later onn.
Sunday, December 17 @ 3:29 PM
later onn. goiing muii don't know whose housee, the bangloo housee.
Erm, the purpose iish twu meet muii erm, who uhh.
ii don't know. but ii noe ii caledd hyr nenek(grandmother).
she from penang. shoo longg nvr see hyr.
ii heard she iish siick lar. tats yy we goiing to pay hyr a viisiit.
cepat baekk yerr nekk. =))
now muii siis &&iie waiitynk fer our parentss to piick uss upp.
haiiz. lamer seyy.
muii parents go" jempotan" at marsliing.
muii mummy sae go dere eat balekk seyy. tapii mcm daa nk dekatt 2hours seyy.
denden at home onlii got the 3 sibliings w/o the small kiid.. Muii biig bro, muii siis &&miie.
to tell the truthh iim now sho shoo boredd siia ryte now.
lyke notynk to do seyy =((
&&everiidae onliine, lyke notynk to do siia.
iinternet bcumiing SHOO boriing. tats wadd miee &&shasha feltt.
erm. iif ii nvr onliine kee lmbt onliine kee onliine kejapp jer. means ii don't feel lyke onliine taws.
Unless ii hav promiise ppl or sumone twu onliine &&chat wiif miie.
ohh yaa.
muii siiz jus started thiis bloggiie thiingyy.
haha. but still she got help lorr from hussien =p
but ii haven't liink hyr upp yett.
ii will real soon. huhu !!
ii tynk ii wantt to change muii blogskiins soon uhh.
Erm. yaa. me fiind-iing werk. yy?? bcoz ii feel lyke doiing shoo =p
ppl saed tat iit iish tiiriing lar. wadeva larr. budden ii wantedd to tryy lorr.
muii anggah saes, no need to malu2 iif eu wan to werk.
iits good iif eu wan werk.
at leastt eu or perhaps me have experience of werkiing. did ii spell correctlly ??
hehe!! ii don't knw. ii hav a bad engliish aniiwae. bluekks !!
&&alshoo ii wiill hav extra moneyy. shoo ii can shopp whenever ii want. =))
hehe. tats the good news.
okehh2 iim tynk iim desperate to werk.
to den at muii age ii can onlii werk KFC or Mcld.
ohh nonono. mayb ii waiit till ii fiiniish Secondary lyfe or mayb werk now??
well, ii don't know.
ii tynk abt iit.
okehh lets tok abt muii bestyy adiqaa.
okehh ii made muii miind. ii donte wnt to break frenshiip wiif eu lar.
good news knn =))
tapii, plss stopp iignoriing miie laa adii.
ii noe ii made stupiid choiice earliier. iim sorry.
well b lyke last tyme okehh ??
plss?? okehh ??
we'll b bestyy forever lyke how we use to bb last tyme =))
pls pls pls. pls contact miie bckk.
ii'll do anytynk to get eu bck to b muii bestyy bck.
last tyme ii iignore eu &&eu scared ii miight lost eu.
now, eu iignore miie &&iim scaredd damn scaredd iif eu don't wnt to contiinued our frenshipp lorr.
pls kae??
forgiive miie =))
k lor. ii stopp here.
tata !! tkcr !!
eLiizAd <33
pls donte do tat.