Saturday, May 31 @ 4:34 PM
2nd post.
Hear the panda sneeze.
Tongue twister.
Betty Botter bought some butter. But, she said, the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. So she bought a better butter, better than the bitter butter, and she put it in her batter, and her batter was not bitter.
Hear the panda sneeze.
Tongue twister.
Betty Botter bought some butter. But, she said, the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. So she bought a better butter, better than the bitter butter, and she put it in her batter, and her batter was not bitter.

@ 12:42 PM
31 MAY 2008
Oh My Gawddd!
It is getting bored
day by dayyy now.
Stuck at home and yet to plan anytynk.
Lil sister is down wif super high fever for the past 3 dayss.
Boyfie is yet to hav hys june break
And as for gf-es outing, Liskie is on holidayy now.
So starting next week,
Den my Holiday starttttt!

Thursday, May 29 @ 4:35 PM
29 MAY 08
Well, it's holiday right now.
And and tell eu, it's not kinda suck.
It's super shuckyyyyy.

Monday, May 26 @ 8:22 PM
26 MAY 08
Todae went to school wf GF-ES. Meet them at 12 den go school at 1plus the school bus take us to Siling Secondary School.
We support Catty sing for the MT N7 CLUSTER TALENTIME DAY '08
Most of the contestant were really really good den break, they all go for refreshment while me and liskie stay in the hall.
Then got one gurl came to us and ask why we nvr go down and eat so she share the food wif us.
Awwwwww, so sweet! New friend name is Khairin [:
Den they all come back, skip skip skip.
The prize-givingg.
Guess wad position Catty got???
CHAMPION for MT karaoke competiton!!
Den also got Champion for Chinese, Tamil and Inter-races(?) competitonn!
Den at 5pm the competition end but den guess wad?!?!?!
The bus left and we had to go home ON OUR OWN!!!
Peragai kan bus driver tuu? Alermakk!!
Walk for awhile at causewayy wif gf-es bcoz lyke long already nvr walk2 wf dem
Den meet boyfie dinosaurr [:
He followed me go take the photos den sent me home and now he's off to meeting hys friend for takraw.
p/s: i will sent Catty video at youtube soon

Sunday, May 25 @ 9:47 PM
25 MAY 2008
Ferst, i cut my damn hair and it still look the same on the second day -_-"
Eight buckz wasteddddddddd.
I'm super sleepy this few days.
24 MAY 08
Went out to GAY-langg.(like finally)
I seriously hate that place.
So Mum was lyke "Kite pegi tempat kedai dier lpas tu balek. Tu je".
And also my lovey dovey mummy promised to buy me new tee next week, and dhats another reason why i followed[:
And oh yaa, i saw Shidot's mum!
Den on the phone wif Liskiee and meet hyr at nyte.
Ferst, i cut my damn hair and it still look the same on the second day -_-"
Eight buckz wasteddddddddd.
I'm super sleepy this few days.
24 MAY 08
Went out to GAY-langg.(like finally)
I seriously hate that place.
So Mum was lyke "Kite pegi tempat kedai dier lpas tu balek. Tu je".
And also my lovey dovey mummy promised to buy me new tee next week, and dhats another reason why i followed[:
And oh yaa, i saw Shidot's mum!
Den on the phone wif Liskiee and meet hyr at nyte.

Saturday, May 24 @ 12:12 PM
24 May 08
Let school or work issues wait. Today is for celebrating where you are in life.
Hmpff! I really dont know what am i going to do todayy? No planss. My mum ask me to follow hyr go geylangg and oh-please i really hate geylangg and i dont know whyy.
Or should i meet dinousaurr??
Or maybe go support catty on hyr singing competitions ?
Well, i don't know??
Last dae of school[:
All the food was sold out during recess. And lessons, all we did was watch moviee.
Oh yaa, ferst period got one guy from ite come to present sometynk about ite. Hmpff! I think i better start preparinggg.
I told eu i was absent.

Wednesday, May 21 @ 10:12 PM
21 MAY 2008
Immigrations & Checkpoints Authority @ Tuas.
It was a short site tour.
And during the refreeshment, shidot, liskie and i went rushing to the washroom.
Oh the toilet, super serammmmm tap shidot brave lah kann3 ?
And by the tyme we were back, our hungry ghost classmates eat all the mini chocolate eclair.
And and and there was one officer saed this "Nanti daa besar nk keje ICA ehk?"
FU-YOH betol !
After school met boyfie.
Boy, was i super hyper (:
And oh yaaa,
2mrw 22nd ke apee??
Serious pe??
Cepat sehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! Urgh~
But 2mrw he got takraw trainingg, conferm tk jumpe punye.
And 2mrw i'm not going school [:

Tuesday, May 20 @ 9:39 PM
20 MAY 2008
Todae sch super boreddd -_-"
Tau tk dtg sehh, seriously.
GFES plann tynks for june holidae.
But but but, i have not plan anytynk wif boyfie yet.
He is probably schooling while i am having my break.
Tak best sehhhh ]:
Just now at 6pluss, boyfie called me.
Trust me, i was super super super happy to hear hys voice
fyi i was sleeping at dhat tyme. Hehhh!
And i dnt knw how i end up sleeping.
usually if i sleep in the afternoon, i can't sleep at nyte.
Urghhhh! Someone? Anyone? Accompany me tonyte?
2mrw going ICA.
Thursdae alrd plan, not coming sch [:
Must tell boyfie abt it.
And yes uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Fridae last day of school.
Excited lah pulakkk.
somehow i feel dhat i am lack of sometynk from someone

Monday, May 19 @ 1:22 PM
19 MAY 08
May all your wishes come truee.
Labels: Manny's birthday

Sunday, May 18 @ 3:10 PM
It's lyke exactly 1 week, i last meet hym!
Okaee, tuu tk best!
Monday how? Any plans?

Saturday, May 17 @ 5:54 PM
17 MAY 08
I was boredd, so i saw some quizes and try it [:
Excuse me for not updatingg.
Currently now, i'm at my cousin house at chinese garden.
I miss my boyfie so muchhh. Daa 6 full daes tau tk jumpe.
He lahh, semagat sangat dgn eu nye new cca. Hmpfff!
Bile nk jumpe d nieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ):
1)At what age do you wish to be married?
: 22 or 23 maybee.
2) If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 buddies you'd take and why?
: My boyfie and gf-es. Alamakk! More den three pulak, Boleh lahh.
3) Where is the place that you want to go the most?
: Portugaaaaal meet my 2nd boyfie :p
4) If you can have 1 dream come true, what would it be?
: Richer than now [:
5) Do you believe you can survive without money?
: Duhhhhh, no -_-"
6) What are you afraid to lose the most?
: Family, boyfie and gf-es. They the reason i live [:
7) If you win $1 Million, what would you do?
: Shopinggggggggggggggggggg and save the other quater.
8) If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
: I don't think so.
9) List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
: Responsible, kind and pretyyy.
10) What is your dream GIRL/BOY?
: Erm, wahhh, so many to list dem.
11) What kind of person do you hate the most?
: Ohh i hate liar, bustard, break promises, sweet takers, copycats, proudassholes, dumbfcuks, think highly of demself n moreeeeeeee.
12) If you are given the chance to go back to the past and make a difference, will you?
: Of course, if only i happens
13) Unconditional Love, what does it means to you?
: Erm, not serious realtionship? Idk.
14) Any wisdom to share with your reader?
: Just have fun while eu can, eu live only once [:
15) If there's ever a war(or things that are similar) happening in your place, are you going to move to a safer place or fight?
: Not move but run to a safer place.
16) If you have the chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
: Fattnesss.
17) Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
: Nobody understands, who to share?
18) What's your weakest point?
: Trust new friends too easily.
19) Think of the person who tagged you to do this quiz. What song do you relate him/her to?
:Take a bow. Its stuck it in my head ryte now. Pfft!
20) What is the one thing you regret most?
: Somethingg.
21)Name people who you want them to do this question.

Friday, May 16 @ 11:08 PM
16 MAY 08
Congrats Muazam for winning this year idol [:
Andd congrats to the other 9 contestants.
Rauzan was there the ferst guest artist.
Firuz was the guest artist too.
PADDLEPOP was there too, they are the second guest bandd.
Congrats Muazam for winning this year idol [:
Andd congrats to the other 9 contestants.
Rauzan was there the ferst guest artist.
Firuz was the guest artist too.
PADDLEPOP was there too, they are the second guest bandd.

There were greatt! Fuuuh~
They are really so supportive and funn :D
By the tyme they wanted to perform their second songg.
The stage kene black out/short circuit or wadeva they called it.
To dem, it was their worst dae everrrrrrr.
Ohh yaaa, forgotten.
We helped Catty with the performers thingyy.
We were at the stage the whole show.
And seriously, its super hot.
Tk boleh angkat sehhhhhhhhh!
But i have funnn by hearing the performers making jokes.
And i did made some new friends :DD

Wednesday, May 14 @ 9:59 PM
14 MAY 2008

School was school Actually not, bcoz my course programme, Hospitality brought us to this two factory.
The egg factory & The Sunshine bread factory.
When we enter the entrance of The Eggs Factory, wahh! everyone smell lyke a egg! Ahhaa! Some even eat the eggs, bcoz sume daa lapar sehh. And it is amazing how dhat machine can peel the egg shell so perfectly. Haha!
At the sunshine bread factory, we all got one loaf of bread each to bring home! Some even get two! hahaa!
Den it was already 1+, and we still have not eaten for late breakfast/lunch. So Mr John asked me, "How does Macdonald sound?" and i replied, "Eu blanje us lahh" den he jus nodd. And yes, Mr John ordered Macdonalds[:
Den we get bread and chesseburger each and den went back to school.
Catty forced me to be hyr assistant for the woodgrove idol judges thingyy. It was quiet ok lahhh. Everyone was good. It was a tough call actually. If not some people who were not chosen get to be chosen butden the second try i think the other judges tot dhat some people dosent put on more effort. Its ok! Can see all were shiveringg. Good Try people and congrats to the ones chosen[:
I miss my boifie alot alot, i hope eu are reading this dd. It has been lyke 3 full days since we last met sehh. And i am really happy dhat my boyfie got selected for the takraw team. I think he is trying on sometynk else other than soccer. But dhat does not stop me from still being excited seeing Cristiano Ronaldo in the newspapers, tv or even advertisement. Hehee! Ok lahh, let's hope i get to meet hym soon and go out with hym this weekends[:

Tuesday, May 13 @ 8:42 PM
13 MAY 2008
Yes uhhh! Exams over :DD (berape bnyak kali aku nk repeat nie)
I got my results.
GOSH!! I didn't studyy at all but i managed to pass my exam wif good marks.
Schhool was school. Liskie was absent. PE lessons, played badminton,wf shidot. Ahhaa! It was bored,seriously. So i told hyr, whoever lose need to treat the winner a box of drink. Hehhh! And eu really don't wnt to know who wins :p
Den played with the other gurls, i mean combine teams.3 VS 3
ME, Jesslyn &Atikah VS Shidot, Leona &Nafisah
After school, Catty became judges for Woodgrove Idols Audition.
So Me& Shidot bake small muffinssssssssss agaen. Den Siti &Fika come in and helpp. Denn the boys from 3T2 keep on coming in and out. Meet Liskie at vista. And i bought a cute popping out skull sticker for shidot :DD
Holiday starting soon, people! I love it! So yes, i already plan what for my june holiday activity. There will be loads of movie seeing, shopping spree and lastly a date with my boyfie :DD
We will be lyke spending tyme almost every day and i wish to stay out late lyke those days. Laughh, talk, eat, movie, shopping, slacking and probably have some good tymes together under the stars lyke nobody business wif dinosaurr. Hehee! But it will be affected by hys school hours, shuckss! but somehow he will make it happen and surely make some tyme for hys one and only gf. Hahaa!
tkmo menyampahh please!

Friday, May 9 @ 10:22 PM
9 MAY 08
Was supposed to be a school holiday
bcoz of the marking of exam papers.
But gf-es came back to school to
sedappp gler! Tk percaye tanye wgs teachers. Hahaa!
Bake them and sell them!!
Was supposed to be a school holiday
bcoz of the marking of exam papers.
But gf-es came back to school to
sedappp gler! Tk percaye tanye wgs teachers. Hahaa!
Bake them and sell them!!

Waahhhh! Thank eu very much teachers for buyingg :DD
On monday after school, we are selling it agaen.
It's only 1 buckz, thank euu.
Oh yaa, we did some shopping of ingredient for monday selling.
So, gf-es went to Sheng Siong(Marsling) to get dem
&&now home sweet home :D
Labels: baking, girlfriends

Thursday, May 8 @ 2:22 PM
Next Week is an exciting week.
Get ready people.
MON gg thru exam paper
TUES- gg thru exam paper
WED- gg out for hospitality course
THURS- gg out for hospitality course
Hope-ing to see ex-woodgrovers and dhat includes dinosaur next fridayy.
Dd, datang tauuuu! :D
8 MAY 08
Yay! Today is the last dae of exam.
But dont be tooooo happy.
PRELIM is next bebehhhhhhhhh [:

Wednesday, May 7 @ 9:18 PM
I just find out dhat two of my folders,
are missing in action !!
the folders of dinosaur and me.
And gf-es and me.
shyt shyt shyt!!

@ 3:12 PM
7 MAY 08
Maths paper 2 was okay lahh.
Easy also got.
Hard also got.
I did some editings in my blogg.
Nampak takk?
Ryte now,
My mum went out to IKEA wif hyr gangs.
Well, me?
Waiting for dinosaur to end hys school.
Wanna meet hym lahh.
miss hym so so so so so sooooooooooo much!
Hmpff! So hard to contact hym lately
as hys prepaid is down low. ):
Mane nie boyfie akuuu ??

Tuesday, May 6 @ 8:13 PM
6 MAY 06
I've changed my blogskins too gurls.
I've changed my blogskins too gurls.
Hehee! :DD
Otayy, CPA thoery was hard for me
becuase i didnt revise at all.
but but but i do have confident on passing full marks on my practical paper
Which means my only hope for passing this paper is on my practical paper :DD
Ohyaa, i realised we only got two mmore weeks before june holiday starts.
Two more weeks equal to 2 mass run only.
And after the holidays is over,
it's gonna be PRELIMS lah people.
P-R-E-L-I-M-S !!
I really need to buck upp and start going for my tuition which i didnt even go for some months now.
Bcoz after prelims is N LEVEL.
I really need to buck upp and start going for my tuition which i didnt even go for some months now.
Bcoz after prelims is N LEVEL.
N L-E-V-E-L !!
2mrw is maths paper 2
GOOD LUCK 4t1 && 4t2
and woodgrovers

Saturday, May 3 @ 1:53 AM
I wanna updatee about 30April &&1st Mayy.
After school, i rest at home
and meet dinosaur at 7pm. We went bugiss.
We had our late lunch at burger king coz i've been complaning to dinosaur abt how bad i wanted to eat there since last week.
&&he did bring me there. Wad nice boifie i havee which why i love hym so muchhy :DD
Den we slack3, he was so super hyper but i wasn't.
Bcoz of this exam thingyy going onn
Took loads of picture but not going to upload all of it.
Hehh! :DD
Den at 10.45pm Dinosaur's 1st brother took us from bugis and go to the usual place we always hang out to have our shisha there at arab street.
So went we reach there, Kak fie(Dinosaur's 2nd brother nye gf) was there with hyr friends.
But they did not join uss.
I forgot to name who was there.
There is, Dinosaur's ferst elder sister (Kakak) and hyr husband (Abg Aim),
dinosaur's 1st brother (Abg Wan) &&gf (Kak Diana).
Dinosaur's uncle &&fiance(Pakcik Ozie &&Kak Ziela
And lastly.
eLiizAd was there too :DD
We had our dinner there. They order so manyy food.
&&later, Dinosaur's 2nd bro &&gf join us. (Abg faizal &&Kak fie)
Den we had shishaaaaaaaa and play poker cardd.
We had rose, mixed fruit and strawberry flavour this time.
We played 21, murderer and more.
I had funn when playing murderer.
I had trouble wink at victims, bcoz i will laugh after dhat.
And i always get to become the cops n murderer the most.
Sampai kan Dinosaur's sister keep on saying
" aku suspect budak kecik nie tauu "
But i act lyke im the victim padahal aku takot kene forfeit.
Fuhhhhh, naseb aku tk kene forfeit lah sehh.
Bcoz whoever lost, must dance the arabic song (belly dancing) which perfectly in tune with the music they are playingg.
Dinosaur sis, Kak fie, Pakcik Ozie and Dinousaur kena forfeit.
Then by the time see the watch its already 6 in the morningg.
I reach homee at 6.30am !!
And lucky it was school holidayy!

After school, i rest at home
and meet dinosaur at 7pm. We went bugiss.
We had our late lunch at burger king coz i've been complaning to dinosaur abt how bad i wanted to eat there since last week.
&&he did bring me there. Wad nice boifie i havee which why i love hym so muchhy :DD
Den we slack3, he was so super hyper but i wasn't.
Bcoz of this exam thingyy going onn
Took loads of picture but not going to upload all of it.
Hehh! :DD
Den at 10.45pm Dinosaur's 1st brother took us from bugis and go to the usual place we always hang out to have our shisha there at arab street.
So went we reach there, Kak fie(Dinosaur's 2nd brother nye gf) was there with hyr friends.
But they did not join uss.
I forgot to name who was there.
There is, Dinosaur's ferst elder sister (Kakak) and hyr husband (Abg Aim),
dinosaur's 1st brother (Abg Wan) &&gf (Kak Diana).
Dinosaur's uncle &&fiance(Pakcik Ozie &&Kak Ziela
And lastly.
eLiizAd was there too :DD
We had our dinner there. They order so manyy food.
&&later, Dinosaur's 2nd bro &&gf join us. (Abg faizal &&Kak fie)
Den we had shishaaaaaaaa and play poker cardd.
We had rose, mixed fruit and strawberry flavour this time.
We played 21, murderer and more.
I had funn when playing murderer.
I had trouble wink at victims, bcoz i will laugh after dhat.
And i always get to become the cops n murderer the most.
Sampai kan Dinosaur's sister keep on saying
" aku suspect budak kecik nie tauu "
But i act lyke im the victim padahal aku takot kene forfeit.
Fuhhhhh, naseb aku tk kene forfeit lah sehh.
Bcoz whoever lost, must dance the arabic song (belly dancing) which perfectly in tune with the music they are playingg.
Dinosaur sis, Kak fie, Pakcik Ozie and Dinousaur kena forfeit.
Then by the time see the watch its already 6 in the morningg.
I reach homee at 6.30am !!
And lucky it was school holidayy!
