Tuesday, December 12 @ 1:22 PM
iim shoo happi fer muii bestyy twu foundd someone who will love hym.
budden at the same tymes. iim shoo shoo verii sadd tat he iish fergettynk miie.
hmph !! he use to b muii favouriite bestyy ever.
the was he make me smile everiidae iin class. he makes jokes &&all kiind of stuuff.
yy muss iit endd. iim shoo verii sadd.
ii noe at ferst ii wantedd to break iit ferst budden as ii tot agaiin maybb he's diiferent from the others.
but now hes iignoriing miie. iits lyke iim no longers hiis(as a bestyy).
shoo issh reall frenshiip jus cum &&go??
iif iit iis, ii wouldn't wan true real frenshiip bcoz everiione will go separate waes at the end of out journeyy.
where iish our promiise not to leavee?? wheres our promiise to care??
iit all jus endd ryte?? ferst ii iignore eu. now eu iignore miie. haiiz.
&&at least ii iignore eeu once fer a whiile. but eu iignore miie lyke ferever.
budden the whole of muii secondaryy lyfe iim goiink to stuckk wiif eu iin the same skool, worst same class.
tat iish goiink to hurtt miie alott.
iim siick of tiired of cry-iing abt the whole frenshiip tynkk everii siingle nyte.
ii wantedd more then thiis. not iinto relatiionshipp budden more too frenshiip.
he's muii ferst ever True frenshiip tat shows wad frenshiip means.
butden now iits endd-iing.
iim shoo diisapoiintedd iin euu.
&&now iim lettynk eu go wiifoutt sae-iing gudbye.
ii will b shoo alone in class agiin wiifout eu siitynk nxt to miie.
iim thankking eu fer all the tynks eu gave miie. top up muii hp fer miie.
make miie smiile. make mee laugh. ice-skate wif me. &&make me glow deep2 inside.
u're muii true fren, Jepon.
ii hope wad true frenshiip dosen't endd.
&&now ii noe iim notynk to eu aniimore, ii guesss.
coz ii wud losst all muii frens tat ii have now.
Lyke alyssha(she more den juz muii fren.) kak nynie, kak yati, kak iisyah, i3n etc.
budden not to the ppl who betrayedd nn hurt mee once.
coz ii've seen ur true colours.
iit cannot endd.
eLiizAd <33
~* don't ever endd thiis frenshiip of our(s)
budden at the same tymes. iim shoo shoo verii sadd tat he iish fergettynk miie.
hmph !! he use to b muii favouriite bestyy ever.
the was he make me smile everiidae iin class. he makes jokes &&all kiind of stuuff.
yy muss iit endd. iim shoo verii sadd.
ii noe at ferst ii wantedd to break iit ferst budden as ii tot agaiin maybb he's diiferent from the others.
but now hes iignoriing miie. iits lyke iim no longers hiis(as a bestyy).
shoo issh reall frenshiip jus cum &&go??
iif iit iis, ii wouldn't wan true real frenshiip bcoz everiione will go separate waes at the end of out journeyy.
where iish our promiise not to leavee?? wheres our promiise to care??
iit all jus endd ryte?? ferst ii iignore eu. now eu iignore miie. haiiz.
&&at least ii iignore eeu once fer a whiile. but eu iignore miie lyke ferever.
budden the whole of muii secondaryy lyfe iim goiink to stuckk wiif eu iin the same skool, worst same class.
tat iish goiink to hurtt miie alott.
iim siick of tiired of cry-iing abt the whole frenshiip tynkk everii siingle nyte.
ii wantedd more then thiis. not iinto relatiionshipp budden more too frenshiip.
he's muii ferst ever True frenshiip tat shows wad frenshiip means.
butden now iits endd-iing.
iim shoo diisapoiintedd iin euu.
&&now iim lettynk eu go wiifoutt sae-iing gudbye.
ii will b shoo alone in class agiin wiifout eu siitynk nxt to miie.
iim thankking eu fer all the tynks eu gave miie. top up muii hp fer miie.
make miie smiile. make mee laugh. ice-skate wif me. &&make me glow deep2 inside.
u're muii true fren, Jepon.
ii hope wad true frenshiip dosen't endd.
&&now ii noe iim notynk to eu aniimore, ii guesss.
coz ii wud losst all muii frens tat ii have now.
Lyke alyssha(she more den juz muii fren.) kak nynie, kak yati, kak iisyah, i3n etc.
budden not to the ppl who betrayedd nn hurt mee once.
coz ii've seen ur true colours.
iit cannot endd.
eLiizAd <33
~* don't ever endd thiis frenshiip of our(s)