Friday, December 15 @ 5:36 PM

shasha haiir (ferst dae)

Hyr haiir siide viiew (secondd dae)
meloo ! jus updatte-iing abt muii siiz alyssha.
she jus pErm hyr haiir a few daes bckk.
Erm. ya. tat hyr piic.
criiously siia. ii tynk iit was niice.
budden she saiid tat iit isn't =(
tapii lawar taws. can c the curly-ness iin hyr haiir. not lyke miine.
miine alreadyy hilang2 curl seyy. tapii still can c abiit2 onii.
okae lar. ii understadn ferst dae, second dae baru pErm haiir ii oshoo don't lyke.
criiously sehh. after ii pErm muii haiir.
ii russh to da toiilet seyy.
denden lyke not niice. ii felt lyke not goiing outt from the toilett seyy wiif muii hair lyke tat.
ii lyke wantedd to take hat &&cover muii stupiid pErm haiir.
ii regrett pErm-iing. criiouslyy.
budden daes pastt.
muii haiir becum niicer &&niicer.
&&the curl becum smaller.
daa laa rambot aku pendekk, curl dier makenn keciik. tk nmpk sngt sehh.
ii hope daes pastt.
&&muii darlx (alyssha) will fiind hyr haiir bcumiing nicer n niicer each n everyy dae.
if eu liike to comment on hyr haiir. pls do shoo. pls don't comment nonsense//rubbiish.
eLiizAd <33
ii triied but ii faiiledd.