !! ii hab no tee twu wear larhx !!
Omg!! hmph !! ii hope ii hav sumtynk to wear .
wEn ii go dere, ii wan to play wiif the water &&build sandcastle maybb??
haha !! hmph !! &&oshoo muss briing extra tee CONFERMget wet.
ouh yaa, NEWbreak outs. fcuk !! but luckiie that pimple iish small, shoo cannot see from far. fi-ew !
todae, muii uncle burfdae !! Taufik Batisah !! Hapii burfdae uncle fique =)) !!
tat dae.
ii wen outts wiif muii mum &&adq.
denden daa siiap we kluar.
otw, twu da bus, muii mum asked.
mum; tk pakaii liips gloss/bum ??
me; erm. tk uhh. luper.
mum; muke pucat mcm mayat !
me; hehe (silents) *wonder, iiziit tat badd?*
haiish. ii noe ii haven't eaten fer more den 2 daes.
haiiz. yesterdae nyte muii stomach plays drums.
butden ii jus ignore &&contiinued sleepiing.
haiiz. ii noe iits not ii don wan to eat, ii jus hav no appetiite*.
bcoz muii lyke changiing. &&ii don't lyke iit.
eu don't knw boz eu don't feel itt; tats whie.
yesterdae muii bro jus wen home,he didn't wen home fer the nite coz
he got performents &&slept at a hotel.
hmph !! the best part was !!
he meet PAUL, gayle &&daphne !!omg !!
he(paul) saiid to muii bro he lyke his haiir coz dua2 nyer rambot mcm hantu !!
omg !! paul !! ure muii boii-wonder use-too-b.
now?? aliitle2.
haha !!
den muii bro show thier piic kene make-up, his haiir rebond all tat uhh.
better stop &&get readiie.
bcoz ii get readii lyke BERtahun !!
mestii uhh. pompan per !!excuse more.. hehe !!
tata !
tkcr !!
eLiizAd <33
~* are we still bestfren ferever??

7 december
Thursday, December 7 @ 4:10 PM

meloo !!
Wednesday, December 6 @ 7:24 PM
~a piicture of miie wiif muii new perm haiir. hehe !! notiice iit shashimie ??~
6 december.
ii diidn't go aniiwhere.
ii chatt wiif shasha at msn. quiite fun, nono verii funn !!
hehe !
we tokked abt ppl who copy2 uss, &&we called dem "COPYMEOWS !!" meow meow !!
hehe !!
can'ts copymeows b thiier selff?? fiind urself lar copymeows !!
stop followiing others !! we hate iit !! pls bb oriiginal !
goo &&fiind ur own selves plss !!
&&den we tokked lotslots more !! confiidentiial larhx !! no need to update iit here. hehe!
ouh yaa, we chatt among ourself cute cute wae one !! shoo kiiyutt !! huhu !!
&&den she askked miie twu tot of a name whiich onlii we twu hass iit.
iit mus endd wiif "shimiee" .. hmph !! elnashimiie ?? elshishamiie ?? elnishimiie??
ii will tynk abt tat okae shahimiie?? ii will tynk abt iit reall soon &&tell eu how izzit .
shahimiie !! remember our planned okae?? lotslots of moneyy !!! hehe !!
ii giip shashimiie testyy wiifout her notiice. kn kn kn??
hehe !! tkper lar. sekalii sekalee !! hehe !!
nn thankiiew fer giibbiing miie testyy twu kaes??
hmph! shiie told miie tat ii need twu change muii blogskiins as ii alreadii use iit twu longg.
erm, ii change soon kae shashimie !! ii jus need to fiind iit slowly. hehe!! thankiiew fer teliing aniiwae =))
ok lar. iim tiired. got to rest &&sleep early.
Tata !! tkcr !!
gudnytes !!
eLiizAd <33

he's bAck!!
Tuesday, December 5 @ 12:36 PM