so yesterday
Saturday, December 5 @ 11:53 AM
I want you to know, dhat it doesnt matter
Where we take this road, Someones gotta go
Haha! Dhat day when i was feeling down, there's always this boy to entertain me :)
The only reason was, my arms was numb and i was bored at home.
Well, we both kena accident the other night.
So ya, we both look rather weird, the walking part.
Ferstly, we watch Ninja Assassin !

HAHA! Seriously, i didn't know its M18 at all.
Lucky okayy! Sukeee~
The movie was quite cool la, but too much blood. Yicks~
And we both had Pizza Hut for dinner.
Hys choice!

and i wanted to get my Double Choco @ McCafe.
and ice cream but~

he dragg me to my old time favourite place instead.
Hmmmmm, sedap!
At the end of the day, tummy vry happy.
Like duhhh, of course! Haha.
At night slack wf Catty at the usual spot and this guy who dissapear suddenly called me. He say he saw me and he is also slacking at hys usual spot which is 2 blocks away from us, he ask me to come down and join him but nahhhh~ i didn't go. :)
I had fun, i always do :)
I hope eur doing great.
Labels: Boyfie and i, Causeway point, girlfriends, movie dates, Ninja Assassin, Pizzahut