Tuesday, May 20 @ 9:39 PM
20 MAY 2008
Todae sch super boreddd -_-"
Tau tk dtg sehh, seriously.
GFES plann tynks for june holidae.
But but but, i have not plan anytynk wif boyfie yet.
He is probably schooling while i am having my break.
Tak best sehhhh ]:
Just now at 6pluss, boyfie called me.
Trust me, i was super super super happy to hear hys voice
fyi i was sleeping at dhat tyme. Hehhh!
And i dnt knw how i end up sleeping.
usually if i sleep in the afternoon, i can't sleep at nyte.
Urghhhh! Someone? Anyone? Accompany me tonyte?
2mrw going ICA.
Thursdae alrd plan, not coming sch [:
Must tell boyfie abt it.
And yes uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Fridae last day of school.
Excited lah pulakkk.
somehow i feel dhat i am lack of sometynk from someone