REopen-iing soon!!
Thursday, December 28 @ 10:28 PM

Ferst piic // II CUT MUII FRIINGE !!!diid ii speel iit outt ryttee?? how do iie look??
second piic// how do ii look iin diiz UPPERR secc unii??
Accually muii dearr blog readerss.
ii wantedd to update about chriistmas ferst budden.
muii cousiins haven't post miie muii piic larr.
shoo iim not postiing iit ferstt.
ii'll tokk abtt Skool ferst den.
skool open-iing soon.
look at tat piic!!
iim nott readyy to becumm upper secc inn tat unii !!
iim not readyy!!!.
plss donte laughh at miie wen eu see miie iin tat.
plssssssss... pweetii plsss.
ii've cutt muii friinge on 28DEC.
iits jus a friinge.
no other tiingyy elsee.
ii wantedd to cut muii haiir shortt.
budden scaredd tat tk nmpk the curll larr.
shoo ii waiit till the curl donte hav den ii go cutt.
kk larr.
ii shall stopp here.
To alyssha..
iim sorry iif ii hurtt eu e otherr daee.
ii diidn't sae eu were a liiar.
ii juss sae whiie eu liie to miie.
bcozz SHOO longg ago.
ii diid askk eu diid eu add shiidott.
but eu sae no eu donte.
ii swearr eu diid sae tat.
ii even had the hiistoryy off our converstiion sheeyy.
whiie wudd ii liie to eu && 2 muiiselff.
iits okehh.
iits overr.
eu noe how iis shiidott ryte.
donte tokk abt iit to aniione.
onlii the two of uss noee.
take care gurl.
not matter wad ii will still b dere fer euu.
coz we promiise sumtynkk.
~call muii name one more tymee !!