butterfly fly away
Monday, December 7 @ 1:20 AM

Time check, 1.22am.
Elna is supposed to sleep now, cuz she got school tmrw.
But oh wells, i just finish up everything dhat i was supposed to do.
Sorry, picture like whattttt cuz i'm sleepy already. HAHA!
I already finish with my shopping for my Japan trip.
Had a tiring day, run here and there looking for stuff.
Omg omg, 2 more days.
No wait,my flight is on Tuesday.
It's tomorrow, it's tomorrow !!
Heart skipping sooo damn fast!
Before i leave, i want to hug all my dearest classmates!
I don't care cuz tuesday is the last day i will get to see them.
Gonna miss eu crazy rockstar classmate *peace*
Mwahhh <3
I think this will be my last post before i fly off on Tuesday night.
If i got tyme i update again, if not. Sorry~
Pray for my safety ya :)
Don't forget to tag ya!
Have a great holiday people!
&to girlfriends, don't forget to drop on to my page on 11dec :)
xoxo from yours truly.
Labels: ite classmates, random, school