pieces of me
Wednesday, December 30 @ 9:20 PM
Maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
So today is my last day of werq, i mean not last day as in really last day but i took 2 months leave from werq cause im starting my attachment next week.
I can't stop thinking about how some friends could really be backstabbing me from the back. Like serious shyt, how could eu be so royal to me, act as if eur some kind of an angel but at the back eur are trying to be me. Hmm, babygirl eu are just like the song Everything she do is like me, from the head to her feet like. she trynna talk like me trynna walk like me. Lagi this one, trynna get all the boysin the club like me..
Easy said, Everything she be is like me, trynna imitate me but too bad!
I'm not trying to ruin our friendship eventho is about to come to a year but eu already spoilt it when eu make your move. Think what eu did, am i hurting eu now? Oh wells, eu already hurt me right from the start!
I don't want to talk about this ok.
I'm gonna act as if nothing happen unless eu really want to talk about it!
Werq as fun, but i think i got a stalker.
He came yesterday and today, looking for me. I don't even know who the hell he is. Hmm, but i appreciate it cuz he at least show himself la kan. Haha!
Btw, im gonna miss crazy cookie monster crew!
Ok bye, won't be updating for awhile.
Follow me on tweet or fb :)
i need to go somewhere to rest all my worries away..
I can't stop thinking about how some friends could really be backstabbing me from the back. Like serious shyt, how could eu be so royal to me, act as if eur some kind of an angel but at the back eur are trying to be me. Hmm, babygirl eu are just like the song Everything she do is like me, from the head to her feet like. she trynna talk like me trynna walk like me. Lagi this one, trynna get all the boys
Easy said, Everything she be is like me, trynna imitate me but too bad!
I'm not trying to ruin our friendship eventho is about to come to a year but eu already spoilt it when eu make your move. Think what eu did, am i hurting eu now? Oh wells, eu already hurt me right from the start!
I don't want to talk about this ok.
I'm gonna act as if nothing happen unless eu really want to talk about it!
Werq as fun, but i think i got a stalker.
He came yesterday and today, looking for me. I don't even know who the hell he is. Hmm, but i appreciate it cuz he at least show himself la kan. Haha!
Btw, im gonna miss crazy cookie monster crew!
Ok bye, won't be updating for awhile.
Follow me on tweet or fb :)
i need to go somewhere to rest all my worries away..
Labels: Bf and friends, Famous Amos, hiatus, random, werq, werqfriends

kau yang bawa ku terbang
Tuesday, December 29 @ 1:01 PM
Tell me eur back for good and nvr leave me again please?
Omg, this picture is so the random cuz i can see i got brown eyes!
Ok joking. Btw life is good for now, really good but i tynk imma get hurt again real soon. must prepare some jiwengz song to listen to already. Hopefully not la.
Miracle miracle
Omg, 2009 is coming to an end soon.
And im werqing 3 days straight from yesterday all the way tmrw.
After dhat 2months break bcoz of attachment.
Ok lah, i really got nothing to update.
Gonna get ready to go werq now.
Mwahh people!
Oh tagboard is dead!

Saturday, December 26 @ 5:22 PM
Labels: girlfriends, Sleepover

kawan is kawan
Monday, December 21 @ 10:03 PM

Girl, eur just like th others
I think im gonna disappear forever
have eu realize your mistake yet?
letme know
tired of dramas.

menjengg much
Saturday, December 19 @ 4:10 PM
Jika ada yang bilang ku lupa kau, Jangan kau dengar
Jika ada yang bilang ku tak setia, Jangan kau dengar
Jika ada yang bilang ku tak baik, Jangan kau dengar
Jika ada yang bilang ku berubah, Jangan kau dengar
Jika kau lebih dengar mereka, Sedih hatiku

Wow! I have posted three post everyday.
Ya, posting random thoughts. Lalala~
Told eu i am soo mentel yesterday.
After catty blonded hyr whole hair, i use abit of hyrs and put it on me.
Yaaa, tada~

And i'm bored.
It's 4.12pm now, this boy finish werq at 5pm.
And fetching me at 6pm den go take cake den celebrate hys friend birthday.
Btw, i gotta feeling dhat i shouldn't be there.
Hais, can i not follow my instinct for once?
Ya allah please protect me, amin
Ok, and i am still bored.
So i am webcaming with ma lil sista *peace*
Pictures are real, i mean live.
Just took :D

Ok lah, i want to stop already la.
I want to rest for awhile, my eyes are heavy but must wash away my make-up away la later go out no need wear make up. malas dot com~
Labels: Family, highlight, new look, outings, random, web-cam

cinta remaja
Friday, December 18 @ 9:15 PM
'Cause when eu're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them

Yes yes, i am still not going to update about my Japan trip.
Because #1 My lost my card reader
#2 I lost my iPhone cable.
And now, i can't even charge my phone.
How to survive lyke this?
Moving on. . .
Eu will never guess what happen yesterday!!
At night around 9, Alip fetch me downstairs, vroom3 to Causeway point. He asked me to help him order for him cake for his friend la. Hmm, den we walked back to civic cause he parked hys bike there la. While crossing the road 2 bike pass me and this boy keep on looking or even staring at me. And i just stunned to see who he is. Seriously, he jumped from the bike open his helmet and shout my name. Fcuk, i just look down and walked away. It was dinosaur! Don't want to elaborate anymore la. Tired of dramas~
Ok just now meet Girlfriends.
Went to Banquet and hav lunch with Shidot, Catty, Ashy and Mama(shidot's mum). Haha! Den went to buy bleach cuz we want to bleach our hair. Actually, only catty but me also want to join become mentel! Hehe!
Thanks Catty Jerry for highlighting my hair :)
I really don't know what is happening to my hair.
I think i want to redye my hair back, chop it off and become normal again.
Wish life could be as easy as said too~
I am going to bee so busy dot com.
After japan trip werq my ass off den i want to dissapear and start attachment.
Hmpff, i don't know what to say already.
I want to go call my Big sister, den wait for awhile mane tau miracle happen ke?
Den at 1030 bedtime, busy day ahead.
So eu takecare!
Anything call, tkmo msg :)
Labels: Banquet, busy, Causeway point, dinosaur, girlfriends, highlight, random

Japan trip
Thursday, December 17 @ 8:44 PM

I'm back from Japan trip people. I got like 2thousand pic to upload but not now.
I'm still in my Jet-lack mood. Sorry!
Love eu guys~
and i feel betrayed by this human/woman/people whom i trust.
oh girl, how could eu be so heartless??
Labels: random

girlfriends, i love you
Friday, December 11 @ 9:22 AM
I set this post on Auto, cuz i know i can't be here.
Happy 5years together girlfriends <3
11 December 2009.
You girls are the best!
I set this post on Auto, cuz i know i can't be here.
Happy 5years together girlfriends <3
11 December 2009.
You girls are the best!
Actually tu je elna nak cakap.
Nak wish je! Hehe. Korang miss aku tak?
When i get back kite kluar kay?? Plan something please!
Hope eu gguys are doing fine ya!
Tkmo naughty2 taw and i miss eu guys alot!
Can't wait to meet eu when i get back. . .
5 more days !
Nak wish je! Hehe. Korang miss aku tak?
When i get back kite kluar kay?? Plan something please!
Hope eu gguys are doing fine ya!
Tkmo naughty2 taw and i miss eu guys alot!
Can't wait to meet eu when i get back. . .
5 more days !
I'm your girl, your my girl we your girls
want u to know that i love you.
want u to know that i love you.
Labels: 5years, girlfriends

butterfly fly away
Monday, December 7 @ 1:20 AM

Time check, 1.22am.
Elna is supposed to sleep now, cuz she got school tmrw.
But oh wells, i just finish up everything dhat i was supposed to do.
Sorry, picture like whattttt cuz i'm sleepy already. HAHA!
I already finish with my shopping for my Japan trip.
Had a tiring day, run here and there looking for stuff.
Omg omg, 2 more days.
No wait,my flight is on Tuesday.
It's tomorrow, it's tomorrow !!
Heart skipping sooo damn fast!
Before i leave, i want to hug all my dearest classmates!
I don't care cuz tuesday is the last day i will get to see them.
Gonna miss eu crazy rockstar classmate *peace*
Mwahhh <3
I think this will be my last post before i fly off on Tuesday night.
If i got tyme i update again, if not. Sorry~
Pray for my safety ya :)
Don't forget to tag ya!
Have a great holiday people!
&to girlfriends, don't forget to drop on to my page on 11dec :)
xoxo from yours truly.
Labels: ite classmates, random, school

so yesterday
Saturday, December 5 @ 11:53 AM
I want you to know, dhat it doesnt matter
Where we take this road, Someones gotta go
Haha! Dhat day when i was feeling down, there's always this boy to entertain me :)
The only reason was, my arms was numb and i was bored at home.
Well, we both kena accident the other night.
So ya, we both look rather weird, the walking part.
Ferstly, we watch Ninja Assassin !

HAHA! Seriously, i didn't know its M18 at all.
Lucky okayy! Sukeee~
The movie was quite cool la, but too much blood. Yicks~
And we both had Pizza Hut for dinner.
Hys choice!

and i wanted to get my Double Choco @ McCafe.
and ice cream but~

he dragg me to my old time favourite place instead.
Hmmmmm, sedap!
At the end of the day, tummy vry happy.
Like duhhh, of course! Haha.
At night slack wf Catty at the usual spot and this guy who dissapear suddenly called me. He say he saw me and he is also slacking at hys usual spot which is 2 blocks away from us, he ask me to come down and join him but nahhhh~ i didn't go. :)
I had fun, i always do :)
I hope eur doing great.
Labels: Boyfie and i, Causeway point, girlfriends, movie dates, Ninja Assassin, Pizzahut

Tuesday, December 1 @ 9:11 PM

Firstly, i gotten my injection right after exam on Monday.
And my left arm is sooooo the sensitive.
and my leg, ok nvm about my leg, just got an accident.
if eu want to knw, ask me :)
Me and syura syg decided to skipped class today.
We ate MacLunch at bishan, only with one hand.
Mcm budak cacat~
Ok ok, elna want's to berjiwang now.
I think i'm starting to lose my loved ones.
I don't know what happen, but one by one suddenly dissapear.
Please don't go.
To dearest babygirls in school, we are left wf only a few weeks together
and i feel lyke we nvr knew each other for the last 3 days i think?
To girlfriends, korang da tak sayang i lagy ehh? Sedih please.
Meet please, sblom i pegy.
Siapa lah kiteeeeeeee~
I think i'm starting to lose my loved ones.
I don't know what happen, but one by one suddenly dissapear.
Please don't go.
To dearest babygirls in school, we are left wf only a few weeks together
and i feel lyke we nvr knew each other for the last 3 days i think?
To girlfriends, korang da tak sayang i lagy ehh? Sedih please.
Meet please, sblom i pegy.
Siapa lah kiteeeeeeee~
Labels: accidents, exams, girlfriends, injection, ite classmates, school