2nd post.
Tuesday, December 12 @ 2:55 PM
da second post.
ii try thiis jus now. &&FUCK iits true !!
&&ii hope muii wiish cum true too.
lets try.
NO CHEAT-iing.
e person hu send thiis saiid hyr wiish cum true after forward this email.
iit CREPPY, reall creppy but FUN !!
get a paper &&a penn.
wen choose name make sure its real.
go fer ur ferst instincts !! very good results.
scroll down.
one line at a tyme, dont read ahead or eu ruin the fun.
1. on a blank sheet of paper, wriite NUMBER 1 - 11 in a column on da left.
2. Number 1 & 2 write down ANY two you want.
Favourite number??
3. Number 3 && 7 wriite down two members of the opposite sex.
4. Write any names (family or frens) at 4, 5 &6.
5. Write four songs titles in 8, 9, 10 && 11.
6. FINALLY, Make a wiish *****
(miine answer)
1. 22
2. 10
3. Izad
4. Alyssha
5. Nynie
6. Hayati
7. Adiqa Jepon
8. I'm not missing eu
9. Hurt
10. Reflectiions
11. Too little too late
Are eu readii ?? Heres is the key to the game.
The NUMBER of poeple that like eu is found in SPACE 2. [me:: 10 ? Shoo manyy??]
The person in SPACE 3 is the one eu love. [me:: ouh yea. iits true.]
The person you like but your relationship CANNOT work in SPACE 7 [me:: of course. he's muii bestiie &&ii hav izad btw.]
Eu care MOST about the person you put in SPACE 4. [me:: Alyssha? of course ii do care MOST.]
The person you name in SPACE 5 is the one knw eu very well. [me:: Kak nynie?realii? let mie ask hyr abt thiss.=p]
The person eu name in SPACE 6 is your luckiie star. [me:: kak hayati? realii ? tats great ]
The songs in SPACE 8 is the the songs tat matches wif SPACE 3. [me:: izad?? ii miss hym too much]
The title in SPACE 9 is the songs fer the person in SPACE 7. [me:: yesh! true! bcoz he ish leaviing mie]
The songs in SPACE 10 that tells eu most abt ur miind. [me:: yeshh! owaes.]
And SPACE 11 is the songs telliing eu how eu feel about Lyke. [me:: yesh!! its already too late to turn bck tyme.]
in SPACE 1 ish your Lucky number. [me:: oh yes! 22 is owaes muii luckyy number =))]
ii hope muii wiish cum true after ii repost iit.
~Chiinese Horoscope (Freakishly correct) HELL CORRECT !!
Try thiis. iits Fun yett crepyy. don't ever CHEAT!!