Tuesday, December 1 @ 9:11 PM

Firstly, i gotten my injection right after exam on Monday.
And my left arm is sooooo the sensitive.
and my leg, ok nvm about my leg, just got an accident.
if eu want to knw, ask me :)
Me and syura syg decided to skipped class today.
We ate MacLunch at bishan, only with one hand.
Mcm budak cacat~
Ok ok, elna want's to berjiwang now.
I think i'm starting to lose my loved ones.
I don't know what happen, but one by one suddenly dissapear.
Please don't go.
To dearest babygirls in school, we are left wf only a few weeks together
and i feel lyke we nvr knew each other for the last 3 days i think?
To girlfriends, korang da tak sayang i lagy ehh? Sedih please.
Meet please, sblom i pegy.
Siapa lah kiteeeeeeee~
I think i'm starting to lose my loved ones.
I don't know what happen, but one by one suddenly dissapear.
Please don't go.
To dearest babygirls in school, we are left wf only a few weeks together
and i feel lyke we nvr knew each other for the last 3 days i think?
To girlfriends, korang da tak sayang i lagy ehh? Sedih please.
Meet please, sblom i pegy.
Siapa lah kiteeeeeeee~
Labels: accidents, exams, girlfriends, injection, ite classmates, school