potong steam btol
Tuesday, June 30 @ 1:07 AM
I got lot of storiess to tell, ehem! Erm. . not really. Haha!
29 June
Today is Monday, eu know i know i hate Monday! Monday has always been my only enemy. But eu know what's my happy pill for Monday ?
Answer is, Werqing with them !! *pointing above*
Today, Ani do opening and den come April and den i came at 3pm. Today is so best! I have soo much laughter at werq. Senang kate, Monday is never boring with them around :)
Moving on, On Sunday 28 June,
Yes, eu might have guess it already.
I watch Transformers 2 for the 2nd tyme and it is still so very awesome, seriously. Haha!
Went down to Lot1 with Alip and meet hys Jackass friends, Fad, Azim &Yazid. And den movie start at 9.30pm till midnight plus. Haha!
Oh dhat's all i have to share. No wait, one more thing.
I hate everything dhat got the word, cut or chop or potong or whatever eu want to call it!
Number 1, I cut my hair.
Yes, it's lighter now cause it's short!!
No only dhat, i look more rounder
And 3 people who seen it, say i look like a small kid. Haha!
Fad say, she didn't see any different mayb bcoz she haven't meet me for 2/3 months and not see my loooong hair :(
Number 2, i cut my fingernails.
It's really fine but it's super short and i'm not use to it, dhat's all.
Yeah, about my new hair. Eu guys have to meet me live to see it! And currently only, a handfull have seen it. Yes, a handfull only! :)
Before i start getting busy this is what my horoscope say,
All i got to say is, I love eu people, don't run away please!
Your analytical side goes out the window now, and you're indulging in sweet sentimentality and the joy of summer. It doesn't hurt that you have the day all planned out (which will also come in handy since if you had to make a decision today, it'd be difficult). Enjoy the company of family and friends, and don't be surprised if you're moved to tell people how meaningful they are to you. In fact, just go ahead and do it.
Labels: Bf and friends, Boyfie and i, cut hair, horoscope, Transformer 2, werq, werqfriends

birthday girls
Saturday, June 27 @ 6:16 PM
Elna would lyke to wish to this two dearest people,
Sayang korang many many!
&Stay pretty always!
Labels: Alyssha's birthday, Aqilah birthday

Friday, June 26 @ 11:10 AM
Labels: random

teman istimewa
@ 12:59 AM
Alip &Zul wake up in the morning as early as 10am to town just to get the tickets to bring me &zul's gf Zaidah to watch Transformer 2 which we really2 wanna watch.
Sadly, At cineleisure 2 days of it were sold out and the boys had to run all the way to The Cathay to see if it's still available. Sweet kan? And luckily, it does have and me were jumping &shouting when i received the news.
So Zul &Alip train to Wlds to have breakfast+lunch i guess over at Cway point, Banquet. And when they say, they are otw to my place, i was still in front of this screen playing Typing Maniac with my sister at fb, and oh, still unbath. Haha!
Ape lagi, i quickly get ready and when i went downstairs, there were like 4 empty drinks. Haha! But i guess, they smoke more la, only god know how many sticks. It's only 3pm by then. Sit for awhile, chit chat and den we bus-ed to Cway point and waited for Zaida at Bk.
Walked around far east, eat at Cahaya and den took bus to The Cathay :)
Nak lagi, please? Seriously, love every part of it. It's soo good!
3 hours show is soo worth it and me like it. And me saw Meow todayy. Hehe!
Train home and reach home sweet home at midnight i guess. Ok gtg, me need to sleep. Gg out tmrw again, me lyke it!
Labels: Bf and friends, Boyfie and i, movie dates, outings, Transformer 2

Thursday, June 25 @ 12:15 PM
Tue, 23 Jun
Went down to Mediacorp to support Catty for Anugerah.
Hpefully, she will get to the next round with the help of eur votes.
All the best :)
Labels: Anugerah 09, girlfriends, mediacorp

Tuesday, June 23 @ 12:02 AM
I feel today, is like one of the most boring day ever i had at werq. There are little customer, little things to do at werq, tyme past vry slow with the environment dhat is soo blue. Urgh, i hate Monday spells my mood today otay?
Ok lahh, it's 12.21am going to sleep now.
Labels: Monday Blue, random, werq

that's what i get
Monday, June 22 @ 1:05 PM
Sunday, yesterday.
Mum woke me up in th afternoon to go to Atok house. She woke me up when she and the rest of my family member is already ready to go out and she know i took almost 1hour to get ready what, yet she woke me up last.
At ferst i wore a plain white shirt & 3/4 jeans but i bring along my blue dress and a belt. Den i just grab everything in my bag and went downstairs where my dad &bro is already waiting in the vehicle. So in the car, i was like brushing my hair and wearing my belt and dress and everythingg. HAHA!
Went to Admiralty to celebrate Father's Day. Watch The Game Plan at StarMovie &Jangan Tegur :)
&&of course spent quality times with me dearest cousins! Miss them so muchh!
Me &Khayli baby
Aqilah baby &Me
Reach home, sent brother to camp and sleeppp! :)
Labels: Family, Father's Day, Holland V, Jangan Tegur, outings, The Game Plan

Quiz and Survey
@ 12:14 PM
I was tagged on this quiz about last month by Shidot &Catty.
And i'm doing it now since i got nothing to do!
1.Besides lips, where is your favourite spot to get kiss ?
- Erm, cheek &forehead :)
2. How do you feel when you wake up this morning?
- Tired and distracting noises of small kids fighting over toys.
3. Who was the last person you took photo with?
-Last photo? Yesterday at Baby Aqilah house with Khayli&herself.
4. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
- Not spoiled, just pampered.
5. Would you ever donate blood?
-Of course i would.
6. Have you ever had a bestfriend who was the opposite sex?
-Yeah, i have :)
7. Do you want someone dead?
- Right now, erm.. No, i'm no dhat evil :)
8. What does the last message say?
- I don't remember, something about vote if eu want eur school holiday to be extended?
9. What are you thinking right now?
- Actually, ALOT :)
10. Do you wish someone with you right now?
- yes, nak pleaasee?
11. What time you went to bed last night?
- Exactly 12.
12. Where did you buy the t-shirt that you're wearing now?
- Woodgrove p.e shirt? Of course from Woodgrove Secondary bookshop.
13. Is someone in your mind?
- Standard uh, dhat someone *kening naik2*
14. Who was the last person who texted you?
-Idk, i don't rmbr.
15. name ten people :
1. Lisa
2. Catty
3. Shidot
4. Asyura
5. Fila
6. Adi
7. Azhar
8. Aliff
9. Achit
10. Mahd
16. Who is #2 having relationship with ?
-Her love of her lyfe aka Bao.
17. Is 3 male or female ?
- Female lah.
18. If 3 & 5 get together, would it be a good thing ?
-Get together, no please!
19. What is 1 studying about ?
- Service Skills, Office
20. When was the last time you had a chat with 5 ?
- Just 10minutes ago :)
21. Is 4 single ?
- Uh-huh!
2. Say something about 2 .
- Catty, one of my gfs &she's a vry talented singer.
23. What do you think about 3 & 6 being together ?
- Shidot&Adi? HAHA, i ask them ferst k?
24. Describe 1.
- Lisa, the other one of my gfs &she's my shawty!
25. What will you do if 5 & 6 fight ?
- Fight je uh, don't think they knw each other pon.
26. Do you like 5?
- Fila, yeah! I love hyr vry much :)
27. Who is 7 to you ?
- Azhar, one of my bestieboy &ex-classmate.
28. Is 7 & 2 enemy ?
- Azhar &Catty? HAHA!
29. Do you love 10 ?
- Yeah i love Mahd, i love everyone in fact :)
30. What do you do if 8 decided to commit suicide ?
- Erm, what for? I'll smack hys face ferst.
31. How long have you been friends with 9 ?
- Achit, currently 2months and counting :)
Labels: survey/quiz

me need eu now!
Saturday, June 20 @ 10:02 PM
About today, 20th June.
Mum woke me up at 11.30am. She asked me follow her go Civic to pay the season parking den, she say going to Jurong West to visit her mother for awhile den done. I tot we won't be going to malls la kn, so i wear something super very the slack habes. HAHA!
After doing the season parking, we went up to Kiddy Palace at Cway point to buy me small sister and new milk bottle. And den, she came running to this Art something something and whine semacam until cannot whine anymore. Because she wanted to colour2, but eu know ended upp, I'm the one who finish the colouring. Yay to me!
Den the ferst two parts my mum say was true, but den dad came in the afternoon to pick us up and we walked at Jurong Point, omg! Lucky i didn't saw anyone i know. Pakaian hancur! HAHA! We had lunch at this Java Village, bcause my dad wanted it and he say this is lyke, erm his Father's Day choice of food place something like dhat. So yalah, we agree. Btw, the food there was not bad uhh.
This is me small sister and she took my picture all the way, so klw gambar senget tu sume dier ok? Haha!
This is my drink for today, Happy Soda! But eu know, who finish it?? My small sister finish it! Urgh, so geram ok because it's so nicee!!
So after eating, we went to shop shoop! My only one motive was to get a blue shirt, any kind of blue shirt for Anugerah next week uh. But i could not get them. Not even one, caught me eyes! Nvm, tmrw going out again so, diedie must buy a blue shirt.
Ohh, since we were at Jp. Me decided to drop by the shop and say Hi. Haha! So gerek sey them. I know 4 out of 5 there just now, i think the one guy there is a new staff lah, cause. . . i just now la kan. Hehe!
Ok lah, me gtg! Don't forget to tag if eu drop by :)
Labels: Family, Famous Amos, Java Village, JP2, Jurong Point, Jurong West, outings