teman istimewa
Friday, June 26 @ 12:59 AM
Alip &Zul wake up in the morning as early as 10am to town just to get the tickets to bring me &zul's gf Zaidah to watch Transformer 2 which we really2 wanna watch.
Sadly, At cineleisure 2 days of it were sold out and the boys had to run all the way to The Cathay to see if it's still available. Sweet kan? And luckily, it does have and me were jumping &shouting when i received the news.
So Zul &Alip train to Wlds to have breakfast+lunch i guess over at Cway point, Banquet. And when they say, they are otw to my place, i was still in front of this screen playing Typing Maniac with my sister at fb, and oh, still unbath. Haha!
Ape lagi, i quickly get ready and when i went downstairs, there were like 4 empty drinks. Haha! But i guess, they smoke more la, only god know how many sticks. It's only 3pm by then. Sit for awhile, chit chat and den we bus-ed to Cway point and waited for Zaida at Bk.
Walked around far east, eat at Cahaya and den took bus to The Cathay :)
Nak lagi, please? Seriously, love every part of it. It's soo good!
3 hours show is soo worth it and me like it. And me saw Meow todayy. Hehe!
Train home and reach home sweet home at midnight i guess. Ok gtg, me need to sleep. Gg out tmrw again, me lyke it!
Labels: Bf and friends, Boyfie and i, movie dates, outings, Transformer 2