Wednesday, May 14 @ 9:59 PM
14 MAY 2008

School was school Actually not, bcoz my course programme, Hospitality brought us to this two factory.
The egg factory & The Sunshine bread factory.
When we enter the entrance of The Eggs Factory, wahh! everyone smell lyke a egg! Ahhaa! Some even eat the eggs, bcoz sume daa lapar sehh. And it is amazing how dhat machine can peel the egg shell so perfectly. Haha!
At the sunshine bread factory, we all got one loaf of bread each to bring home! Some even get two! hahaa!
Den it was already 1+, and we still have not eaten for late breakfast/lunch. So Mr John asked me, "How does Macdonald sound?" and i replied, "Eu blanje us lahh" den he jus nodd. And yes, Mr John ordered Macdonalds[:
Den we get bread and chesseburger each and den went back to school.
Catty forced me to be hyr assistant for the woodgrove idol judges thingyy. It was quiet ok lahhh. Everyone was good. It was a tough call actually. If not some people who were not chosen get to be chosen butden the second try i think the other judges tot dhat some people dosent put on more effort. Its ok! Can see all were shiveringg. Good Try people and congrats to the ones chosen[:
I miss my boifie alot alot, i hope eu are reading this dd. It has been lyke 3 full days since we last met sehh. And i am really happy dhat my boyfie got selected for the takraw team. I think he is trying on sometynk else other than soccer. But dhat does not stop me from still being excited seeing Cristiano Ronaldo in the newspapers, tv or even advertisement. Hehee! Ok lahh, let's hope i get to meet hym soon and go out with hym this weekends[: