Shopping fer skool thangs
Sunday, December 31 @ 12:42 AM
Todae, 30Dec.
ii went outt to Bugiis wiif shiidot, Lisa &&kt.
budden ferst we meet shidott at Orchardd. Haha.
denden we 4 all to Bugiis togetherr.
we all buyiing baggs.
wen we reachh dere.
all the bagss are shoo.. erm. so-so arhh.
denden ii saw diiz whiite bagg.
ii was Damn niice uhh.
ii was lyke dy-iing fer iit.
but no woriie gerlfwenz ii'll buy iit nxt tyme.
&&oh yaa ii saw diiz whiit sliing bag got crownn.
ii askk muii boiiprenn buy fer mee.
hehe. iif he lett.
denden we walk2 uhh ngan cariik bag ape yg lawar.
At lastt. desiisiion made.
we got iit fer $30 eachh.
all same siize &&colourr.
iit was black accuallyy budden iit looks more lyke dark blue.
ok lar siince the seller sae black den black laar.
no comment.
we took piictures iinsiide the MRT.
ahaha. yg paliing bestt tuu.
ternAekk salah traiin.
ii mean we suppossed to alliight at ciity hall budden we laugh2 den forget to aliightt.
ahaha. shoo fuuny the looks on our *paniic face*.
haha. haiiz.
after buy the bag we saw diiz watchh.
niiceyy!! verii the niice.
ii bought whiite, lisa boughtt orange, shidott blackk &&kt redd.
niice arhh.
yy ii diidn't take piink.
coz gott volcom star on iit.
nn iits muii boiiprenn new fav logo.
mane tauu he want to borrow kee.
iimagiine he wear den muii other gerlfrenz wear den ppl tot eu was iin tat groupp.
eu noe wad ii meant??
haha. nvm.
kk den fiiniish alreadyy.
me &&kt go shiidott housee die hyr haiir black back.
whiile liisa went home straiightt.
hmph. now iim at home.
jus fiiniish helpiing shiidot wiif hyr bloggie.
haha. putt piic &&stuff.
kk stopp here.
muii siis want to usee.
&&ii better get readii fer 2morow overnyte at east coastt.
ii will update photo wen iim free.
eLiizAd <33
ii want eu wen eu donte need miie